Optimize for Infrastructure Version 9.8
 —  Guide for Enterprise Transaction Systems  —

Adabas/Natural Data Collector Profile

This document covers the following topics:

About the Profile

Optimize for Infrastructure offers an option to customize the default settings of the Adabas and Natural Data Collectors: the Adabas/Natural Data Collector profile. The profile is a Natural text member named PROFILES. A template profile named PROFILE is provided in the Natural system library SYSEDM. The profile settings only affect the monitoring of the products which are monitored by the Adabas and Natural assets.

Discovering Components

In general, Optimize discovers component instances automatically and requires no specification in the profile. For some components, however, the automatic discovery is restricted or not possible at all. For these components, instances can be specified in the profile.

For an Optimize discovery request, the Adabas and Natural Data Collectors return all automatically discovered component instances and the instances specified in the profile. If a component instance is discovered multiple times (for example, automatically and via the specification in the profile), the Data Collector discards the doubles.

If no instance is specified in the profile for a specific component or if the profile is not allocated, the Adabas and Natural Data Collectors return by default the components which can be discovered automatically.

Automatic Discovery with ADATMZ on the Mainframe

If ADATMZ and ADALNKR of the Adabas version mentioned in the table below are accessed from the Natural RPC environment, several components are discovered automatically and need not be specified in the profile. These components are:

Component Required Adabas Version
Adabas Server 8.1.4 or above
Adabas Cluster 8.1.4 or above
Adabas Event Replicator 8.1.4 or above
Adabas Fastpath 8.1.4 or above
Adabas Review 8.2.3 or above
Adabas Transaction Manager 8.1.4 or above
Entire Net-Work 8.1.4 or above
Entire System Server 8.1.4 or above
Natural SAF Security 8.1.4 or above

For further information on ADATMZ, see Adabas in the section Product-Specific Environment Configuration.

Automatic Discovery with Natural Optimize Monitor Buffer Pool

If the used Natural version supports the Natural Optimize Monitor Buffer Pool, the following products are discovered automatically and the corresponding profile entries are obsolete:

Tracing the Adabas and Natural Data Collectors

A trace level can be specified in the Adabas/Natural Data Collector profile which overrides the Optimize trace level setting.

Identification of Natural System Files

Using the FILE-NAME parameter, you can specify whether the file name is to be added to instances which are identified by a Natural system file.

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Activating, Modifying and Deactivating the Profile

You have to start a Natural session in the environment in which the products to be monitored are running, and you have to use the same FNAT Natural system file as the RPC server.

Start of instruction setTo activate profile settings

  1. Save the text member PROFILE under the name PROFILES in the library SYSEDM.

  2. In the text member PROFILES, set the required parameters (see Editing the Profile for detailed information) and save the modifications.

  3. Run an Optimize discovery against the environment.

Start of instruction setTo modify profile settings

  1. Edit the text member PROFILES in the library SYSEDM.

  2. Set the required parameters (see Editing the Profile for detailed information) and save the modifications.

  3. Run an Optimize discovery against the environment.

Start of instruction setTo deactivate profile settings

  1. Delete the text member PROFILES from the library SYSEDM.

  2. Run an Optimize discovery against the environment.

If the PROFILES member is not available in the library SYSEDM, the default values are used.

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Editing the Profile

This section provides general information on editing the text member PROFILES.

Each line is limited to 90 bytes. Empty lines or lines that start with an asterisk (*) are considered as comments and are therefore ignored. Blanks in front of an entry and any entries after an inline comment indicator (/*) are also ignored. However, you must not put a blank at the beginning of a PARM line.

