Optimize for Infrastructure Version 9.8
 —  Guide for Enterprise Transaction Systems  —

Testing the Adabas and Natural Data Collectors

This document covers the following topics:

Invoking the Test Program

A test program is available which enables you to review the data provided by the Adabas and Natural Data Collectors. The test program runs on the local machine which is in general the environment in which the products to be monitored are running. To perform the test program neither Optimize nor an RPC server is required. Thus, it can be used as a first check to see whether all of the Adabas and Natural information can be found that you plan to monitor.

Start of instruction setTo invoke the test program

  1. Go to the Natural system library SYSEDM.

  2. Enter the command MENU.

    The following screen appears:

    14:09:11           ***** ADABAS/NATURAL DATA COLLECTOR *****         2010-11-03
    User UID                           - Menu -                            MOPTTEST
                   Code    Function            Asset Type                          
                                               Adabas .............. Y             
                     I     Info                Natural ............. Y             
                     D     Discover                                                
                     M     Monitor             Trace Level (0-10)                  
                     A     Adabas Files        Discover ............  5            
                     E     Event Maps          Monitor (discover) ..  1            
                     P     Profile             Monitor .............  6            
                     V     Validate                                                
                     ?     Help                Monitor Event Map                   
                     .     Exit                ____________________________________
             Code .. _                         Write to Work ....... N             
    Command ===>                                                                   
          Help        Exit  Info  Disc  Moni  AdaFi Emap  Prof  Vali               

    The Adabas Files function which is shown in the above screen is only shown when you invoke this screen on a mainframe. It is not shown when you invoke this screen in UNIX or Windows.

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Displaying Information

With the Info function, the Adabas or Natural Data Collector information is displayed. This is the information that is normally used by Optimize in its asset administration in order to find out whether the collector is enabled.

Natural Data Collector Info                                             
Collector ...............: Server                                              
Client (dummy name) .....: Client                                              
Server (dummy name) .....: Server                                              
Asset type ..............: Natural                                             
Host ....................: daeplex_daef                                        
Natural library .........: SYSEDM                                              
Natural version .........: 04.02.07
SYSEDM version ..........: 2.0020
Client version ..........: 2                                                     
Response ................: 0                                                   
Returned message ........:                                                     
Date ....................: 2010-11-03 12:41:39.7
Description .............: Natural asset calling Natural RPC server Server     
running on daeplex_daef DAEFCIA1 QA42 (z/OS CICS).                       

The data displayed by this function has the following meaning:

Property Description
Collector The collector name. In general, the server name is used as the collector name.
Client The name of the client, that is, the name of the host on which the Infrastructure Data Collector is running. Since the test program is not called by a client, the dummy name "Client" is used by the test program.
Server The name of the Natural RPC server. Since the test program is not running under an RPC server, the dummy name "Server" is used by the test program.
Asset type The asset type "Adabas" or "Natural".
Host The name of the host on which the Adabas Data Collector or Natural Data Collector is running.
Natural library The name of the Natural library in which the Adabas Data Collector or Natural Data Collector is running.
Natural version The Natural version as returned by the Natural system variable *NATVERS.
SYSEDM version The (internal) version and revision of the Adabas Data Collector or Natural Data Collector.
Client version The (internal) version of the client part of the Adabas Data Collector or Natural Data Collector. Since the test program is not called by a client, a fake value is provided.
Response The response code returned to Optimize.
Returned message The message returned to Optimize (for Response > 0).
Description The information text returned to Optimize. The information text is logged in the Infrastructure Data Collector log file if the corresponding trace is activated.

Start of instruction setTo display information

  1. Enter the code "I" for the Info function.

    Press PF4. But only do this after specifying the information described below. Pressing ENTER is not required in this case.

  2. Specify the asset type for which the function is to be performed: enter "Y" next to Adabas and/or Natural.

  3. Specify whether the trace is to be written to a work file. See also Writing the Result to a Work File.

  4. Press ENTER.

Trace levels are not considered by this function. Any settings are disregarded.

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Testing the Discovery and Monitoring

With the Discover and Monitor functions, the Adabas Data Collector or Natural Data Collector discovery and monitoring is performed.

The discovery searches for all available Adabas or Natural components.

The monitoring requires as input a list of components and KPIs to be monitored. To get the list of components, the monitoring first performs a discovery. Then, it performs the monitoring for all discovered components. With a wildcard notation, it forces that all available KPIs are monitored. However, it is also possible to restrict the monitoring to components of a specific event map.

The automatic discovery of Adabas components does currently not work when running under CICS. Components specified in the profile will be discovered in any case.

