Optimize for Infrastructure Version 9.8
 —  Guide for Enterprise Transaction Systems  —

KPI Definitions for Infrastructure Monitoring

This document describes the dimensions, KPIs and built-in rules monitored by the Infrastructure Data Collector. It covers the following topics:

Adabas Caching Facility


Administration Name Displayed Value
Host The name of the host.
Product The product component name "Adabas Caching".
AdabasCaching The cached Adabas Server database ID and name; nucleus ID for cluster

KPIs of Event Map AdabasCaching

Administration Name KPI Name Unit Type Description
AdaCacheEfficiency Cache Efficiency % composite

The Adabas caching efficiency.

Composite KPI: 100 * AdaCacheReadCache / AdaCacheReadTotal

AdaCacheReadAheadAvg Read Ahead Average Blocks per EXCP blocks composite

The average read ahead RABN blocks per EXCP.

Composite KPI: AdaCacheReadAheadRabn / AdaCacheReadAheadExcps

AdaCacheReadAheadExcps Read Ahead EXCPs count delta The number of EXCPs read ahead.
AdaCacheReadAheadRabn Read Ahead RABNs count delta The number of RABNs read ahead.
AdaCacheReadCache Read Cache count delta The number of cache reads.
AdaCacheReadExcps Read EXCPs count delta The number of read EXCPs.
AdaCacheReadTotal Read Total count delta The total number of reads (EXCPs or cache).
AdaCacheSpacesActive Cache Spaces - Active count last value The number of active cache spaces.
AdaCacheSpacesDefined Cache Spaces - Defined count last value The number of defined cache spaces.
AdaCacheState Adabas Caching State state state The state of the Adabas Caching Facility (online/offline). This KPI is automatically monitored.
AdaCacheWriteCache Write Cache count delta The number of cache writes.

EXCP is the abbreviation for execute channel program (UPAM SVC for BS2000).

Built-In Rules

Administration Name Expression Severity Description
Adabas Caching Not Active Adabas.AdaCacheState = 0 2 - High The Adabas Caching is not active.

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Adabas Delta Save


Administration Name Displayed Value
Host The name of the host.
Product The product component name "Adabas Delta Save".
AdabasDeltaSave The ID and name of the Delta-Save-enabled database.

KPIs of Event Map AdabasDeltaSave

Administration Name KPI Name Unit Type Description
DeltaDlogAreaUsage DLOG Area Usage percent last value Occupancy of the DLOG area. If full, delta save is disabled or next Delta Save tape is created (triggered by user exit).
DeltaSaveLastDeltaSave Last Delta Save Number count last value The number of the last Delta Save tape.
DeltaSaveLastFullSave Last Full Delta Save Number count last value The number of the last Full Delta Save tape.
DeltaSaveState Delta Save State state state The state of the Adabas Delta Save (online/offline). This KPI is automatically monitored.

Built-In Rules

Administration Name Expression Severity Description
Adabas Delta Save DLOG Full Adabas.DeltaDlogAreaUsage > 80 2 - High The DLOG area is more than 80 % full.
Adabas Delta Save Not Active Adabas.DeltaSaveState = 0 2 - High Adabas Delta Save is not active.

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Adabas Event Replicator


Administration Name Displayed Value
Host The name of the host.
Product The product component name "Adabas Event Replicator".
AdabasEventRep The ID and name of the Event Replicator server.

KPIs of Event Map AdabasEventRep

Administration Name KPI Name Unit Type Description
RepBytesSentTotal Bytes Sent Total count delta The total number of bytes sent in the messages.
RepFreeSLOGAssoSpace SLOG - ASSO Free Blocks percent last value Free space on ASSO for SLOG entries.
RepFreeSLOGDataSpace SLOG - DATA Free Blocks percent last value Free space on DATA for SLOG entries.
RepHWMRepPool High-Water Mark - Replication Pool (RPL) percent last value The high-water mark of the Replication Pool (RPL).
RepMessagesTotal Replicated Messages Total count delta The number of replicated messages.
RepPendTransactions­Total Pending Transactions Total count last value The number of pending transactions.
RepSLOGEntriesTotal SLOG - Number of Entries count last value The total number of entries in the SLOG file.
RepState Replicator - State state state The state of the Event Replicator (online/offline). This KPI is automatically monitored.
RepTransactionsTotal Replicated Transactions Total count delta The number of replicated transactions.

Built-In Rules

Administration Name Expression Severity Description
Adabas Event Replicator Not Active Adabas.RepState = 0 2 - High The Event Replicator is not active.
Adabas Event Replicator SLOG ASSO Full Adabas.RepFreeSLOGAssoSpace < 10 2 - High Less than 10% of the SLOG ASSO space is free.
Adabas Event Replicator SLOG DATA Full Adabas.RepFreeSLOGDataSpace < 10 2 - High Less than 10% of the SLOG DATA space is free.

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Adabas Event Replicator - Destination


Administration Name Displayed Value
Host The name of the host.
Product The product component name "Adabas Event Replicator".
AdabasEventRep The ID and name of the Event Replicator server.
AdabasEventRepDest The Event Replicator destination.

KPIs of Event Map AdabasEventRepDest

Administration Name KPI Name Unit Type Description
RepDestBytesSent Bytes Sent count delta The number of bytes sent.
RepDestCommandsCommitted Commands Committed count delta The number of commands committed.
RepDestCommandsPending Commands Pending count last value The number of commands pending.
RepDestLatency Latency Time of Last Transaction ms last value Latency time of last transaction. This value is only available for Adabas destinations.
RepDestMessagesSent Messages Sent count delta The number of messages sent.
RepDestPendingTransactions Pending Transactions count last value The number of pending transactions.
RepDestReplicatedTransactions Replicated Transactions count delta The number of replicated transactions.
RepDestSlogDelog SLOG - Delogged Count count delta SLOG delogged count.
RepDestSlogEntries SLOG - Number of Entries count last value Number of SLOG entries for this destination.
RepDestSlogLog SLOG - Logged Count count delta SLOG logged count.
RepDestState State of the Event Replicator Destination state state State of the Event Replicator destination (active or not). This KPI is automatically monitored.

Built-In Rules

Administration Name Expression Severity Description
Adabas Event Replicator Destination Not Active Adabas.RepDestState = 0 2 - High The Event Replicator destination is not active.

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Adabas Event Replicator - Input Queue


Administration Name Displayed Value
Host The name of the host.
Product The product component name "Adabas Event Replicator".
AdabasEventRep The ID and name of the Event Replicator server.
AdabasEventRepInQueue The Event Replicator input queue name.

KPIs of Event Map AdabasEventRepInQueue

Administration Name KPI Name Unit Type Description
RepInQBackouts Number of Backouts count delta The number of backouts.
RepInQBytes Number of Bytes Received count delta The number of bytes received.
RepInQCommits Number of Commits count delta The number of commits.
RepInQMessages Number of Messages count delta The number of messages.
RepInQPendingBytes Number of Pending Bytes count last value The number of pending bytes.
RepInQPendingMessages Number of Pending Messages count last value The number of pending messages.
RepInQState State of the Event Replicator Input Queue state state The state of the Event Replicator input queue. This KPI is automatically monitored.

Built-In Rules

Administration Name Expression Severity Description
Adabas Event Replicator Input Queue Closed Adabas.RepInQState = 0 2 - High The Event Replicator input queue is closed.

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Adabas Event Replicator - Subscription


Administration Name Displayed Value
Host The name of the host.
Product The product component name "Adabas Event Replicator".
AdabasEventRep The ID and name of the Event Replicator server.
AdabasEventRepSubscr The Event Replicator subscription name.

KPIs of Event Map AdabasEventRepSubscr

Administration Name KPI Name Unit Type Description
RepSubInitialStateCompleted Initial-State Transactions Completed count delta The number of initial-state transactions completed.
RepSubLostData Lost Data Count count delta The number of lost data.
RepSubRepTransactions Replicated Transactions count delta The number of replicated transactions.
RepSubRepUtilityFunctions Utility functions count delta The number of replicated utility functions.
RepSubState State of the Event Replicator Subscription state state The state of the Event Replicator subscription (active or not). This KPI is automatically monitored.
RepSubUserTransactions User Transactions count delta The number of replicated user transactions.

Built-In Rules

Administration Name Expression Severity Description
Adabas Event Replicator Subscription Not Active Adabas.RepSubState = 0 2 - High The Event Replicator subscription is not active.

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Adabas Fastpath


Administration Name Displayed Value
Host The name of the host.
Product The product component name "Adabas Fastpath".
AdabasFastpath The ID and name of the Adabas Fastpath buffer.

KPIs of Event Map AdabasFastpath

Administration Name KPI Name Unit Type Description
AFPAsynBufferManager­State Asynchronous Buffer Manager State state state The state of the Fastpath Buffer Manager (online/offline). This KPI is automatically monitored.
AFPDirAccOptAttempts Direct Access - Optimization Attempts percent last value All direct access optimization attempts as a fraction of the total number of commands.
AFPDirAccSuccOptAttempts Direct Access - Successful Optimization Attempts percent last value The successful direct access optimization attempts as a fraction of all direct access optimization attempts.
AFPReadAheadOptAttempts Read-Ahead - Optimization Attempts percent last value All read-ahead optimization attempts as a fraction of the total number of commands.
AFPReadAheadSuccOpt­Attempts Read-Ahead - Successful Optimization Attempts percent last value The successful read-ahead optimization attempts as a fraction of all read-ahead optimization attempts.
AFPTotalCommands Commands - Total count delta The number of commands received by the Fastpath Buffer Manager during the last measuring interval.

Built-In Rules

Administration Name Expression Severity Description
Adabas Fastpath Buffer Manager Not Active Adabas.AFPAsynBufferManagerState = 0 2 - High The Fastpath Buffer Manager is not active.

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Adabas Fastpath - Database


Administration Name Displayed Value
Host The name of the host.
Product The product component name "Adabas Fastpath".
AdabasFastpath The ID and name of the Adabas Fastpath buffer.
AdabasFastpathDatabase The ID of the Adabas Fastpath database.

KPIs of Event Map AdabasFastpathDatabase

Administration Name KPI Name Unit Type Description
AFPDbDirAccOptAttempts Direct Access - Optimization Attempts percent last value All direct access optimization attempts as a fraction of the total number of commands for this database server.
AFPDbDirAccSuccOptAttempts Direct Access - Successful Optimization Attempts percent last value The successful direct access optimization attempts as a fraction of all direct access optimization attempts for this database server.
AFPDbReadAheadOptAttempts Read-Ahead - Optimization Attempts percent last value All read-ahead optimization attempts as a fraction of the total number of commands for this database server.
AFPDbReadAheadSuccOpt­Attempts Read-Ahead - Successful Optimization Attempts percent last value The successful read-ahead optimization attempts as a fraction of all read-ahead optimization attempts for this database server.
AFPDbState Adabas Fastpath Database State state state The state of the database server (online/offline). This KPI is automatically monitored.
AFPDbTotalCommands Commands - Total count delta The number of commands received by the Fastpath Buffer Manager for this database server during the last measuring interval.

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Adabas Review


Administration Name Displayed Value
Host The name of the host.
Product The product component name "Adabas Review".
AdabasReview The Adabas Review mode (Hub or local) and ID (Hub or Adabas Server database).

KPIs of Event Map AdabasReview

Administration Name KPI Name Unit Type Description
AdaRevCPU CPU Time ms delta The CPU time used by Review. In local mode this is the CPU time used by the subtask only.
AdaRevClogRecords Command Log Records count delta The number of command log records received.
AdaRevIOs I/Os count delta The number of I/Os including SYSOUT, user defined log files and others.
AdaRevMemoryFree Memory Free bytes last value The bytes of free memory which can be used by Review.
AdaRevMemoryTotal Memory Total bytes composite

The total bytes of memory which can be used by Review.

