Interface Validatable

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
DefaultControl, DefaultValidatable, ValidatableBeanProperty, ValidatableBooleanProperty, ValidatableConceptProperty, ValidatableConceptRefProperty, ValidatableDateProperty, ValidatableIntegerProperty, ValidatableListProperty, ValidatableSelectedValueProperty, ValidatableStringProperty, ValidatableUserProperty

public interface Validatable

A Validatable object is basically a list of constraints, which are used to determine the objects state.

Typically, this is a single GUI element, which may be enabled or disabled, and/or which may indicate validation errors.

Method Summary
 void addConstraint(Constraint pConstraint)
          Adds a new element to the validatables constraints.
 java.util.Collection<Constraint> getConstraints()
          Returns the objects set of constraints.

Method Detail


java.util.Collection<Constraint> getConstraints()
Returns the objects set of constraints.


void addConstraint(Constraint pConstraint)
Adds a new element to the validatables constraints.