Monitor components for Asset type 1 Natural                                    
----------------------------- Optimize Monitoring -----------------------------
Collector ...............: Server                                              
Client ..................: Client                                              
Server ..................: Server                                              
Asset type ..............: Natural                                             
Host ....................: daeplex_daef                                        
Natural library .........: SYSEDM                                             
SYSEDM version ..........: 2.0020
Client version ..........: 2
Trace level .............: 6                                                  
Number of Event Maps ....: 128                                                  
Maximum number of Facts .: 39                                                  
Total number of Facts ...: 1723                                                
Elapsed Time ............: 8.1                                                 
Response ................: 0                                                   
Date ....................: 2010-11-03 11:38:57                                 
------------------------------------ Input ------------------------------------
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ev
Event Map: NaturalCollector                                                   1
----------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi - Na

The Discover and Monitor functions display the trace data. Therefore, the output layout depends on the specified trace level. For a detailed description of the trace, see Tracing the Adabas and Natural Data Collectors. The test program uses the trace levels specified in its menu. The trace settings in the profile or in Optimize are disregarded.

With the Discover and Monitor functions, it is possible to write the result to a work file. On the mainframe, the data is downloaded to the PC if Entire Connection is available; otherwise it is written to work file 7. In UNIX and Windows, the data is written to the trace data set as described in Location of the Log File. The server part of the trace file name is the dummy server name "Server".

Start of instruction setTo test the discovery and monitoring

  1. Enter the code "D" for the Discover function.

    Enter the code "M" for the Monitor function.

    Press PF5 for the Discover function or PF6 for the Monitor function. But only do this after specifying the information described below. Pressing ENTER is not required in this case.

  2. Specify the asset type for which the function is to be performed: enter "Y" next to Adabas and/or Natural.

  3. Specify the trace level (0 through 10). See also Trace Levels.

    The different trace level options apply for the different functions:

  4. If you want to restrict the discovery or monitoring to components of a specific event map, enter the name of the event map (or part of its name) in the Monitor Event Map field.

    If you want to ensure that only the given event map name is discovered or monitored, precede the name with an equal sign (=). For example, specify "=EntireOperations" to discover/monitor EntireOperations but not EntireOperationsTask.

    If you want to discover or monitor all event maps again, clear the Monitor Event Map field.

  5. Specify whether the trace is to be written to a work file. See also Writing the Result to a Work File.

  6. Press ENTER.

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Testing the Monitoring of Adabas Critical Files

The Adabas Files function is only available on the mainframe. With this function, the monitoring of the Adabas critical files can be tested without modifying the Adabas/Natural Data Collector profile.

15:40:24           ***** ADABAS/NATURAL DATA COLLECTOR *****         2010-11-03
User UID                       - Adabas Files -                        MADATEST
        Property                            Value                              
        Database IDs ...................... 0      0      0      0             
        Cluster database ID ............... 0      Nuc .. 0      0      0      
        Threshold file extent (0-100) ..... 10                                 
        Threshold ISN range (0-100) ....... 10                                 
        Monitor files with UserIsn (Y/N) .. Y                                  
        List long (Y/N) ................... Y                                  
        Monitor file KPIs only (Y/N) ...... Y                                  
        Trace level (0-10) ................ 6                                  
        Write to Work (Y/N) ............... N                                  
Command ===>                                                                   
      Help        Exit                    Prof        

The Adabas Files function displays trace data. Therefore, the output layout depends on the trace level that you specify in the above screen. The trace settings in the Adabas/Natural Data Collector profile or in Optimize are disregarded. For detailed descriptions of the trace levels, see Tracing the Adabas and Natural Data Collectors.

When you enter the Adabas Files screen, the values are set as defined in the Adabas/Natural Data Collector profile. The values can later be restored to the profile settings by pressing PF7 or by entering the direct command P, PROF or PROFILE.

Start of instruction setTo test the monitoring of Adabas critical files

  1. Enter the code "A" for the Adabas Files function and press ENTER.

    Press PF7. Pressing ENTER is not required in this case.

    The Adabas Files screen appears in which you can specify further information.

    In the menu, the specification of additional information (such as asset type or trace level) is not required for this function. Any settings in the menu are disregarded.