Composite KPI: AdaRevMemoryUsed + AdaRevMemoryFree

AdaRevMemoryUsed Memory Used bytes last value The bytes of memory currently used by Review.
AdaRevReports Active Reports count last value The number of active reports.
AdaRevReviewBuffer32­KHwm Review-Buffer-32K HWM bytes last value The high-water-mark of the Review buffer which contains 32K slots.
AdaRevReviewBuffer32­KUsed Review-Buffer-32K Used bytes last value The total bytes of memory used by Review for the Review Buffer which contains 32K slots.
AdaRevReviewBuffer4­KHwm Review-Buffer-4K HWM bytes last value The high-water-mark of the Review buffer which contains 4K slots.
AdaRevReviewBuffer4­KUsed Review-Buffer-4K Used bytes last value The total bytes of memory used by Review for the Review Buffer which contains 4K slots.
AdaRevState Adabas Review State state state The state of the Adabas Review (online/offline). This KPI is automatically monitored.
AdaRevVersion     generic The version of the Adabas Review.

The high-water-mark KPIs contain the highest value of the last monitoring interval.

Built-In Rules

Administration Name Expression Severity Description
Adabas Review Memory Full Adabas.AdaRevMemoryUsed / Adabas.AdaRevMemoryTotal > 90% 3 - Medium More than 90% of the memory is used.
Adabas Review Not Active Adabas.AdaRevState = 0 2 - High The Adabas Review is not active.

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Adabas SAF Security


Administration Name Displayed Value
Host The name of the host.
Product The product component name "Adabas SAF Security".
AdabasSAFSecurity The ID and name of the SAF secured Adabas Server database and the ID of the nucleus for cluster nuclei.

KPIs of Event Map AdabasSAFSecurity

Administration Name KPI Name Unit Type Description
ASAFActiveUsers Active Users count last value The number of currently active users.
ASAFCrossLevelCheck­Saved Cross-Level - Check Saved count delta The number of times the SAF Server satisfied a cross-level authorization request from its cache, without calling the external security system.
ASAFCrossLevelChecks­Denied Cross-Level - Denied count delta The number of failed cross-level authorization checks (access denied).
ASAFCrossLevelOverwrites Cross-Level - Overwrites count delta The number of times the SAF Server had to overwrite a previously cached cross-level authorization request. If this number is high, consider increasing DBNCU and/or NWNCU parameters.
ASAFCrossLevelSuccessful Cross-Level - Successful count delta The number of successful cross-level authorization checks against the external security system.
ASAFFileCheckSaved File - Check Saved count delta The total number of times ADASAF satisfied a file authorization request without calling the external security system.
ASAFFileOverwrites File - Overwrites count delta The number of times ADASAF had to overwrite a previously cached file. If this number is high, consider increasing MAXFILES.
ASAFFreeUserArea Free User Area percent last value The percentage of free user areas in the cache.
ASAFNormalCheckSaved Normal - Check Saved count delta The number of times the SAF Server satisfied a normal authorization request from its cache, without calling the external security system.
ASAFNormalDenied Normal - Denied count delta The number of failed normal authorization checks (access denied).
ASAFNormalOverwrites Normal - Overwrites count delta The number of times the SAF Server had to overwrite a previously cached normal authorization request. If this number is high, consider increasing DBNCU and/or NWNCU parameters.
ASAFNormalSuccessful Normal - Successful count delta The number of successful normal authorization checks.
ASAFState Adabas SAF Security State state state The state of the Adabas SAF Security.

Built-In Rules

Administration Name Expression Severity Description
Adabas SAF Security Cross-Level Checks Denied Adabas.ASAFCrossLevelChecksDenied > 0 3 - Medium The Adabas SAF Security denied cross-level checks.
Adabas SAF Security Cross-Level Checks Overwrites Adabas.ASAFCrossLevelOverwrites > 0 4 - Low The Adabas SAF Security has overwritten previously cached cross-level authorization entries.
Adabas SAF Security File Checks Overwrites Adabas.ASAFFileOverwrites > 0 4 - Low The Adabas SAF Security has overwritten previously cached file authorization entries.
Adabas SAF Security Normal Checks Denied Adabas.ASAFNormalDenied > 0 3 - Medium The Adabas SAF Security denied normal checks.
Adabas SAF Security Normal Checks Overwrites Adabas.ASAFNormalOverwrites > 0 4 - Low The Adabas SAF Security has overwritten previously cached normal authorization entries.
Adabas SAF Security Not Active Adabas.ASAFState = 0 2 - High The Adabas SAF Security is not active.

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Adabas Server (Mainframe)


Administration Name Displayed Value
Host The name of the host.
Product The product component name "Adabas Server".
AdabasServer The ID and name of the Adabas Server database and the ID of the nucleus for cluster nuclei.

KPIs of Event Map AdabasServer

Administration Name KPI Name Unit Type Description
AdabasAssoReads ASSO - Number of Reads count delta The number of reads from ASSO.
AdabasAssoWrites ASSO - Number of Writes count delta The number of writes to ASSO.
AdabasBufferEfficiency Adabas Buffer Efficiency ratio composite

The Adabas buffer efficiency (logical/physical reads).

Composite KPI: AdabasLogicalReads / AdabasPhysicalReads

AdabasBufferflushes Buffer Flushes count delta The number of Adabas buffer flushes.
AdabasCallsTotal Calls - Total calls delta The number of calls to the database.
AdabasCallsTotalRemote Calls - Total Remote Calls calls delta The number of remote calls to the database.
AdabasClusterReadsAsynchronous Cluster - Reads - Asynchronous count delta The number of cluster asynchronous reads.
AdabasClusterReadsIn­Cache Cluster - Reads - in Cache count delta The number of cluster reads from cache.
AdabasClusterReadsNot­In­Cache Cluster - Reads - not in Cache count delta The number of cluster reads not from cache.
AdabasClusterReadsStructure­Full Cluster - Reads - Structure Full count delta The number of cluster structure full reads.
AdabasClusterReadsSynchronous Cluster - Reads - Synchronous count delta The number of cluster synchronous reads.
AdabasClusterValidates Cluster - Validates count delta The number of cluster validates.
AdabasClusterValidates­Invalid­Blocks Cluster - Validates - Invalid Blocks count delta The number of cluster invalid blocks for a validate.
AdabasClusterWrites­Asynchronous Cluster - Writes - Asynchronous count delta The number of cluster asynchronous writes.
AdabasClusterWrites­Not­Written Cluster - Writes - not Written count delta The number of cluster writes not written.
AdabasClusterWrites­Structure­Full Cluster - Writes - Structure Full count delta The number of cluster structure full writes.
AdabasClusterWrites­Synchronous Cluster - Writes - Synchronous count delta The number of cluster synchronous writes.
AdabasClusterWrites­Written Cluster - Writes - Written count delta The number of cluster writes.
AdabasCpuTime CPU Time seconds delta The CPU time of the database.
AdabasDataReads DATA - Number of Reads count delta The number of reads from DATA.
AdabasDataWrites DATA - Number of Writes count delta The number of writes to DATA.
AdabasFilesCritical­Extents Files - Critical Extents count last value The number of files for which the space left for extent entries has exceeded a critical threshold. The critical threshold (in percent of the total space) can be specified in the Adabas/Natural Data Collector profile. See Adabas Files.
AdabasFilesCritical­Extents­List     generic The list of files with critical extents.
AdabasFilesCritical­Isn­Range Files - Critical ISN Range count last value The number of files for which the free ISN range has exceeded a critical threshold. The critical threshold (in percent of the total space) can be specified in the Adabas/Natural Data Collector profile. See Adabas Files.
AdabasFilesCritical­Isn­Range­List     generic The list of files with critical ISN range.
AdabasFilesLoaded Files - Loaded count last value The number of files loaded.
AdabasLogicalReads Number of Logical Reads count delta The number of logical reads from Adabas buffer.
AdabasNucs Number of Active Cluster Nuclei count last value The number of nuclei in a clustered environment.
AdabasPhysicalReads Number of Physical Reads count delta The number of physical reads from ASSO and DATA.
AdabasPlogWrites PLOG - Number of Writes count delta The number of writes to PLOG.
AdabasQueueCommand Queues - Command Queue Elements Used percent last value The occupancy of the command queue.
AdabasQueueHold Queues - Hold Queue Elements Used percent last value The occupancy of the hold queue.
AdabasQueueUser Queues - User Queue Elements Used percent last value The occupancy of the user queue.
AdabasReplHWMRepPool Replication - High-Water Mark Replication Pool (RPL) percent last value The high-water mark of the replication pool.
AdabasReplMsgTotal Replication - Replicated Messages Total count delta The number of replicated messages.
AdabasReplRepPoolUsed Replication - Replication Pool (RPL) Used percent last value The current used size of the replication pool.
AdabasReplTransPend Replication - Replicated Transactions Pending count last value The number of pending replication transactions.
AdabasReplTransTotal Replication - Replicated Transactions Total count delta The number of replicated transactions.
AdabasSpaceAssoExtents Space - ASSO Extents extents last value The number of ASSO extents.
AdabasSpaceAssoUsed Space - ASSO Used Blocks percent last value The occupancy of the ASSO extents.
AdabasSpaceDataExtents Space - DATA Extents extents last value The number of DATA extents.
AdabasSpaceDataUsed Space - DATA Used Blocks percent last value The occupancy of the DATA extents.
AdabasState Adabas Server State state state The state of the database server or cluster nucleus. "Offline" indicates that the component is not active or in error. This KPI is automatically monitored.
AdabasVersion     generic The version of the Adabas Server.
AdabasWorkPart1Used WORK Part 1 (LP) Used percent last value The current used size of WORK part 1.
AdabasWorkPart2Used WORK Part 2 (LWKP2) Used percent last value The current used size of WORK part 2.
AdabasWorkPart3Used WORK Part 3 Used percent last value The current used size of WORK part 3.
AdabasWorkPoolUsed Work Pool Used percent last value The occupancy of the work pool.
AdabasWorkReads WORK - Number of Reads count delta The number of reads from WORK.
AdabasWorkWrites WORK - Number of Writes count delta The number of writes to WORK.

In the Adabas/Natural Data Collector profile, you can specified how often Adabas file data is to be collected. By default, it is only collected once a day. See Adabas Files.

Built-In Rules

Administration Name Expression Severity Description
Adabas Server ASSO Full Adabas.AdabasSpaceAssoUsed > 90 2 - High More than 90% of the ASSO space is used.
Adabas Server DATA Full Adabas.AdabasSpaceDataUsed > 90 2 - High More than 90% of the DATA space is used.
Adabas Server Files Critical Extents Adabas.AdabasFilesCriticalExtents > 0 3 - Medium There are files running out of space for the extent entries. These files should be reorganized.
Adabas Server Files Critical ISN Range Adabas.AdabasFilesCriticalIsnRange > 0 3 - Medium There are files running out of available ISNs. If applicable, increase the ISNSIZE of the file to 4.
Adabas Server High CPU Time Adabas.AdabasCpuTime > 50 2 - High The Adabas Server needed a high CPU time.
Adabas Server Not Active Adabas.AdabasState = 0 2 - High The Adabas Server is not active.
Adabas Server User Queue Full Adabas.AdabasQueueUser > 80 2 - High More than 80% of the user queue is used.
Adabas Server Work Pool Full Adabas.AdabasWorkPoolUsed > 80 2 - High More than 80% of the work pool is used.

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Adabas Server (UNIX and Windows)


Administration Name Displayed Value
Host The name of the host.
Product The product component name "Adabas Server".
AdabasOSServer The ID and name of the Adabas Server database.

KPIs of Event Map AdabasOSServer

Administration Name KPI Name Unit Type Description
AdabasOSAttBuffArea­Used Attached Buffer Area Used (LAB) percent last value The occupancy of the LAB.
AdabasOSBufferEfficiency Adabas Buffer Efficiency ratio composite

The Adabas buffer efficiency (logical/physical reads).