The parameter entries for a component are entered in a parameter block. A parameter block starts with the following entry:


where parm is any of the following values:

Value of parm Component Mainframe UNIX and Windows
ADABAS Adabas Server yes yes
ADABAS-CLUSTER Adabas Cluster yes no
ADABAS-FILES Adabas Files yes no
ADAREV Adabas Review yes no
ATM Adabas Transaction Manager yes no
FASTPATH Adabas Fastpath yes no
FILE-NAME File name for Natural system files yes yes
NCI-DISCOVER Natural Online Environment Discovery yes no
NDV-NWO Natural Development Server and Natural Web I/O Interface Server yes no
NETWORK Entire Net-Work (Mainframe) yes no
NOM Entire Output Management yes yes
NOP Entire Operations yes yes
NPR Entire System Server yes no
NSAF Natural SAF Security yes no
NSC Natural Security yes yes
PLEXNAME All mainframe components yes no
REPLICATOR Adabas Event Replicator yes no
SPOOL Natural Spool yes no
TRACE Collector Trace yes yes

The above table also shows whether a parameter is available on the mainframe or on UNIX and Windows.

A parameter block consists of any number (can be zero) of lines, each containing one parameter entry. The layout of the parameter entries depends on the component (see Parameter Specification for further information).

A parameter block ends at the start of the next block (PARM=parm) or at the end of the member.

If a parameter block is not specified for a component or if a PARM line is specified but no parameter entry, the default value is used.

Each parameter block should be specified only once in the PROFILES member. If the same parameter block is specified multiple times, all parameter blocks but the first parameter block are ignored.

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Parameter Specification

This section describes the individual parameter entries for the components monitored by the Adabas and Natural Data Collectors. It covers the following topics:

Adabas Server



where ddddd is the database ID (DBID) of an Adabas server (1 to 5 digits).


Automatic discovery only.



Adabas Cluster

In general, Adabas clusters are discovered automatically and need not be specified in the profile. See also Automatic Discovery with ADATMZ on the Mainframe.



where ddddd is the database ID (DBID) of an Adabas cluster (1 to 5 digits) and nnnnn is the ID of an Adabas nucleus (NUCID) in an Adabas cluster (1 to 5 digits). The values must be separated by a dot (.).


Automatic discovery only.



Adabas Files

The Adabas file KPIs are part of the Adabas Server event map. The monitoring of these KPIs can be controlled by the keyword settings of the ADABAS-FILES parameter in the profile.

Critical File Extent

The directory entries for the Adabas file extents (AC, AC2, NI, UI and DATA) share a common space in the FCB. This space is part of one ASSO block and is therefore limited. For Optimize, a file becomes critical if the percentage of the used space exceeds the value given with the EXTENT keyword. If this is the case, the file should be reorganized to reduce the number of extents. Note that it cannot precisely be calculated how many extents fit into the free space because ASSO (AC, AC2, NI and UI) and DATA extents are of different sizes.

Critical ISN Range

If an Adabas file is defined with ISNSIZE=3, a maximum of 16.777.215 ISNs is available. If ISNSIZE=4, Adabas permits up to 4.294.967.294 records. For performance reasons, Optimize does not watch the number of records loaded. Instead, it watches the highest used ISN (TOPISN). The range of used ISNs runs from MINISN to TOPISN. The total ISN range starts at MINISN and ends at:

For Optimize, a file becomes critical if the percentage of used ISNs exceeds the value given with the ISNRANGE keyword.

If the ISN range is critical for a file with ISNSIZE=3, the file should be upgraded to ISNSIZE=4.

If the ISN range is critical for a file with ISNSIZE=4, the data of the file should be rearranged.

Note that if a file is defined with ISNREUSE, a lot of ISNs might still be free although the TOPISN is high.

If a file is defined with USERISN=YES and ISNs are not used from the bottom up, the TOPISN might not reflect the ISN usage at all. Files with USERISN=YES are only monitored if the keyword USERISN=YES is specified in the profile.

For expanded files, only the last file in the chain is checked for a critical ISN range.

Collection Time

The collection of Adabas file data can be time-consuming. By default, file data is therefore collected only once a day. However, it is also possible to collect file data once an hour or always by specifying the COLLTIME keyword. If file data is to be collected once a day, this is performed at midnight by default. If desired, you can specify another time (for example, a time when there is low load on the machine).