  2. You can specify the following information in the Adabas Files screen:

    Property Description
    Database IDs You can specify four database IDs.
    Cluster database ID You can specify a cluster database ID with three nucleus IDs. The cluster database ID can also be used for an Adabas Parallel Services database.
    Threshold file extent You can specify a threshold percentage value (a value between 0 and 100). A file is counted as critical when the used space for file extents has exceeded the specified threshold percentage value.
    Threshold ISN range You can specify a threshold percentage value (a value between 0 and 100). A file is counted as critical when the used ISN range has exceeded the specified threshold percentage value.
    Monitor files with UserIsn You can specify whether files with USERISN are to be monitored for critical ISN range or not.
    List long If set to "N", the KPIs for listing files (AdabasFilesCriticalExtentsList and AdabasFilesCriticalIsnRangeList) contain the file numbers of the critical files. If set to "Y", the KPIs for listing files contain, in addition to the file numbers, the used percentage value and other information.
    Monitor file KPIs only If set to "Y", only the file KPIs and the state and version of the database server or cluster nucleus are monitored. If set to "N", all KPIs are monitored. Note that for a cluster, the file KPIs are part of the database totals values and not of the cluster nucleus values.
    Trace level You can specify the trace level (0 through 10). See also Trace Levels.
    Write to Work You can specify whether the output is to be written to a work file. See also Writing the Result to a Work File.

    The critical file extents, the ISN range and the long list information are described in detail in the section Adabas Files. The COLLTIME keyword which can be specified in the Adabas/Natural Data Collector profile is not used by the Adabas Files function. The file KPIs are always monitored (this corresponds to COLLTIME=ALL).

  3. Press ENTER.

    When you have activated the trace level 10 (full trace), the following information is written to the log:

    OPTPARMA: Adabas critical files - Extents > 10%, ISN range > 10% (UserIsn=yes), data collected always, long list.

    The above message shows the currently used parameter settings for the monitoring of the Adabas critical files.

    When you have activated the trace level 9 (success messages) or higher, the following information is written to the log:

    MONADA  : Adabas Server: 00009 Files: 87 Crit-extents: 2 (246 NOM31-CONTAINER:31.3%) Crit-ISNs: 6 (22 NOP531-SATLOG:100%)

    The above message is written for each monitored database server or database cluster. It shows the number of files loaded, the number of files with critical file extents and the number of files with critical ISN range. The values in parentheses show the file number, the name of the file with the highest percentage value, and the percentage value itself. These values are displayed even if the highest value is below the given threshold.

  4. To exit the Adabas Files screen, press PF3. Or enter a dot (.) as a direct command. Or enter the direct command EXIT, QUIT or FIN.

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Listing the Event Maps

The Event Maps function lists all event maps which are supported by the Adabas and Natural Data Collectors. The list may contain event maps which are not available in the currently used environment.

                         ADABAS/NATURAL DATA COLLECTOR                          
                                Event Map List                                  
  Nbr  Event Map                                                                
 ----- --------------------------------------------------------------           
    1  AdabasCollector                                                          
    2  AdabasDeltaSave                                                          
    3  AdabasEventRep                                                           
    4  AdabasEventRepDest                                                       
    5  AdabasEventRepInQueue                                                    
    6  AdabasEventRepSubscr                                                     
    7  AdabasFastpath                                                           
    8  AdabasFastpathDatabase                                                   
    9  AdabasOSServer                                                           
   10  AdabasServer                                                             
   11  AdabasSAFSecurity                                                        
   12  AdabasTransactionManager                                                 
   13  Complete                                                                 
   14  EntireNetwork                                                            
   15  EntireOperations                                                         
   16  EntireOperationsTask                                                     
   17  EntireOutputManagement                                                   
   18  EntireOutputManagementMon                

For detailed information on the event maps, see KPI Definitions for Infrastructure Monitoring.

Start of instruction setTo list the event maps

  1. Enter the code "E" for the Event Maps function.

    Press PF8. But only do this after specifying the information described below. Pressing ENTER is not required in this case.

  2. Specify whether the result is to be written to a work file. See also Writing the Result to a Work File.

  3. Press ENTER.


  1. The specification of the asset type is not required for this function. Any setting is disregarded.
  2. Trace levels are not considered by this function. Any settings are disregarded.

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Displaying Profile Information

The Profile function lists the values used in the Adabas/Natural Data Collector profile.

 Adabas/Natural Data Collector - Profile (used values)                          
 Parameter: ADABAS                                                              
 Parameter: ADABAS-CLUSTER                                                      
 Parameter: REPLICATOR                                                          
 Parameter: FASTPATH                                                            
 Parameter: ATM                                                                 

For detailed information on these values, see Adabas/Natural Data Collector Profile.

Start of instruction setTo display profile information

  1. Enter the code "P" for the Profile function.

    Press PF7. But only do this after specifying the information described below. Pressing ENTER is not required in this case.

  2. Specify whether the result is to be written to a work file. See also Writing the Result to a Work File.

  3. Press ENTER.


  1. The specification of the asset type is not required for this function. Any setting is disregarded.
  2. Trace levels are not considered by this function. Any settings are disregarded.

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Validating the Adabas and Natural Data Collectors

The Validate function checks the availability of some product-specific modules which are required for the discovery or monitoring.