Composite KPI: AdabasOSLogicalReads / AdabasOSPhysicalReads

AdabasOSBufferflushes Buffer Flushes count delta The number of Adabas buffer flushes.
AdabasOSBufferpoolUsed Buffer Pool Used (LBP) percent last value The occupancy of LBP.
AdabasOSCallsTotal Calls - Total calls delta The number of calls to the database.
AdabasOSCommQuEleThr Command Queue Elements per Thread count last value The number of command queue elements used per thread.
AdabasOSCommQuUsed Command Queue Elements count last value The number of command queue elements used.
AdabasOSHwmAttBuffExt­Area­Used High-Water Mark Attached Buffer Extended Area Used (LABX) percent last value The occupancy of the LABX.
AdabasOSHwmNoOfISNs­Hold­Single­User High-Water Mark Number of ISNs in Hold Queue by Single Users count last value The highest number of ISNs in hold by a single user.
AdabasOSLogicalReads Number of Logical Reads count delta The number of logical reads from Adabas buffer.
AdabasOSNoOfISNsHold Number of ISNs in Hold Queue count last value The number of ISNs in hold by all users.
AdabasOSPhysicalReads Number of Physical Reads count delta The number of physical reads from ASSO and DATA.
AdabasOSPlogWrites PLOG - Number of Writes count delta The number of writes to PLOG.
AdabasOSSpaceAssoExtents Space - ASSO Extents extents last value The number of ASSO extents.
AdabasOSSpaceAssoUsed Space - ASSO Used percent last value The occupancy of the ASSO extents.
AdabasOSSpaceAssoUsed­Large Space - ASSO Used (Large Blocks) percent last value The occupancy of the ASSO extents with large index blocks (>= 16 KB).
AdabasOSSpaceAssoUsed­Small Space - ASSO Used (Small Blocks) percent last value The occupancy of the ASSO extents with small index blocks (< 16 KB).
AdabasOSSpaceDataExtents Space - DATA Extents extents last value The number of DATA extents.
AdabasOSSpaceDataUsed Space - DATA Used percent last value The occupancy of the DATA extents.
AdabasOSSpaceDataUsed­Largest Space - DATA Used Largest percent last value The occupancy of the DATA extents with the largest block size.
AdabasOSState Adabas Server State state state The state of the database server. This KPI is automatically monitored.
AdabasOSThreadsUsed Threads Used (NT) percent last value The occupancy of the threads.
AdabasOSUserQuUsed User Queue Elements Used (NU) percent last value The occupancy of NU.
AdabasOSVersion     generic The version of the Adabas Server.
AdabasOSWorkPoolUsed Work Pool Used (LWP) percent last value The occupancy of the LWP.
AdabasOSWorkReads WORK - Number of Reads count delta The number of reads from WORK.
AdabasOSWorkWrites WORK - Number of Writes count delta The number of writes to WORK.

Built-In Rules

Administration Name Expression Severity Description
Adabas OS Server ASSO Full Adabas.AdabasOSSpaceAssoUsed > 90 2 - High More than 90% of the ASSO space is used.
Adabas OS Server ASSO Large Blocks Full Adabas.AdabasOSSpaceAssoUsedLarge > 90 2 - High More than 90% of the large ASSO blocks are used.
Adabas OS Server ASSO Small Blocks Full Adabas.AdabasOSSpaceAssoUsedSmall > 90 2 - High More than 90% of the small ASSO blocks are used.
Adabas OS Server Command Queue Adabas.AdabasOSCommQuEleThr > 2 2 - High More than 2 command queue elements used per thread.
Adabas OS Server DATA Full Adabas.AdabasOSSpaceDataUsed > 90 2 - High More than 90% of the DATA space is used.
Adabas OS Server DATA Largest Blocks Full Adabas.AdabasOSSpaceDataUsedLargest > 90 2 - High More than 90% of the largest DATA blocks are used.
Adabas OS Server Many ASSO Extents Adabas.AdabasOSSpaceAssoExtents > 150 3 - Medium More than 150 ASSO extents have been allocated.
Adabas OS Server Many DATA Extents Adabas.AdabasOSSpaceDataExtents > 500 3 - Medium More than 500 DATA extents have been allocated.
Adabas OS Server Not Active Adabas.AdabasOSState = 0 2 - High The Adabas Server is not active.
Adabas OS Server User Queue Adabas.AdabasOSUserQuUsed > 80 2 - High More than 80 user queue elements used.

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Adabas SOA Gateway


Administration Name Displayed Value
Host The name of the host.
Product The product component name "SOA Gateway".
AdabasSOAGateway The port of the SOA Gateway.

KPIs of Event Map AdabasSOAGateway

Administration Name KPI Name Unit Type Description
SOAGatewayAvgTime Average Operation Time seconds composite

The average round trip time per operation.

Composite KPI: SOAGatewayTime / SOAGatewayCount

SOAGatewayCount Operation Count count delta The number of times an operation has been called.
SOAGatewayErrorsOccurred Errors Occurred count delta The number of times an operation has failed.
SOAGatewayHighTime Highest Operation Time seconds last value The highest round trip time for an operation.
SOAGatewayLowTime Lowest Operation Time seconds last value The lowest round trip time for an operation.
SOAGatewayState SOA Gateway State state state The state of the SOA Gateway (online/offline). This KPI is automatically monitored.
SOAGatewayTime Operation Time seconds delta The accumulated round trip time for all operations.

Built-In Rules

Administration Name Expression Severity Description
SOA Gateway Available Error Adabas.SOAGatewayState = 0 2 - High The SOA Gateway is not available.

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Adabas SOA Gateway Operation


Administration Name Displayed Value
Host The name of the host.
Product The product component name "SOA Gateway".
AdabasSOAGateway The port of the SOA Gateway.
AdabasSOAGatewayOperation The group, type and name of the SOA Gateway operation.

KPIs of Event Map AdabasSOAGatewayOperation

Administration Name KPI Name Unit Type Description
SOAGatewayOperation­Avg­Time Average Operation Time seconds composite

The average round trip time for the operation.

Composite KPI: SOAGatewayOperationTime / SOAGatewayOperationCount

SOAGatewayOperation­Count Operation Count count delta The number of times the operation has been called.
SOAGatewayOperation­Errors­Occurred Errors Occurred count delta The number of times the operation has failed.
SOAGatewayOperation­High­Time Highest Operation Time seconds last value The highest round trip time for the operation.
SOAGatewayOperation­Low­Time Lowest Operation Time seconds last value The lowest round trip time for the operation.
SOAGatewayOperation­Time Operation Time seconds delta The accumulated round trip time for the operation.

Top of page

Adabas Transaction Manager


Administration Name Displayed Value
Host The name of the host.
Product The product component name "Adabas Transaction Manager".
AdabasTransactionManager The ID and name of the Adabas Transaction Manager.

KPIs of Event Map AdabasTransactionManager

Administration Name KPI Name Unit Type Description
ATMCommitsATM-only Commits ATM-only count delta The number of committed transactions solely controlled by the Adabas Transaction Manager.
ATMCommitsExternal Commits External count delta The number of committed transactions controlled by an external transaction coordinator.
ATMCommitsTotal Commits Total count delta The total number of committed transactions.
ATMHeuristicTermination Heuristic Termination count delta The number of transactions that were backed out due to heuristic reasons. Heuristic termination happens if Adabas runs out of internal resources and cannot wait for the Adabas Transaction Manager to do the second phase. Adabas finishes the transaction immediately and therefore takes an integrity risk.
ATMState Adabas Transaction Manager State state state The state of the Adabas Transaction Manager (online/offline). This KPI is automatically monitored.
ATMTransactionTimeouts Transaction Timeouts count delta The total number of transactions that were backed out because the global transaction time limit was exceeded.
ATMTransactionsATM-only Transactions ATM-only count delta The number of processed transactions solely controlled by the Adabas Transaction Manager.
ATMTransactionsExternal Transactions External count delta The number of processed transactions controlled by an external transaction coordinator.
ATMTransactionsOpen Transactions Open count delta The number of currently open transactions.
ATMTransactionsTotal Transactions Total count delta The total number of processed transactions.

Built-In Rules

Administration Name Expression Severity Description
Adabas Transaction Manager Heuristic Terminations Adabas.ATMHeuristicTermination > 0 3 - Medium Heuristic terminations occurred.
Adabas Transaction Manager Not Active Adabas.ATMState = 0 2 - High The Adabas Transaction Manager is not active.

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Administration Name Displayed Value
Host The name of the host.
Product The product component name "Com-plete".
Complete The name and URL of the Com-plete.

KPIs of Event Map Complete

Administration Name KPI Name Unit Type Description
CompleteActiveUsers Active Users users last value The number of active users.
CompleteAdabasCalls Adabas Calls calls delta The number of Adabas calls performed by all Com-plete users.
CompleteAdabasResponse­Time Adabas Response Time ms delta The Adabas response time summarized over all Adabas calls.
CompleteAvgAdabasRsp­Time Average Adabas Response Time per Call ms composite

The average Adabas response time per call.

Composite KPI: CompleteAdabasResponseTime / CompleteAdabasCalls

CompleteAvgRspTime Average Response Time per Transaction ms composite

The average Com-plete response time per transaction.

Composite KPI: CompleteResponseTime / CompleteNumberTransactions

CompleteCpuTime CPU Time ms delta The Com-plete CPU time.
CompleteLinesApslog Lines Written to APSLOG count delta The number of lines written to APSLOG.
CompleteNumberTransactions Number of Transactions transactions delta The number of transactions.
CompletePhysicalRollouts Physical Roll-outs count delta The number of physical roll-outs.
CompleteProcessorQueue­Length Processor Queue Length count last value The processor queue length.
CompleteRegion24Bit­Limit 24-Bit Region Limit KB last value The maximum size of the 24-bit region.
CompleteRegion24Bit­Used 24-Bit Region Used KB last value The current used size of the 24-bit region.
CompleteRegion31Bit­Limit 31-Bit Region Limit KB last value The maximum size of the 31-bit region.
CompleteRegion31Bit­Used 31-Bit Region Used KB last value The current used size of the 31-bit region.
CompleteResponseTime Response Time ms delta The Com-plete response time.
CompleteSdFileSpace­Limit SD File Space Limit KB last value The maximum size of the SD file.
CompleteSdFileSpace­Used SD File Space Used KB last value The current used size of the SD file.
CompleteSpoolFileSpace­Limit Spool File Space Limit KB last value The maximum size of the spool file.
CompleteSpoolFileSpace­Used Spool File Space Used KB last value The current used size of the spool file.
CompleteState Com-plete State state state The state of the Com-plete (online/offline). This KPI is automatically monitored.
CompleteThreadDumps Thread Dumps Written count delta The number of thread dumps written.
CompleteThreadQueue­Length Thread Queue Length count last value The thread queue length.
CompleteTibtabEntries­Limit TIBTAB Entries Limit count last value The maximum number of TIBTAB entries.
CompleteTibtabEntries­Used TIBTAB Entries Used count last value The current number of TIBTAB entries.
CompleteVersion     generic The version of the Com-plete.

Built-In Rules

Administration Name Expression Severity Description
Com-plete 24-Bit Region Full Com-plete.CompleteRegion24BitUsed / Com-plete.CompleteRegion24BitLimit >= 90% 2 - High The Com-plete 24-bit region is 90% full.
Com-plete 31-Bit Region Full Com-plete.CompleteRegion31BitUsed / Com-plete.CompleteRegion31BitLimit >= 90% 2 - High The Com-plete 31-bit region is 90% full.
Com-plete Not Active Com-plete.CompleteState = 0 2 - High The Com-plete is not active.
Com-plete SD File Full Com-plete.CompleteSdFileSpaceUsed / Com-plete.CompleteSdFileSpaceLimit >= 90% 2 - High The Com-plete SD file is 90% full.
Com-plete Spool File Full Com-plete.CompleteSpoolFileSpaceUsed / Com-plete.CompleteSpoolFileSpaceLimit >= 90% 2 - High The Com-plete spool file is 90% full.
Com-plete TIBTAB Full Com-plete.CompleteTibtabEntriesUsed / Com-plete.CompleteTibtabEntriesLimit >= 90% 2 - High The Com-plete TIBTAB is 90% full.

Top of page

Data Collector - Adabas


Administration Name Displayed Value
Host The name of the host.
Product The product component name "Adabas Collector".
AdabasCollector The name of the Adabas Data Collector. It is built up by the RPC-server-name.

KPIs of Event Map AdabasCollector

Administration Name KPI Name Unit Type Description
AdabasCollectorAttributes Number of Attributes count sum The total number of attributes (facts and dimensions) in the event maps.
AdabasCollectorCalls Number of Calls to the Collector count sum The number of calls to the collector. Sending the data of one asset to Optimize counts as one call.
AdabasCollectorElapsed­Time Elapsed Time seconds sum The elapsed time spent for the data collection.
AdabasCollectorErrors Number of Errors count sum The number of errors reported by the Adabas Data Collector while collecting the data for the monitoring.
AdabasCollectorEvent­Maps Number of Event Maps count sum The number of event maps sent to Optimize.
AdabasCollectorNatural­Version Natural Nucleus Version version last value The version of the Natural nucleus used by the Adabas Data Collector.
AdabasCollectorState Collector State state state The state of the Adabas Collector (online/offline). The value indicates whether the collector has been reached. This KPI is automatically monitored.
AdabasCollectorTrace Collector Trace Level level last value The collector trace level (0-10).
AdabasCollectorWarnings Number of Warnings count sum The number of warnings reported by the Adabas Data Collector while collecting the data for the monitoring.