The last collection time is saved in the RPC server environment. If you restart the RPC server, it may happen that file data is collected again.

Long List Information

If the LIST LONG keyword is specified, the "*List" KPIs contain the file number and the percentage value of each critical file. Depending on the KPI, additional information is added behind the percentage value.

For the KPI "AdabasFilesCriticalExtentsList", the following additional information is added:


where n is the number of allocated extents. Example:


In the above example, file 12 uses 80 percent of the space for the file extent entries with 97 extents allocated. File 31 uses 91 percent of the space for the file extent entries with 112 extents allocated.

For the KPI "AdabasFilesCriticalIsnRangeList", the following additional information is added:

N If NOACEXTENSION is set for the file.
R If ISNREUSE=YES is set for the file.
S4 If ISNSIZE=4 is set for the file.
U If USERISN=YES is set for the file.
X If the file is an expanded file and the last file in the chain.



In the above example, file 12 uses 93 percent of the ISN range, the file is defined with NOACEXTENSION, ISNREUSE=NO, ISNSIZE=3 and USERISN=YES. It is the last file in a chain of expanded files.

File 31 in the above example uses 52% of the ISN range, the file is not defined with NOACEXTENSION, but with ISNREUSE=YES, ISNSIZE=4 and USERISN=NO. It is no expanded file.


keyword entry

Each line starts with a keyword followed by one or more entries. The keyword and all entries are separated by blanks.

The following keywords are available:

Keyword Description Affected KPIs
EXTENT The threshold for critical file extent in percentage of the total space for extent entries. A file becomes critical if the space used for extent entries has exceeded the critical threshold. Possible entries:



ISNRANGE The threshold for critical file ISN range in percentage of the total ISN range. A file becomes critical if the used ISN range has exceeded the critical threshold. Possible entries:



Specifies whether files with USERISN are monitored for critical ISN range. Possible entries:
YES Files with USERISN are monitored.
NO Files with USERISN are not monitored.


Specifies whether a short or a long list of critical files is generated. Possible entries:
SHORT The list contains the file numbers. For example, "27,31,128".
LONG The list contains the file numbers and the corresponding percentage values. For example, "27:93%,31:91%,128:99%".

Additional information can be added behind the percentage value as described under Long List Information. For example, "27:93%S4U".


The collection time for file data. Possible entries:
ALL All file data is collected.
HOUR File data is collected once an hour.
DAY hh File data is collected once a day. hh specifies the hour of the day when the data is collected (00-23, default: 00).






With the above settings,

Adabas Event Replicator

In general, Event Replicator Servers are discovered automatically and need not be specified in the profile. See also Automatic Discovery with ADATMZ on the Mainframe.



where ddddd is the Event Replicator ID (1 to 5 digits).


Automatic discovery only.



Adabas Fastpath

In general, Adabas Fastpath buffers are discovered automatically and need not be specified in the profile. See also Automatic Discovery with ADATMZ on the Mainframe.



where nnnnn is the Adabas Fastpath buffer ID (1 to 5 digits).


Automatic discovery only.



Adabas Review

In general, Adabas Review is discovered automatically and needs not be specified in the profile. See also Automatic Discovery with ADATMZ on the Mainframe.

Syntax for Monitoring a Review Hub

Hub ddddd

where ddddd is the Adabas Review hub ID (1 to 5 digits).

Syntax for Monitoring a Local Review (no Clusters)

Local ddddd

where ddddd is the database ID of an Adabas server (1 to 5 digits) monitored by Adabas Review.

Syntax for Monitoring a Local Review (Clusters)

Local ddddd.nnnnn

where ddddd is the database ID (DBID) of an Adabas cluster (1 to 5 digits), and nnnnn is the ID of an Adabas nucleus (NUCID) in an Adabas cluster (1 to 5 digits) monitored by Adabas Review. The values must be separated by a dot (.).


Automatic discovery only.