On the mainframe, the result looks as follows:

Validate Adabas/Natural Data Collector                           
Environment .............: MAINFRAME z/OS                        
SYSEDM ..................: Version: 3.0054 Date: 2011-08-24 19:00
Natural .................: Version: 08.02.02 Library: SYSEDM     
Natural Optimize Monitor : Version: 8210                         
Adabas ADATMZ ...........: Version: 8.2.8. SVCs found: 26.       
Adabas AOS Interface ....: Version: 08.01.04 (FNAT database 10)  
Adabas Fastpath .........: Version: 812 (target)       
Entire System Server ....: Version: 3.5.1 (Node 148 XCOM148)     
Date ....................: 2011-08-24 18:08:48.6

Under UNIX and Windows, the result looks as follows:

Validate Adabas/Natural Data Collector
Environment .............: UNIX SunOS
SYSEDM ..................: Version: 3.0001 Date: 2011-10-02 15:00   
Natural .................: Version: 06.03.08 Library: SYSEDM
Adabas ADAAIF ...........: Entries: 14 Active DBs: 10
Date ....................: 2011-11-04 11:33:49.8

If a product-specific module is not available, a corresponding message is written. If the module is available, the data displayed by this function has the following meaning:

Property Description
Environment The machine class, the name of the operating system and, if relevant, the TP monitor used.
SYSEDM The version, revision and last delivery date of the SYSEDM application.
Natural The Natural version and library.
Natural Optimize Monitor The version of the Natural Optimize Monitor Buffer Pool.
Adabas ADATMZ The version of the ADATMZ module and the number of SVCs found in the Adabas SVC table.
Adabas AOS Interface The version of the Adabas database on which the Natural FNAT system file resides.
Adabas Fastpath The version of the first target found.
Entire System Server The version of the first node found.
Adabas ADAAIF The number of entries and of active databases in the Adabas database table.
Date Current date and time.

Start of instruction setTo display validation information

  1. Enter the code "V" for the Validate function.

    Press PF8. But only do this after specifying the information described below. Pressing ENTER is not required in this case.

  2. Specify whether the result is to be written to a work file. See also Writing the Result to a Work File.

  3. Press ENTER.


  1. The specification of the asset type is not required for this function. Any setting is disregarded.
  2. Trace levels are not considered by this function. Any settings are disregarded.

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Writing the Result to a Work File

In general, it is possible to write the result to a work file. On the mainframe, the data is downloaded to the PC if Entire Connection is available; otherwise it is written to work file 7. In UNIX and Windows, the data is written to the trace data set as described in Location of the Log File. The server part of the trace file name is the dummy server name "Server".

When the output for the specified function is written to a work file, it is not shown on the screen.

Start of instruction setTo write the result to a work file

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Direct Commands

In general, any code, function or PF-key name can be entered in the command line.

Command Description
I or INFO Display the Adabas or Natural Data Collector information.
D, DISC or DISCOVER Perform the Adabas or Natural Data Collector discovery.
M, MONI or MONITOR Perform the Adabas or Natural Data Collector monitoring.
A, ADA or ADAFI Test the monitoring of the Adabas critical files.
E or EMAP List the event map names.
P, PROF or PROFILE Display the Adabas/Natural Data Collector profile.
V, VALI or VALIDATE Validate the Adabas and Natural Data Collectors.
. (dot), EXIT, QUIT or FIN Leave SYSEDM.
? (question mark) or HELP Display the help information.
MENU ON Switch to online input mode. This is the default input mode when running online.
MENU OFF Switch to batch input mode. This is the default input mode when running in batch (mainframe).
* (asterisk) Comment (ignored).

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Batch Input Mode

When invoking the MENU command for the SYSEDM library from a mainframe batch job, the input fields can be entered in keyword/delimiter mode (IM=D). To make the batch input stream more readable, the Command line is at the first position and the Code field has been removed.

Position Keyword Description Possible Values Default Value
1 COMMAND Any command which is listed under Direct Commands. Any direct command none
2 ADABAS Discover and monitor the Adabas asset type. Y or N Y
3 NATURAL Discover and monitor the Natural asset type. Y or N Y
4 TRACE Trace level for discovery. 1 through 10 5
5 TRACE-MD Trace level for monitoring (discovery part). 1 through 10 1
6 TRACE-M Trace level for monitoring. 1 through 10 6
7 EVENTMAP Restrict the monitoring to the given event map. Any event map name none
8 WORK Write the output to work file 7. Y or N N

Sample Batch Input

Monitor Natural Security with the full trace for the discovery and monitoring parts and write the result to work file 7:


The keywords COMMAND, TRACE-MD and TRACE-M have been omitted because the corresponding values are in the correct positions.

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