Built-In Rules

Administration Name Expression Severity Description
Adabas Collector Not Reached Collector.AdabasCollectorState = 0 2 - High The Adabas Data Collector has not been reached. Therefore the Adabas components cannot be monitored. Check and re-establish the connection from Optimize to the Adabas Data Collector.
Adabas Collector Reported Errors Collector.AdabasCollectorErrors > 0 2 - High The Adabas Data Collector reported errors. The error messages can be found in the Adabas Data Collector log file.
Adabas Collector Reported Warnings Collector.AdabasCollectorWarnings > 0 3 - Medium The Adabas Data Collector reported warnings. The warning messages can be found in the Adabas Data Collector log file.

Top of page

Data Collector - Natural


Administration Name Displayed Value
Host The name of the host.
Product The product component name "Natural Collector".
NaturalCollector The name of the Natural Data Collector. It is built up by the RPC-server-name.

KPIs of Event Map NaturalCollector

Administration Name KPI Name Unit Type Description
NaturalCollectorAttributes Number of Attributes count sum The total number of attributes (facts and dimensions) in the event maps.
NaturalCollectorCalls Number of Calls to the Collector count sum The number of calls to the collector. Sending the data of one asset to Optimize counts as one call.
NaturalCollectorElapsed­Time Elapsed Time seconds sum The elapsed time spent for the data collection.
NaturalCollectorErrors Number of Errors count sum The number of errors reported by the Natural Data Collector while collecting the data for the monitoring.
NaturalCollectorEvent­Maps Number of Event Maps count sum The number of event maps sent to Optimize.
NaturalCollectorNatural­Version Natural Nucleus Version version last value The version of the Natural nucleus used by the Natural Data Collector.
NaturalCollectorState Collector State state state The state of the Natural Collector (online/offline). The value indicates whether the collector has been reached. This KPI is automatically monitored.
NaturalCollectorTrace Collector Trace Level level last value The collector trace level (0-10).
NaturalCollectorWarnings Number of Warnings count sum The number of warnings reported by the Natural Data Collector while collecting the data for the monitoring.

Built-In Rules

Administration Name Expression Severity Description
Natural Collector Not Reached Collector.NaturalCollectorState = 0 2 - High The Natural Data Collector has not been reached. Therefore the Natural components cannot be monitored. Check and re-establish the connection from Optimize to the Natural Data Collector.
Natural Collector Reported Errors Collector.NaturalCollectorErrors > 0 2 - High The Natural Data Collector reported errors. The error messages can be found in the Natural Data Collector log file.
Natural Collector Reported Warnings Collector.NaturalCollectorWarnings > 0 3 - Medium The Natural Data Collector reported warnings. The warning messages can be found in the Natural Data Collector log file.

Top of page

Entire Net-Work (Mainframe)


Administration Name Displayed Value
Host The name of the host.
Product The product component name "Entire Net-Work".
EntireNetwork The name of the Entire Net-Work node.

KPIs of Event Map EntireNetwork

Administration Name KPI Name Unit Type Description
WCPCpuTime Entire Net-Work CPU Time seconds delta The CPU time of the Entire Net-Work.
WCPNodeState Entire Net-Work Node State state state The state of the Net-Work node. This KPI is automatically monitored.
WCPNumberActiveLinks Number of Active Links count last value The number of active links of this node.

Built-In Rules

Administration Name Expression Severity Description
Entire Net-Work Node Not Active EntireNetwork.WCPNodeState = 0 2 - High The Entire Net-Work node is not active.

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Entire Operations


Administration Name Displayed Value
Host The name of the host.
Product The product component name "Entire Operations".
EntireOperations The database ID and file number of the Entire Operations system file.

KPIs of Event Map EntireOperations

Administration Name KPI Name Unit Type Description
NOPActiveJobsPermanent­Jcl­Load­Errors Active Jobs - Permanent JCL Load Errors count last value The number of active jobs with permanent JCL load errors.
NOPActiveJobsPermanent­Prerequisite­Check­Errors Active Jobs - Permanent Prerequisite Check Errors count last value The number of active jobs with permanent prerequisite check errors.
NOPActiveJobsSubmitted­Or­Executing Active Jobs - Submitted or Executing count last value The number of active jobs currently submitted or executing.
NOPActiveJobsWaiting Active Jobs - Waiting (Total) count last value The number of active jobs waiting, total.
NOPActiveJobsWaiting­For­Condition Active Jobs - Waiting for Condition count last value The number of active jobs waiting for a condition.
NOPActiveJobsWaiting­For­Node Active Jobs - Waiting for Node count last value The number of active jobs waiting for a node.
NOPActiveJobsWaiting­For­Resource Active Jobs - Waiting for Resource count last value The number of active jobs waiting for a resource.
NOPActiveJobsWaiting­For­Start­Time Active Jobs - Waiting for Start Time count last value The number of active jobs waiting for start time.
NOPEmailsSentError Emails - Sent Error count delta The number of email sendings failed.
NOPEmailsSentOk Emails - Sent Ok count delta The number of emails sent successfully.
NOPJclLoadError JCL - Load Error count delta The number of JCLs for which the load failed.
NOPJclLoadOk JCL - Load Ok count delta The number of successfully loaded JCLs.
NOPJobsActivationError Jobs - Activation Error count delta The number of jobs for which the activation failed.
NOPJobsActivationOk Jobs - Activation Ok count delta The number of successfully activated jobs.
NOPJobsEndedError Jobs - Ended Error count delta The number of jobs finished with an error.
NOPJobsEndedOk Jobs - Ended Ok count delta The number of successfully ended jobs.
NOPJobsSubmittedError Jobs - Submitted Error count delta The number of jobs for which the submit failed.
NOPJobsSubmittedOk Jobs - Submitted Ok count delta The number of successfully submitted jobs.
NOPLatestStartTimeExceeded Latest Start Time Exceeded count delta The number of jobs with latest start time exceeded.
NOPMonitorErrors Monitor Errors count delta The number of monitor errors.
NOPMonitorTasksGeneral­Purpose Monitor Tasks - General Purpose count last value The number of general purpose monitor tasks.
NOPMonitorTasksNatAnd­Asynchronous­Exits Monitor Tasks - NAT and Asynchronous Exits count last value The number of monitor tasks for Natural and asynchronous exits.
NOPMonitorTasksSerious­Error Monitor Tasks - Serious Error count last value The number of monitor tasks which are required to be active but are in error.
NOPMonitorTasksSpecial­Purpose Monitor Tasks - Special Purpose count last value The number of special monitor tasks.
NOPNetworksActivation­Error Networks - Activation Error count delta The number of networks for which the activation failed.
NOPNetworksActivationOk Networks - Activation Ok count delta The number of successfully activated networks.
NOPNodesActive Nodes - Active count last value The number of currently active nodes.
NOPNodesError Nodes - Error count last value The number of nodes which are in error state.
NOPNodesErrorList     generic List of the nodes which are in error state.
NOPNodesLogonError Nodes Logon Error count delta The number of nodes with logon error.
NOPNodesLogonOk Nodes - Logon Ok count delta The number of successfully activated networks.
NOPState Entire Operations Monitor State state state The state of the Entire Operations Monitor (online/offline). This KPI is automatically monitored.
NOPSysoutPassedToNom­Error Sysout - Passed to NOM Error count delta The number of failed sysout passings to Entire Output Management (NOM).
NOPSysoutPassedToNomOk Sysout - Passed to NOM Ok count delta The number of sysouts successfully passed to Entire Output Management (NOM).
NOPVersion Entire Operations Version version last value The version of Entire Operations (vvrrsspp).

Built-In Rules

Administration Name Expression Severity Description
Entire Operations Active Jobs With Permanent JCL Load Errors Natural.NOPActiveJobsPermanentJclLoadErrors > 0 3 - Medium Entire Operations active jobs with permanent JCL load errors.
Entire Operations Active Jobs With Permanent Prerequisite Check Errors Natural.NOPActiveJobsPermanentPrerequisiteCheckErrors > 0 3 - Medium Entire Operations active jobs with permanent prerequisite check errors.
Entire Operations Email Sendings Failed Natural.NOPEmailsSentError > 0 3 - Medium Entire Operations email sendings failed.
Entire Operations JCLs Load Failed Natural.NOPJclLoadError > 0 3 - Medium Entire Operations JCLs load failed.
Entire Operations Jobs Activation Failed Natural.NOPJobsActivationError > 0 3 - Medium Entire Operations jobs activation failed.
Entire Operations Jobs Finished With Error Natural.NOPJobsEndedError > 0 3 - Medium Entire Operations jobs finished with error.
Entire Operations Jobs Submit Failed Natural.NOPJobsSubmittedError > 0 3 - Medium Entire Operations jobs submit failed.
Entire Operations Jobs With Latest Start Time Exceeded Natural.NOPLatestStartTimeExceeded > 0 3 - Medium Entire Operations jobs with latest start time exceeded.
Entire Operations Monitor Errors Natural.NOPMonitorErrors > 0 3 - Medium Entire Operations monitor errors.
Entire Operations Monitor Tasks Required To Be Active But Are In Error Natural.NOPMonitorTasksSeriousError > 0 3 - Medium Entire Operations monitor tasks required to be active but are in error.
Entire Operations Networks Activation Failed Natural.NOPNetworksActivationError > 0 3 - Medium Entire Operations networks activation failed.
Entire Operations Nodes Logon Error Natural.NOPNodesLogonError > 0 3 - Medium Entire Operations nodes logon error.
Entire Operations Nodes in Error State Natural.NOPNodesError > 0 3 - Medium Entire Operations nodes in error state.
Entire Operations Not Active Natural.NOPState = 0 2 - High The Entire Operations Monitor is not active or in error.
Entire Operations Sysout Passings to NOM Failed Natural.NOPSysoutPassedToNomError > 0 3 - Medium Entire Operations sysout passings to Entire Output Management (NOM) failed.

Top of page

Entire Operations - Task


Administration Name Displayed Value
Host The name of the host.
Product The product component name "Entire Operations".
EntireOperations The database ID and file number of the Entire Operations system file.
EntireOperationsTask The Entire Operations monitor task number and type. Possible task types are General, Natural and Special.

KPIs of Event Map EntireOperationsTask

Administration Name KPI Name Unit Type Description
NOPTaskActivated Task Activated state state The state of the task activation (online/offline). "Offline" indicates that the task is not active.
NOPTaskState Task State state state The state of the task (online/offline). "Offline" indicates that the task is in error which implies that the Task active KPI is also"offline". This KPI is automatically monitored.
NOPTaskStateInfo     generic Short description of the task state.
NOPTaskTimeActive Task Time - Active seconds delta The task active time (elapsed time).
NOPTaskTimeTotal Task Time - Total seconds delta The total task time.
NOPTaskUsage Task time - Usage ratio composite

The task active time in relation to the total time.

Composite KPI: NOPTaskTimeActive / NOPTaskTimeTotal

Built-In Rules

Administration Name Expression Severity Description
Entire Operations Monitor Task High Active Time Natural.NOPTaskTimeActive / Natural.NOPTaskTimeTotal >= 80% 3 - Medium The Entire Operations Monitor Task required a high task time (80% or more).
Entire Operations Monitor Task In Error Natural.NOPTaskState = 0 2 - High The Entire Operations Monitor Task is in an error state.
Entire Operations Monitor Task Not Active Natural.NOPTaskActivated = 0 3 - Medium The Entire Operations Monitor Task is not active.

Top of page

Entire Output Management


Administration Name Displayed Value
Host The name of the host.
Product The product component name "Entire Output Management".
EntireOutputManagement The database ID and file number of the Entire Output Management system file.

KPIs of Event Map EntireOutputManagement

Administration Name KPI Name Unit Type Description
NOMActivePrinterTasks Active Printer Tasks count last value The current number of parallel active printer tasks.
NOMLines Lines Printed - Total lines delta The total number of lines printed. This value is only counted for text reports.
NOMLinesAvg Lines Printed - Average lines composite

The average number of lines printed per text report.