Hub 500
Local 50001
Local 50002.50003

Adabas Transaction Manager

In general, Adabas Transaction Managers are discovered automatically and need not be specified in the profile. See also Automatic Discovery with ADATMZ on the Mainframe.



where ddddd is the Adabas Transaction Manager ID (1 to 5 digits).


Automatic discovery only.



Collector Trace

The Adabas and Natural Data Collectors provide a trace function which allows monitoring and debugging the data sent to Optimize. For further information, see Tracing the Adabas and Natural Data Collectors.

In general, the trace level is set in the Infrastructure Data Collector. If a trace level is specified in the Adabas/Natural Data Collector profile, it overrides the Optimize trace level setting.

A change of the profile trace setting comes into effect with the next discovery or when the RPC server is restarted.


nn server client:port

where nn is the trace level, server is the name of the RPC server, client is the Infrastructure Data Collector client (host) name, and port is the port number of the Infrastructure Data Collector (IDC). The values are separated by blanks. client and port, however, are separated by a colon.

Possible values for the trace level:

0 to 10

If "OP" is specified, the Optimize trace level is used.

If an asterisk (*) is specified as the server name, client name or port number, the given trace level is used as the default trace level for all servers, clients or ports.

If the last entries in a line are omitted, they are treated as if asterisks have been specified.


Trace level of the Infrastructure Data Collector.


3  *     cli1
5  RPC2  cli2
OP RPC3  cli3:1234

With the above setting, the default Adabas Data Collector and Natural Data Collector trace level for all RPC servers, clients and port is 2 (error messages and warnings).

The trace level 3 (information summary) is used for client "cli1" (all servers, all ports).

The RPC server "RPC2" called from client "cli2" (all ports) runs with trace level 5 (component trace), whereas the RPC server "RPC3" called from client "cli3" (IDC port 1234 only) uses the trace level specified in Optimize.

Entire Net-Work (Mainframe)

In general, Entire Net-Work nodes are discovered automatically and need not be specified in the profile. See also Automatic Discovery with ADATMZ on the Mainframe.


target-ID node

where target-ID is the Entire Net-Work target ID (1 to 5 digits) and node is the Entire Network node name (up to 8 characters).


Automatic discovery only.



Entire System Server

In general, Entire System Server nodes are discovered automatically and need not be specified in the profile. See also Automatic Discovery with ADATMZ on the Mainframe.



where nnnnn is the Entire System Server node ID (1 to 5 digits).


Automatic discovery only.



Entire Operations

The Adabas and Natural Data Collectors automatically discover the Entire Operations system file (LFILE "EOR SYSF1") which is used by the Natural RPC server. If additional Entire Operations system files are to be monitored, they must be specified in the profile.



where ddddd is the database ID (DBID) and fffff is the file number (FNR) of the Entire Operations system file (1 to 5 digits each). The values must be separated by a slash (/).


Automatic discovery only.



Entire Output Management

The Adabas and Natural Data Collectors automatically discover the Entire Output Management system file (LFILE "NOM") which is used by the Natural RPC server. If additional Entire Output Management system files are to be monitored, they must be specified in the profile.



where ddddd is the database ID (DBID) and fffff is the file number (FNR) of the Entire Output Management system file (1 to 5 digits each). The values must be separated by a slash (/).


Automatic discovery only.



File Name for Natural System Files

You can specify whether the file name is to be added to instances which are identified by a Natural system file. This affects the following components:



where entry is any of the following values:

Entry Description
YES Instances are identified by the file number and name.
NO Instances are identified by the file number only.




The Natural Security system file 1000/120 has the name PROD-FSEC. With the following profile setting, it is monitored as "01000/00120 PROD-FSEC" (note that file number and file name are separated by a blank):


With the following profile setting, it is monitored as "01000/00120":


Natural Development Server and Natural Web I/O Interface Server

To monitor a Natural Development Server or a Natural Web I/O Interface server, the Natural Data Collectors perform HTTP requests against the HTTP monitor task. The HTTP monitor task must run on the same host as the RPC server. The port of the HTTP monitor task is defined by the configuration parameter HTPMON_PORT of the Natural Development Server.