Composite KPI: NOMLines / NOMReportsText

NOMOrders Orders count last value The number of active order numbers of the current monitor cycle.
NOMPrinters Number of Printers count last value The number of printers which are defined in the Entire Output Management.
NOMPrintoutsError Printouts in Error count last value The number of printouts of the printout queue which are in error.
NOMPrintoutsWaiting Printouts Waiting count last value The number of currently waiting printouts (status "ready for print").
NOMReportsBinary Reports Binary - Total count delta The total number of binary reports.
NOMReportsFailed Reports Failed - Total count delta The total number of reports failed.
NOMReportsPrinted Reports Printed - Total count delta The total number of reports printed.
NOMReportsText Reports Text - Total count delta The total number of text reports.
NOMSize Size Printed - Total KB delta The total size (in kilobytes) of the reports printed. This value is only counted for binary reports.
NOMSizeAvg Size Printed - Average lines composite

The average size (in kilobytes) of the reports printed per binary report.

Composite KPI: NOMSize / NOMReportsBinary

NOMState Entire Output Management State state state The state of the Entire Output Management (online/offline). This KPI is automatically monitored.

Built-In Rules

Administration Name Expression Severity Description
Entire Output Management Not Active Natural.NOMState = 0 2 - High The Entire Output Management is not active or in error.
Entire Output Management Printouts in Error Natural.NOMPrintoutsError > 0 3 - Medium Printouts of any printout queue are in error.

Top of page

Entire Output Management - Monitor Task


Administration Name Displayed Value
Host The name of the host.
Product The product component name "Entire Output Management".
EntireOutputManagement The database ID and file number of the Entire Output Management system file.
EntireOutputManagementMon The monitor task number.

KPIs of Event Map EntireOutputManagementMon

Administration Name KPI Name Unit Type Description
NOMMonActive Monitor Task Active state state The activation state of the Entire Output Management monitor task (online/offline). "Offline" indicates that the monitor task is inactive or has been closed or abended.
NOMMonProfile     generic The profile of the monitor task.
NOMMonState Monitor Task State state state The state of the Entire Output Management monitor task. "Offline" indicates that the monitor task has abended. This KPI is automatically monitored.
NOMMonStateInfo     generic Short description of the monitor task state.
NOMMonTimeActive Time - Active seconds delta The active time of the monitor task.
NOMMonTimeIdle Time - Idle seconds delta The inactive time of the monitor task.
NOMMonTimeReal Time - Real seconds composite

The real time spent. This KPI is used in rules for time percentage calculations.

Composite KPI: NOMMonTimeActive + NOMMonTimeIdle

NOMMonWaitTime Wait Time (current) seconds last value The current wait time if the monitor is idle.

Built-In Rules

Administration Name Expression Severity Description
Entire Output Management Monitor Task Abended Natural.NOMMonState = 0 2 - High The Entire Output Management monitor task abended.
Entire Output Management Monitor Task High Activity Natural.NOMMonTimeActive / Natural.NOMMonTimeReal >= 90% 4 - Low The monitor task was active for the most time of the polling interval. If the "Intervals Before True" value is increased in the rule definition, the rule will only fire when the monitor task has a high activity over multiple polling intervals.
Entire Output Management Monitor Task Not Active Natural.NOMMonActive = 0 4 - Low The Entire Output Management monitor task is not active.

Top of page

Entire Output Management - Printer


Administration Name Displayed Value
Host The name of the host.
Product The product component name "Entire Output Management".
EntireOutputManagement The database ID and file number of the Entire Output Management system file.
EntireOutputManagementPr The name of the printer.

KPIs of Event Map EntireOutputManagementPr

Administration Name KPI Name Unit Type Description
NOMPrLastPrintoutState Entire Output Management Last Printout State state state The state of the last printout (online/offline). The state is set to offline if the last printout failed or if Optimize is unable to collect the printer statistical data, for example if the printer is no longer defined in NOM. If the printer is new defined and no printout has send to it so far, its state is offline as well. This KPI is automatically monitored.
NOMPrLastPrintoutState­Info     generic Short description of the last printout state.
NOMPrLines Lines Printed count delta The number of lines printed. This value is only counted for text reports.
NOMPrReportsBinary Reports Binary count delta The number of binary reports.
NOMPrReportsFailed Reports Failed count delta The number of reports failed.
NOMPrReportsPrinted Reports Printed count delta The number of reports printed.
NOMPrReportsText Reports Text count delta The number of text reports.
NOMPrSize Size Printed KB delta The size (in kilobytes) of the reports printed. This value is only counted for binary reports.

Built-In Rules

Administration Name Expression Severity Description
Entire Output Management Last Printout Failed Natural.NOMPrLastPrintoutState = 0 2 - High The last printout sent to the printer failed or printer statistical data cannot be retrieved.

Top of page

Entire System Server


Administration Name Displayed Value
Host The name of the host.
Product The product component name "Entire System Server".
EntireSystemServer The ID and name of the Entire System Server.

KPIs of Event Map EntireSystemServer

Administration Name KPI Name Unit Type Description
NPRCpuTime CPU Time ms delta

The CPU time of the Entire System Server node.

BS2000/OSD: Only available if the Entire System Server startup parameter SERVER-DYN is set to NO.

NPRMemUsed Memory Used KB last value

The memory (real storage) used by the Entire System Server node.

This KPI is not available under BS2000/OSD.

NPRNodeState Entire System Server Node State state state The state of the Entire System Server node. This KPI is automatically monitored.
NPRSIOCount I/O Count count delta

The number of I/Os.

BS2000/OSD: Only available if the Entire System Server startup parameter SERVER-DYN is set to NO.

NPRStorageUsedAbove Storage Used Above 16 MB percent last value

The percentage of the virtual storage used above the 16 MB line.

This KPI is not available under BS2000/OSD.

NPRStorageUsedBelow Storage Used Below 16 MB percent last value

The percentage of the virtual storage used below the 16 MB line.

This KPI is not available under BS2000/OSD.

NPRUsers Users count last value Current number of users.

Built-In Rules

Administration Name Expression Severity Description
Entire System Server Node Not Active EntireSystemServer.NPRNodeState = 0 2 - High The Entire System Server is not active.
Entire System Server Storage Above Full EntireSystemServer.NPRStorageUsedAbove > 90 3 - Medium More than 90% of the storage above the 16 MB line is used.
Entire System Server Storage Below Full EntireSystemServer.NPRStorageUsedBelow > 90 3 - Medium More than 90% of the storage below the 16 MB line is used.

Top of page

Natural Advanced Facilities - Spool


Administration Name Displayed Value
Host The name of the host.
Product The product component name "Natural Spool".
NaturalSpool The database ID and file number of the Natural Spool system file FSPOOL.

KPIs of Event Map NaturalSpool

Administration Name KPI Name Unit Type Description
SpoolLines Total Number of Lines Printed lines delta The total number of lines printed.
SpoolPages Total Number of Pages Printed pages delta The total number of pages printed.
SpoolPrintersDefined Printers Defined in Spool File printers last value The number of printers defined in the spool file.
SpoolPrintersMonitored Printers Monitored printers last value The number of printers in the Natural spool file which can be monitored. These are all defined printers which have the statistics activated. The Total number of reports/pages/lines are the summarize values of all these printers.
SpoolPrintersUsed Printers Used printers last value The number of printers used. These are all printer which have at least one report printed.
SpoolReports Total Number of Reports Printed reports delta The total number of reports printed.
SpoolState Natural Spool User Statistics State state state The state of the Natural spool file and user statistics (online/offline). This KPI is automatically monitored.

Built-In Rules

Administration Name Expression Severity Description
Natural Spool Not Active Natural.SpoolState = 0 2 - High The Natural spool file is not online or the user statistics is not active.
Natural Spool Printers Unused Natural.SpoolPrintersMonitored > 0 4 - Low There are monitored printers in the Natural spool file which have never been used.

Top of page

Natural Advanced Facilities - Printer


Administration Name Displayed Value
Host The name of the host.
Product The product component name "Natural Spool".
NaturalSpool The database ID and file number of the Natural Spool system file FSPOOL.
NaturalPrinter The name of the printer.

KPIs of Event Map NaturalPrinter

Administration Name KPI Name Unit Type Description
PrinterActivated Printer Activated state state The state of the printer activation. "Offline" indicates that the printer has been deactivated by the operator command DE.
PrinterIdle Days Printer Idle days last value The number of days the printer is idle.
PrinterLastUsedTime     generic The time the printer has been used last (CPU or local time).
PrinterLines Number of Lines Printed lines delta The number of lines printed.
PrinterPages Number of Pages Printed pages delta The number of pages printed.
PrinterReports Number of Reports Printed reports delta The number of reports printed.
PrinterState Printer State state state The state of the Natural Printer (online/offline). "Offline" indicates that the printer is in error. This KPI is automatically monitored.
PrinterStateInfo     generic Short description of the current printer state.
PrinterStatistics Printer Statistics Activated state state The state of the printer statistics. "Online" indicates that the printer statistics is activated.
PrinterSystem     generic The TP system for which the printer has been defined.

Built-In Rules

Administration Name Expression Severity Description
Natural Printer Idle Year Natural.PrinterIdle > 365 4 - Low The printer is idle for more than a year.
Natural Printer In Error Natural.PrinterState = 0 2 - High The printer is in an error state.

Top of page

Natural Buffer Pool (Mainframe)


Administration Name Displayed Value
Host The name of the host.
Product The product component name "Natural Buffer Pool".

For a global buffer pool: The Natural subsystem ID and the buffer pool name.

For a local buffer pool in CICS: "Local", CICS name and Natural directory name.

For a local buffer pool in batch: "Local" and job name.

KPIs of Event Map NaturalBufferPool

Administration Name KPI Name Unit Type Description
BpCacheGetSearchRatio Buffer Pool Cache Get/Search Ratio ratio composite

The cache get/search ratio serves as a buffer pool cache efficiency indicator. It indicates the number of objects the buffer pool could load from the buffer pool cache, instead of a Natural system file. The higher the value (closer to 1), the better the cache efficiency.

Composite KPI: BpCacheGetSuccess / BpCacheSearch

BpCacheGetSuccess Buffer Pool Cache Get Calls - Successful count delta The number of successful get calls the buffer pool cache performed, that is, the number of objects the buffer pool cache swapped into the buffer pool.
BpCacheObjectReuse Buffer Pool Cache Object Reuse Factor ratio composite

The value shows the overall reuse factor; that is, how often an object loaded once into the buffer pool cache could be successfully reloaded into the buffer pool. The higher the value, the better the buffer pool cache efficiency.

Composite KPI: BpCacheGetSuccess / BpCachePutSuccess

BpCachePutSuccess Buffer Pool Cache Put Calls - Successful count delta The number of put calls that resulted in an object to swapped from the buffer pool into the buffer pool cache.
BpCacheSearch Buffer Pool Cache Search Calls count delta The number of search calls the buffer pool sent to the buffer pool cache while attempting to find an object in the buffer pool cache.
BpCacheState Buffer Pool Cache State state state The state of the buffer pool cache (online/offline).
BpLoad Buffer Pool Loads - Total count composite

The total number of loads into the buffer pool.

Composite KPI: BpLoadDb + BpLoadCache

BpLoadCache Buffer Pool Loads from Cache count delta The number of times an object was loaded from the buffer pool cache. It indicates the number of database loads saved.
BpLoadCycles Buffer Pool Load Cycles count delta This field indicates the number of times a search has been performed starting from the top of the buffer pool. This number gives an estimate of the frequency of cycling through the buffer pool in a wrap-around fashion.
BpLoadDb Buffer Pool Loads from Database count delta The number of times an object was loaded from a Natural system file into the buffer pool.
BpLocate Buffer Pool Locate Calls - Successful count delta The total number of successful locate calls.
BpLocateLoadRatio Buffer Pool Locate/Load Ratio ratio composite

The locate/load ratio serves as a buffer pool efficiency indicator. The larger the number, the better the buffer pool is performing. It is the primary indicator of the buffer pool performance.

Composite KPI: BpLocate / BpLoadDb

BpState Buffer Pool State state state The state of the Natural buffer pool (online/offline). This KPI is automatically monitored.
BpSteplibSearch Buffer Pool Steplib Searches count delta The number of normal locate calls that occurred from failed attempts to find an object in a steplib library. The fewer the number of steplib searches, the better the buffer pool is performing.

Built-In Rules

Administration Name Expression Severity Description
Natural Buffer Pool Cache Get-Search Ratio Natural.BpCacheGetSearchRatio < 0,1 2 - High The Natural buffer pool cache get/search ratio < 0.1.
Natural Buffer Pool Cache Object Reusage Natural.BpCacheObjectReuse < 1 2 - High The Natural buffer pool cache get/put ratio < 1.
Natural Buffer Pool Locate-Load Ratio Natural.BpLocateLoadRatio < 10 2 - High The Natural buffer pool locate/load ratio < 10.
Natural Buffer Pool Not Active Natural.BpState = 0 2 - High The Natural buffer pool is not active.

Top of page

Natural Buffer Pool (UNIX and Windows)


Administration Name Displayed Value
Host The name of the host.
Product The product component name "Natural Buffer Pool".
NaturalBufferPoolOS The name of the Natural buffer pool.

KPIs of Event Map NaturalBufferPoolOS

Administration Name KPI Name Unit Type Description
BpOSActivatedObjects Activated Objects objects delta The number of activated objects.
BpOSAllocatedMemory Allocated Memory bytes last value The size of the allocated memory.
BpOSAttemptedLocates Attempted Locates locates delta The number of attempted locates.
BpOSCurrentUsers Current Number of Users users last value The current number of users.
BpOSDormantObjects Dormant (Inactive) Objects objects last value The number of dormant (inactive) objects.
BpOSFreeMemory Free Memory bytes last value The size of the free memory.
BpOSGenerationDate     generic The generation date of the Natural buffer pool.
BpOSLoadedObjects Loaded Objects objects delta The number of objects loaded.
BpOSLocateLoadRatio Buffer Pool Locate/Load Ratio ratio composite

The locate/load ratio serves as a buffer pool efficiency indicator. The larger the number, the better the buffer pool is performing. It is the primary indicator of the buffer pool performance.

Composite KPI: BpOSAttemptedLocates / BpOSLoadedObjects

BpOSMemorySize Memory Size bytes last value The size of the memory.
BpOSPeakUsers Peak Number of Users users last value The peak (highest) number of users.
BpOSStartTime     generic The start time of the Natural buffer pool.
BpOSState Buffer Pool State state state The state of the Natural buffer pool (online/offline). This KPI is automatically monitored.
BpOSVersion     generic The version of the Natural buffer pool.

Built-In Rules

Administration Name Expression Severity Description
Natural Buffer Pool OS Locate-Load Ratio Natural.BpOSLocateLoadRatio < 10 2 - High The Natural buffer pool locate/load ratio < 10.
Natural Buffer Pool OS Many Objects Loads Natural.BpOSLoadedObjects / Natural.BpOSDormantObjects >= 10% 2 - High The Natural buffer pool loaded many objects in relation to the number of dormant objects.
Natural Buffer Pool OS Not Active Natural.BpOSState = 0 2 - High The Natural buffer pool is not active.

Top of page

Natural CICS


Administration Name Displayed Value
Host The name of the host.
Product The product component name "Natural CICS".
NaturalCICS The name of the CICS and the name of the Natural CICS system directory

KPIs of Event Map NaturalCICS

Administration Name KPI Name Unit Type Description
NCISirBlockExtension SIR Block Extension count last value The number of SIR block extensions.
NCIState Natural CICS State state state The state of the Natural CICS (online/offline). This KPI is automatically monitored.
NCISystemDirectoryRecoveries System Directory Recoveries count delta The number of system directory recoveries.
NCISystemStartTime     generic The Natural CICS system start time.
NCIThreadGroups Thread Groups count last value The number of thread groups.
NCIUsersActive Users Active users last value The number of users currently active.
NCIUsersActiveMax Users Active - Maximum Number users last value The maximum number of users active since Natural CICS started.

Built-In Rules

Administration Name Expression Severity Description
Natural CICS Directory Recovery Natural.NCISystemDirectoryRecoveries > 0 3 - Medium The Natural CICS directory recovered. This indicates that a failure of the Natural CICS system has occurred.
Natural CICS SIR Block Extension Allocated Natural.NCISirBlockExtension > 0 3 - Medium Natural CICS SIR block extension allocated.

Top of page

Natural CICS - Thread Group


Administration Name Displayed Value
Host The name of the host.
Product The product component name "Natural CICS".
NaturalCICS The name of the CICS and the name of the Natural CICS system directory
NaturalCICSThread The name of the Natural CICS thread group.

KPIs of Event Map NaturalCICSThread

Administration Name KPI Name Unit Type Description
NCIThreadQueueSize Thread Group Queue Size count last value The number of sessions waiting for a thread.
NCIThreadQueueSizeMax Thread Group Queue Size - Maximum Value bytes last value The maximum queue size of the thread group used so far.
NCIThreadRollFacility     generic The Roll Facility used.
NCIThreadSize Thread Group Size bytes last value The size of the thread group.
NCIThreadState State of Natural CICS Thread Group state state The state of the Natural CICS thread group (online/offline). This KPI is automatically monitored.
NCIThreadStorage Thread Group Storage Used bytes last value The storage used by the thread group.
NCIThreadTCBs Thread Group Number of TCBs count last value The number of TCBs in the thread group.
NCIThreadType     generic The thread group type.
NCIThreadUsers Thread Group Users users last value The number of current thread group users.
NCIThreadUsersMax Thread Group Users - Maximum Number users last value The maximum number of thread group users active since Natural CICS started.

Built-In Rules

Administration Name Expression Severity Description
Natural CICS Thread Queue Size Natural.NCIThreadQueueSize > 2 2 - High The Natural CICS thread group queue size is greater than 2.

Top of page

Natural Connection


Administration Name Displayed Value
Host The name of the host.
Product The product component name "Natural Connection".
NaturalConnection The Natural nucleus name.

KPIs of Event Map NaturalConnection

Administration Name KPI Name Unit Type Description
NaturalConnectionCommand­Downloads Command Downloads count delta The number of command downloads.
NaturalConnectionDownload­Blocks Download Blocks count delta The number of downloaded blocks.
NaturalConnectionDownload­Bytes Download Bytes bytes delta The length of the downloaded data.
NaturalConnectionDownload­File­Size­Avg Download File Size Average bytes composite

The average size of a downloaded file.

Composite: NaturalConnectionDownloadBytes / NaturalConnectionDownloadFiles

NaturalConnectionDownload­Files Download Files count delta The number of file downloads.
NaturalConnectionDownload­Records Download Records count delta The number of downloaded records.
NaturalConnectionElapsed­Time Elapsed Time ms delta The elapsed time spent for the data transfer.
NaturalConnectionReport­Blocks Report Blocks count delta The number of transferred report blocks.
NaturalConnectionReport­Bytes Report Bytes bytes delta The length of the transferred reports.
NaturalConnectionReport­Size­Avg Report Size Average bytes composite

The average size of a transferred report.

Composite: NaturalConnectionReportBytes / NaturalConnectionReports

NaturalConnectionReports Reports count delta The number of transferred reports.
NaturalConnectionReports­Records Report Records count delta The number of transferred report records.
NaturalConnectionState Natural Connection State state state The state of Natural Connection (online/offline). The state is set to offline if the instance is not found in the Natural Optimize Monitor Buffer Pool or if the Natural Connection support has been switched off. This KPI is automatically monitored.
NaturalConnectionUpload­Blocks Upload Blocks count delta The number of uploaded blocks.
NaturalConnectionUpload­Bytes Upload Bytes bytes delta The length of the uploaded data.
NaturalConnectionUpload­File­Size­Avg Upload File Size Average bytes composite

The average size of an uploaded file.

Composite: NaturalConnectionUploadBytes / NaturalConnectionUploadFiles

NaturalConnectionUpload­Files Upload Files count delta The number of file uploads.
NaturalConnectionUpload­Records Upload Records count delta The number of uploaded records.

Built-In Rules

Administration Name Expression Severity Description
Natural Connection Not Active Natural.NaturalConnectionState = 0 2 - High Natural Connection is not active.

Top of page

Natural Development Server


Administration Name Displayed Value
Host The name of the host.
Product The product component name "NDV Server".
NdvServer The name, port and type (local/remote) of the Natural Development Server (NDV).

KPIs of Event Map NdvServer

Administration Name KPI Name Unit Type Description
NdvCpuTime CPU Time seconds delta The CPU time used by the server. This includes Natural Development Server and Natural tasks. Under BS2000 it is the CPU time consumed by the SMARTS Natural Development Server application main task and all worker tasks.
NdvHttpMonitorState HTTP Monitor State state state The state of the HTTP Monitor Server (online/offline). This KPI is automatically monitored. If the HTTP Monitor Server is offline, Natural Development Servers and their KPIs cannot be monitored.

The KPI becomes obsolete if the Natural Optimize Monitor Buffer Pool is used for the data collection.

NdvIOBuffersReceived­Average­Size I/O Buffers Received - Average Size bytes composite

The average size of the I/O buffers received from the client.

Composite KPI: NdvIOBuffersReceivedSize / NdvIOBuffersReceivedNumber

NdvIOBuffersReceived­Number I/O Buffers Received - Number count delta The number of I/O buffers received from the client. A user request will be forwarded to a Natural Development Server in one or more I/O buffers.
NdvIOBuffersReceived­Size I/O Buffers Received - Size bytes delta The size of the I/O buffers received from the client. The size of one I/O buffer depends on the user request.
NdvIOBuffersSentAverage­Size I/O Buffers Sent - Average Size bytes composite

The average size of the I/O buffers sent to the client.

Composite KPI: NdvIOBuffersSentSize / NdvIOBuffersSentNumber

NdvIOBuffersSentNumber I/O Buffers Sent - Number count delta The number of I/O buffers sent to the client. A Natural Development Server answers a user request by sending one or more I/O buffers.
NdvIOBuffersSentSize I/O Buffers Sent - Size bytes delta The size of the I/O buffers sent to the client. The size of one I/O buffer depends on the user request.
NdvNaturalCalls Natural Calls count delta The number of calls (queries) to the Natural nucleus.
NdvNaturalTime Natural Time seconds delta The elapsed time spent for tasks in the Natural nucleus.
NdvNaturalTimeAverage Natural Time - Average seconds composite

The average elapsed time spent in Natural.

Composite KPI: NdvNaturalTime / NdvNaturalCalls

NdvServerCalls Server Calls count delta The number of server calls (receives) caused by client action.
NdvServerTime Server Time seconds delta The elapsed time spent in the server (excluding elapsed time spent in Natural).
NdvServerTimeAverage Server Time - Average seconds composite

The average elapsed time spent in the server (excluding elapsed time spent in Natural).

Composite KPI: NdvServerTime / NdvServerCalls

NdvServerTimeTotal Server Time Total seconds delta The time spent in the server (time between receive and send/terminate). NdvServerTimeTotal is the sum of NdvNaturalTime and NdvServerTime.
NdvServerTimeTotalAverage Server Time Total - Average seconds composite

The average elapsed time spent in the server including calls to Natural.

Composite KPI: NdvServerTimeTotal / NdvServerCalls

NdvSessionsCurrent Sessions - Current Number count last value The current number of sessions.
NdvSessionsTotal Sessions - Total Number count delta The number of sessions activated during the last measuring interval.
NdvState Natural Development Server State state state The state of the Natural Development Server (online/offline). This KPI is automatically monitored.
NdvStorageUsed Storage Used bytes last value The current storage used, that is the total storage allocated. This value varies depending on the number of users or the activity of users.
NdvThreadQueueNatural Thread Queue - Natural count last value The current number of sessions queuing a Natural thread. A Natural call typically results in a request of a Natural thread. A Natural thread may be rolled out.
NdvThreadQueueServer Thread Queue - Server count last value The current number of sessions queuing a server thread.

Built-In Rules

Administration Name Expression Severity Description
Natural Development Server HTTP Monitor Server Not Active Natural.NdvHttpMonitorState = 0 2 - High The HTTP Monitor Server is not active.
Natural Development Server High Natural Elapsed Time Natural.NdvNaturalTimeAverage > 2000 3 - Medium The average elapsed time spent in Natural is greater than 2 seconds.
Natural Development Server Not Active Natural.NdvState = 0 2 - High The Natural Development Server is not active.