If the used Natural version supports the Natural Optimize Monitor Buffer Pool, Natural Development Servers and Natural Web I/O Interface servers are discovered automatically. In this case, the NDV-NWO parameter is obsolete.



where host:port is the host name and the port number of the HTTP monitor task, separated by a colon. Do not specify "http://" with the host name. This will be added automatically.

If you have multiple HTTP monitor tasks running on the same host, you may specify more than one task. Since all tasks deliver all the same data, Optimize only uses the first active task for monitoring. The other tasks are used as backup tasks if the first task is not running.


Natural Development Servers or Natural Web I/O Interface servers are not discovered/monitored.



Natural Online Environment Discovery

Global Natural components (such as global buffer pools) should be monitored by a batch RPC server. This is because an RPC server running in an online environment such as CICS is unable to monitor the components when the online environment is not active. The default settings of the Adabas and Natural Data Collectors support this demand by not searching for global Natural components during the discovery when running in an online environment.

However, in a test environment it may be desired that all Natural components (global and local components of the online environment) are monitored by one RPC server only. This RPC server must run in the online environment so that the local components of the online environment can be monitored. The profile can be configured in such a way that this RPC server also monitors global Natural components.



where entry is any of the following values:

Entry Description
LOCAL An RPC server running in an online environment discovers only local components. This is the recommended setting.
GLOBAL An RPC server running in an online environment discovers all components. This setting should only be used in test environments.




In a test environment, discover and monitor all Natural components by an RPC server running in the online environment:


Natural SAF Security

In general, Natural SAF Security daemon IDs are discovered automatically and need not be specified in the profile. See also Automatic Discovery with ADATMZ on the Mainframe.



where nnnnn is the Natural SAF Security daemon ID (1 to 5 digits).


Automatic discovery only.



Natural Security

The Adabas and Natural Data Collectors automatically discover the Natural Security system file (FSEC) which is used by the Natural RPC server. If additional FSEC files are to be monitored, they must be specified in the profile.

If the used Natural version supports the Natural Optimize Monitor Buffer Pool, the Natural Security system files are discovered automatically. In this case, the NSC parameter is obsolete.



where ddddd is the database ID (DBID) of the FSEC system file and fffff is the file number (FNR) of the FSEC system file (1 to 5 digits each). The values must be separated by a slash (/).


Automatic discovery only.



Natural Spool (Natural Advanced Facilities)

The Adabas and Natural Data Collectors automatically discover the Natural spool system file (FSPOOL) which is used by the Natural RPC server. If additional FSPOOL files are to be monitored, they must be specified in the profile.



where ddddd is the database ID (DBID) of the FSPOOL system file and fffff is the file number (FNR) of the FSPOOL system file (1 to 5 digits each). The values must be separated by a slash (/).


Automatic discovery only.



Sysplex Environment

The hierarchy of every component contains the host dimension. For a mainframe component running in a sysplex environment, the displayed host dimension can be built up using the sysplex name and the host name. This has the advantage that hosts belonging to the same sysplex are grouped together. Moreover, for cluster totals only the sysplex name is used as the host dimension and thus belongs to the same grouping.

The default sysplex environment specification can be set in Optimize as described in the Optimize guide Configuring BAM, in the section Defining ETS Resource Module Settings.

If the PLEXNAME parameter is specified in the PROFILES text member of the library SYSEDM, it overwrites the Optimize settings. The Optimize settings correspond to the following PLEXNAME values:

Optimize Settings PLEXNAME Values Host Dimension
0 NO host
1 NO host
2 PLEX sysplex
3 YES host_sysplex
4 YES host_sysplex



where entry is any of the following values:

Entry Description
YES The sysplex name and the host name are used as the host dimension.
NO Only the host name is used as the host dimension.
PLEX Only the sysplex name is used as the host dimension.


As defined in Optimize.


Use the sysplex name and the host name as the host dimension:


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