Top of page

Natural Editor (Software AG Editor)


Administration Name Displayed Value
Host The name of the host.
Product The product component name "Natural Editor". In Optimize, the Software AG Editor is referred to as "Natural Editor".

For a global editor buffer pool: The Natural subsystem ID and the editor buffer pool name.

For a local editor buffer pool in CICS: "Local", CICS name and Natural directory name.

For a local buffer pool in batch: "Local" and job name.

KPIs of Event Map NaturalEditor

Administration Name KPI Name Unit Type Description
EditorBufferPoolBlocks Buffer Pool Blocks blocks last value The total number of buffer pool blocks available.
EditorBufferPoolBlocks­Used Buffer Pool Blocks Used blocks last value The number of buffer pool blocks currently used.
EditorBufferPoolStart­Time     generic The start time of the buffer pool.
EditorReadWork Number of Read Work count composite

The number of editor read requests.

Composite KPI: EditorReadWorkBp + EditorReadWorkFile

EditorReadWorkBp Number of Read Work File from the Buffer Pool count delta The number of editor read requests satisfied by the buffer pool.
EditorReadWorkFile Number of Read Work File from the Work File count delta The number of editor read requests satisfied by the work file.
EditorState State of Natural Editor state state The state of the Software AG Editor (online/offline). This KPI is automatically monitored.
EditorWorkFileWork Work File Work Records records last value The total number of records in the work part of the work file.
EditorWorkFileWorkUsed Work File Work Records Used records last value The number of records currently used in the work part of the work file.
EditorWriteWork Number of Write Work count composite

The number of editor write requests.

Composite KPI: EditorWriteWorkBp + EditorWriteWorkFile

EditorWriteWorkBp Number of Write Work File to the Buffer Pool count delta The number of editor write requests satisfied by the buffer pool.
EditorWriteWorkFile Number of Write Work File to the Work File count delta The number of editor write requests satisfied by the work file.

If an editor buffer pool is started but not yet initialized, only the state and count KPIs are provided for monitoring.

Built-In Rules

Administration Name Expression Severity Description
Natural Editor Buffer Pool Full Natural.EditorBufferPoolBlocksUsed / Natural.EditorBufferPoolBlocks >= 80% 2 - High The Software AG Editor buffer pool is 80% full.
Natural Editor Not Active Natural.EditorState = 0 2 - High The Software AG Editor buffer pool is not active.
Natural Editor Work Full Natural.EditorWorkFileWorkUsed / Natural.EditorWorkFileWork >= 80% 2 - High The Software AG Editor work file is 80% full.

Top of page

Natural for Adabas


Administration Name Displayed Value
Host The name of the host.
Product The product component name "Natural for Adabas".

The Natural nucleus name.

For ADAMODE = (2 or 3), an additional instance is created which monitors the special/internal calls issued by the secondary user. This instance is identified by the Natural nucleus name and the indicator "(internal)".

KPIs of Event Map NaturalForAdabas

Administration Name KPI Name Unit Type Description
NatAdaCallsSystemData Calls - System Data count delta The number of database calls against logical system files of Software AG products. These are the Natural system files like FNAT, FUSER or FDIC, and all files defined by the Natural profile parameter LFILE.
NatAdaCallsUserData Calls - User Data count delta The number of database calls against user files (all files which are not accessed via LFILE definition).
NatAdaCommandsModify Commands - Modify count delta The number of database modification commands (A1, E1, N1/N2) issued by Natural.
NatAdaCommandsOther Commands - Other count delta The number of other database commands (like OP, ET) issued by Natural.
NatAdaCommandsRetrieve Commands - Retrieve count delta The number of database retrieval commands (Lx, Sx) issued by Natural.
NatAdaCommandsRetrieve­Multifetch Commands - Retrieve Multifetch count delta The number of database retrieval commands using Multifetch.
NatAdaCommandsTotal Commands - Total count delta The total number of database commands issued by Natural.
NatAdaHoldUnsuccessful Hold Unsuccessful count delta The number of database calls that attempted to hold an ISN already in the hold queue for another user (indicated by a nucleus response code 145).
NatAdaMonitoringState Natural for Adabas Monitoring State state state The state of Natural for Adabas monitoring (online/offline). The state is set to offline if the instance is not found in the Natural Optimize Monitor Buffer Pool. This KPI is automatically monitored.
NatAdaTimeAdabas Time - Adabas ms delta The elapsed time spent in the Adabas nucleus.
NatAdaTimeAdabasAvg Time - Adabas Average ms composite

The average Adabas nucleus time.

Composite KPI: NatAdaTimeAdabas / NatAdaCommandsTotal

NatAdaTimeCommand Time - Command ms delta The elapsed time spent to execute the Adabas commands which is the transport time plus the Adabas nucleus time.
NatAdaTimeCommandAvg Time - Command Average ms composite

The average Adabas command time.

Composite KPI: NatAdaTimeCommand / NatAdaCommandsTotal

NatAdaTimeGateway Time - Gateway ms delta The elapsed time spent in the Adabas gateway. It does not include the command time.
NatAdaTimeGatewayAvg Time - Gateway Average ms composite

The average Adabas gateway time.

Composite KPI: NatAdaTimeGateway / NatAdaCommandsTotal

NatAdaTimeTransport Time - Transport ms delta The transport time from the Adabas gateway to the Adabas nucleus and back.
NatAdaTimeTransport­Avg Time - Transport Average ms composite

The average transport time.

Composite KPI: NatAdaTimeTransport / NatAdaCommandsTotal

NatAdaUsingAcb Using ACB count delta The number of database calls using the Adabas Control Block (ACB).
NatAdaUsingAcbx Using ACBX count delta The number of database calls using the extended Adabas Control Block (ACBX).

Built-In Rules

Administration Name Expression Severity Description
Natural for Adabas Many Unsuccessful Holds Natural.NatAdaHoldUnsuccessful / Natural.NatAdaCommandsTotal >= 3% 2 - High Natural issued many unsuccessful attempts to hold an ISN (in relation to the total number of commands).
Natural for Adabas Monitoring Not Active Natural.NatAdaMonitoringState = 0 2 - High The Natural for Adabas monitoring is not active.

Top of page

Natural for Ajax - Server


Administration Name Displayed Value
Host The name of the host.
Product The product component name "Natural Ajax Server".
NaturalAjaxServer The name of the application server or web container.

KPIs of Event Map NaturalAjaxServer

Administration Name KPI Name Unit Type Description
NaturalAjaxServerHeap­Memory­Free Heap Memory - Free bytes last value The free size of the Java virtual machine heap memory.
NaturalAjaxServerHeap­Memory­Total Heap Memory - Total bytes composite

The total size of the Java virtual machine heap memory.

Composite KPI: NaturalAjaxServerHeapMemoryUsed + NaturalAjaxServerHeapMemoryFree

NaturalAjaxServerHeap­Memory­Used Heap Memory - Used bytes last value The used size of the Java virtual machine heap memory.
NaturalAjaxServerState Server State state state The state of the Natural for Ajax server (online/offline). This KPI is automatically monitored.

Built-In Rules

Administration Name Expression Severity Description
Natural Ajax Heap Memory Full NaturalAjax.NaturalAjaxServerHeapMemoryUsed / NaturalAjax.NaturalAjaxServerHeapMemoryTotal >= 90% 3 - Medium The heap memory is nearly full.
Natural Ajax Server Not Active NaturalAjax.NaturalAjaxServerState = 0 2 - High The Natural for Ajax server is not active.

Top of page

Natural for Ajax - Web Context


Administration Name Displayed Value
Host The name of the host.
Product The product component name "Natural Ajax Server".
NaturalAjaxServer The name of the application server or web container.
NaturalAjaxWebContext The name of the Natural for Ajax web context.

KPIs of Event Map NaturalAjaxWebContext

Administration Name KPI Name Unit Type Description
NaturalAjaxWebContext­Avg­Page­Switch­Time Average Page Switch Time ms composite

The average response time for page switches.

Composite KPI: NaturalAjaxWebContextPageSwitchTime / NaturalAjaxWebContextPageSwitches

NaturalAjaxWebContext­Avg­Page­Update­Time Average Page Update Time ms composite

The average response time for for page updates.

Composite KPI: NaturalAjaxWebContextPageUpdateTime / NaturalAjaxWebContextPageUpdates

NaturalAjaxWebContext­Avg­Web­IOScreen­Time Average Web I/O Screen Time ms composite

The average response time for Web I/O screens.

Composite KPI: NaturalAjaxWebContextWebIOScreenTime / NaturalAjaxWebContextWebIOScreens

NaturalAjaxWebContext­Idle­Service­Threads Idle Service Threads count last value The number of service threads in the resource adapter, which are currently idle.
NaturalAjaxWebContext­Idle­Worker­Threads Idle Worker Threads count last value The number of worker threads in the resource adapter, which are currently idle.
NaturalAjaxWebContext­Page­Reuse Page Reuse count composite

The value shows how often the content on an already loaded page was updated. The higher the value, the better the efficiency of the application and its usage.

Composite KPI: NaturalAjaxWebContextPageUpdates / NaturalAjaxWebContextPageSwitches

NaturalAjaxWebContext­Page­Switch­Time Page Switch Time ms delta The summarized response times for page switches. This does not contain the processing time in the user's web browser.
NaturalAjaxWebContext­Page­Switches Page Switches count delta The number of page switches. The value is incremented each time a user switches to another page.
NaturalAjaxWebContext­Page­Update­Time Page Update Time ms delta The summarized response times for page updates. This does not contain the processing time in the user's web browser.
NaturalAjaxWebContext­Page­Updates Page Updates count delta The number of page updates. The value is incremented each time the content of an already loaded page is updated.
NaturalAjaxWebContext­Session­Time­Outs Session Timeouts count delta The number of sessions that were disconnected due to client inactivity.
NaturalAjaxWebContext­Sessions­Active Active Sessions count last value The number of active sessions.
NaturalAjaxWebContext­State Web Context State state state The state of the Natural for Ajax web context (online/offline). This KPI is automatically monitored.
NaturalAjaxWebContext­Web­IOScreen­Time Web I/O Screen Time ms delta The summarized response times for Web I/O screens. This does not contain the processing time in the user's web browser.
NaturalAjaxWebContext­Web­IOScreens Web I/O Screens count delta The number of displayed Natural Web I/O screens.

Built-In Rules

Administration Name Expression Severity Description
The Natural for Ajax web context is not active. NaturalAjax.NaturalAjaxWebContextState = 0 2 - High The Natural for Ajax web context is not active.

Top of page

Natural for DB2


Administration Name Displayed Value
Host The name of the host.
Product The product component name "Natural for DB2".
NaturalForDB2 The Natural nucleus name.

KPIs of Event Map NaturalForDB2

Administration Name KPI Name Unit Type Description
NatDB2CommandsMultiple­Row­Fetches Commands - Multiple Row Fetches count delta The number of multiple row fetches.
NatDB2CommandsOther Commands - Other count delta The number of other database commands (like OP, ET).
NatDB2CommandsRetrieval Commands - Retrieval count delta The number of retrieval commands.
NatDB2CommandsRetrieval­Multiple­Row Commands - Retrieval Multiple Row count delta The number of retrieval commands satisfied from multiple row buffer.
NatDB2CommandsRowUpdate Commands - Row Update count delta The number of rows updated.
NatDB2CommandsTotal Commands - Total count delta The total number of database commands issued by Natural.
NatDB2CommandsUpdates Commands - Update count delta The number of update commands.
NatDB2DB2StoredProcedure­Calls DB2 Stored Procedure Calls count delta The number of DB2 stored procedure calls.
NatDB2FailingRequests­Deadlock­Or­Timeout Failing Requests - Deadlock Or Timeout count delta The number of failing SQL requests due to deadlock or timeout (SQL code -911, -913).
NatDB2FailingRequests­Resource­Limit­Exceeded Failing Requests - Resource Limit Exceeded count delta The number of failing SQL requests due to resource limit exceeded (SQL code -905).
NatDB2FailingRequests­Total Failing Requests - Total count delta The total number of failing SQL requests.
NatDB2FailingRequests­Unavailable­Resource Failing Requests - Unavailable Resource count delta The number of failing SQL requests due to unavailable resource (SQL code -904).
NatDB2MonitoringState Natural for DB2 Monitoring State state state The state of Natural for DB2 monitoring (online/offline). The state is set to offline if the instance is not found in the Natural Optimize Monitor Buffer Pool. This KPI is automatically monitored.
NatDB2RequestsDynamic­SQL Requests - Dynamic SQL count delta The number of dynamic SQL requests.
NatDB2RequestsStatic­SQL Requests - Static SQL count delta The number of static SQL requests.
NatDB2TimeCommand Time - Command ms delta The elapsed time spent to execute the DB2 commands.
NatDB2TimeCommandAvg Time - Command Average ms composite

The average DB2 command time.

Composite KPI: NatDB2TimeCommand / NatDB2CommandsTotal

NatDB2TimeGateway Time - Gateway ms delta The elapsed time spent in the DB2 gateway (Natural for DB2 nucleus). It does not include the command time.
NatDB2TimeGatewayAvg Time - Gateway Average ms composite

The average DB2 gateway time.

Composite KPI: NatDB2TimeGateway / NatDB2CommandsTotal

Built-In Rules

Administration Name Expression Severity Description
Natural for DB2 Deadlock Or Timeout Natural.NatDB2FailingRequestsDeadlockOrTimeout > 0 3 - Medium Natural issued SQL requests which failed due to deadlock or timeout (SQL code -911, -913)
Natural for DB2 Monitoring Not Active Natural.NatDB2MonitoringState = 0 2 - High The Natural for DB2 monitoring is not active.
Natural for DB2 Resource Limit Exceeded Natural.NatDB2FailingRequestsResourceLimitExceeded > 0 3 - Medium SQL requests failed due to resource limit exceeded (SQL code -905).
Natural for DB2 Unavailable Resource Natural.NatDB2FailingRequestsUnavailableResource > 0 3 - Medium SQL requests failed due to unavailable resource (SQL code -904).

Top of page

Natural for VSAM


Administration Name Displayed Value
Host The name of the host.
Product The product component name "Natural for VSAM".
NaturalForVSAM The Natural nucleus name.

KPIs of Event Map NaturalForVSAM

Administration Name KPI Name Unit Type Description
NatVSAMBufferFlushes Buffer Flushes count delta The number of enforced LSR (local shared resources) buffer flushes.
NatVSAMCallsSystemData Calls - System Data count delta The number of VSAM calls against logical system files of Software AG products. These are the Natural system files like FNAT, FUSER or FDIC, and all files defined by the Natural profile parameter LFILE.
NatVSAMCallsUserData Calls - User Data count delta The number of VSAM calls against user data sets (all data sets which are not accessed via LFILE definition).
NatVSAMCommandsModify Commands - Modify count delta The number of VSAM modification commands issued by Natural (like INSERT, DELETE or UPDATE).
NatVSAMCommandsOther Commands - Other count delta The number of other VSAM commands issued by Natural (like OPEN or END OF TRANSACTION).
NatVSAMCommandsRetrieve Commands - Retrieve count delta The number of VSAM retrieval commands issued by Natural (like READ or FIND).
NatVSAMCommandsRetrieve­Multifetch Commands - Retrieve Multifetch count delta The number of VSAM retrieval commands using Multifetch reading a Natural system file.
NatVSAMCommandsTotal Commands - Total count delta The total number of VSAM commands issued by Natural.
NatVSAMDeferredWrites Deferred Writes count delta The number of deferred write calls for LSR (local shared resources) pools.
NatVSAMHoldUnsuccessful Hold Unsuccessful count delta The number of VSAM calls that attempted to hold a record already in the hold queue for another user (indicated by a Natural error 3541).
NatVSAMModifyUnsuccessful Modify Unsuccessful count delta The number of VSAM calls that attempted to modify a held record already modified by another transaction (indicated by a Natural error 3520).
NatVSAMMonitoringState Natural for VSAM Monitoring State state state The state of Natural for VSAM monitoring (online/offline). The state is set to offline if the instance is not found in the Natural Optimize Monitor Buffer Pool. This KPI is automatically monitored.
NatVSAMShortFixed Short On Storage - Fixed Buffers count delta The number of short-on-storage errors for fixed buffers handling threads.
NatVSAMShortVariable Short On Storage - Variable Buffers count delta The number of short-on-storage situations for variable buffers handling threads.
NatVSAMTimeCommand Time - Command ms delta The elapsed time spent to execute the VSAM commands.
NatVSAMTimeCommandAvg Time - Command Average ms composite

The average VSAM command time.

Composite KPI: NatVSAMTimeCommand / NatVSAMCommandsTotal

NatVSAMTimeGateway Time - Gateway ms delta The elapsed time spent in the VSAM gateway (Natural VSAM nucleus).
NatVSAMTimeGatewayAvg Time - Gateway Average ms composite

The average VSAM gateway time.

Composite KPI: NatVSAMTimeGateway / NatVSAMCommandsTotal

Built-In Rules

Administration Name Expression Severity Description
Natural for VSAM Monitoring Not Active Natural.NatVSAMMonitoringState = 0 2 - High The Natural for VSAM monitoring is not active.
Natural for VSAM Short On Storage For Fixed Buffers Natural.NatVSAMShortFixed > 0 3 - Medium Short-on-storage errors occurred for fixed buffers handling threads.
Natural for VSAM Unsuccessful Holds Natural.NatVSAMHoldUnsuccessful > 0 3 - Medium Natural issued unsuccessful attempts to hold a record.
Natural for VSAM Unsuccessful Modifies Natural.NatVSAMModifyUnsuccessful > 0 3 - Medium Natural issued unsuccessful attempts to modify a record.

Top of page

Natural Nucleus


Administration Name Displayed Value
Host The name of the host.
Product The product component name "Natural Nucleus".
NaturalNucleus The Natural nucleus name.

KPIs of Event Map NaturalNucleus

Administration Name KPI Name Unit Type Description
NatNucIcuBufferOverflows ICU - Buffer Overflows count delta The number of buffer overflows during code page conversion.
NatNucIcuConversions­Code­Pages ICU - Conversions Code Pages count delta The number of conversions from one code page to another code page.
NatNucIcuConversions­From­Unicode ICU - Conversions From Unicode count delta The number of conversions from Unicode.
NatNucIcuConversions­To­Unicode ICU - Conversions To Unicode count delta The number of conversions to Unicode.
NatNucIcuConversions­Total ICU - Conversions Total count delta The total number of code page or Unicode conversions.
NatNucIcuConverterClose­Requests ICU - Converter Close Requests count delta The number of requests to close a converter.
NatNucIcuConverterOpen­Requests ICU - Converter Open Requests count delta The number of requests to open a converter.
NatNucIcuFailedConversions ICU - Failed Conversions count delta The number of failed Unicode or code page conversions.
NatNucIcuLengthConversion­Code­Pages ICU - Length Conversion Code Pages bytes delta The accumulated length of the data converted from one code page to another code page.
NatNucIcuLengthConversion­From­Unicode ICU - Length Conversion From Unicode bytes delta The accumulated length of the data converted from Unicode.
NatNucIcuLengthConversion­To­Unicode ICU - Length Conversion To Unicode bytes delta The accumulated length of data converted to Unicode.
NatNucIcuState ICU - State state state The state of the Natural Unicode and code page support (online/offline). The state depends on the setting of the Natural parameter CFICU.
NatNucIcuTime ICU - Time ms delta The CPU time spent by the ICU.
NatNucIcuTimeAverage ICU - Time Average ms composite

The average CPU time spent by the ICU.

Composite: NatNucIcuTime / NatNucIcuConversionsTotal

NatNucNaturalNucleus­Monitoring­State Natural Nucleus Monitoring State state state The state of Natural Nucleus monitoring (online/offline). The state is set to offline if the instance is not found in the Natural Optimize Monitor Buffer Pool. This KPI is automatically monitored.
NatNucParseXmlFailed Parse XML - Failed count delta The number of failed PARSE XML executions.
NatNucParseXmlInternal­Icu­Calls Parse XML - Internal ICU Calls count delta The number of internal ICU calls for PARSE XML execution.
NatNucParseXmlLength Parse XML - Length bytes delta The accumulated length of the parsed documents.
NatNucParseXmlParser­Callbacks Parse XML - Parser Callbacks count delta The number of callbacks from the XML parser EXPAT.
NatNucParseXmlState Parse XML - State state state The state of the Natural PARSE XML statement support (online/offline). The state depends on the setting of the Natural parameter XML and the subparameter PARSE.
NatNucParseXmlTime Parse XML - Time ms delta The elapsed time while the XML parser EXPAT is active.
NatNucParseXmlTimeAverage Parse XML - Time Average ms composite

The average elapsed time spent by the XML parser.

Composite: NatNucParseXmlTime / NatNucParseXmlTotal

NatNucParseXmlTotal Parse XML - Total count delta The total number of PARSE XML executions.
NatNucReqDocAccessLocal Request Document - Access Local count delta The number of local requests (no proxy).
NatNucReqDocAccessRemote Request Document - Access Remote count delta The number of remote requests (proxy).
NatNucReqDocAccessSecure Request Document - Access Secure count delta The number of secure requests (HTTPS).
NatNucReqDocAccessTotal Request Document - Access Total count delta The total number of REQUEST DOCUMENT executions.
NatNucReqDocInternal­Icu­Calls Request Document - Internal ICU Calls count delta The number of internal ICU calls for REQUEST DOCUMENT execution.
NatNucReqDocLengthInbound Request Document - Length Inbound bytes delta The accumulated length of the inbound HTTP messages.
NatNucReqDocLengthOutbound Request Document - Length Outbound bytes delta The accumulated length of the outbound HTTP messages.
NatNucReqDocMethodGet Request Document - Method GET count delta The number of requests using the GET method.
NatNucReqDocMethodHead Request Document - Method HEAD count delta The number of requests using the HEAD method.
NatNucReqDocMethodPost Request Document - Method POST count delta The number of requests using the POST method.
NatNucReqDocMethodPut Request Document - Method PUT count delta The number of requests using the PUT method.
NatNucReqDocState Request Document - State state state The state of the Natural REQUEST DOCUMENT statement support (online/offline). The state depends on the setting of the Natural parameter XML and the subparameter RDOC.
NatNucReqDocTimeCommunication Request Document - Time Communication ms delta The elapsed wait time for inbound and outbound messages.
NatNucReqDocTimeCommunication­Average Request Document - Time Communication Average ms composite

The average wait time for the REQUEST DOCUMENT communication.

Composite: NatNucReqDocTimeCommunication / NatNucReqDocAccessTotal

NatNucReqDocTimeInbound Request Document - Time Inbound ms delta The elapsed wait time for inbound messages (socket receive).
NatNucReqDocTimeOutbound Request Document - Time Outbound ms delta The elapsed wait time for outbound messages (socket send).

Built-In Rules

Administration Name Expression Severity Description
Natural Nucleus ICU Buffer Overflow Natural.NatNucIcuBufferOverflows > 0 3 - Medium An ICU buffer overflow occurred.
Natural Nucleus ICU Conversion Failed Natural.NatNucIcuFailedConversions > 0 3 - Medium The ICU code page or Unicode conversion failed.
Natural Nucleus Monitoring Not Active Natural.NatNucNaturalNucleusMonitoringState = 0 2 - High The Natural Nucleus monitoring is not active.
Natural Nucleus Parse XML failed Natural.NatNucParseXmlFailed > 0 3 - Medium The execution of PARSE XML failed.

Top of page

Natural Optimize

The Natural Optimize Monitor Buffer Pool (here denoted as "Natural Optimize") consists of the pool header with control information, the session data pool and the KPI pool. The Natural nucleus writes the session statistics into the session data pool in a wrap-around manner. The aggregation daemon reads the statistics from the session data pool, cumulates it, and writes it into the KPI pool. Products which collect internally their own statistics (such as Natural CICS or Natural Development Server) write directly into the KPI pool.


Administration Name Displayed Value
Host The name of the host.
Product The product component name "Natural Optimize".
NaturalOptimize The name of the job which runs the aggregation daemon and allocates and owns the Natural Optimize Monitor Buffer Pool data space.

KPIs of Event Map NaturalOptimize

Administration Name KPI Name Unit Type Description
NatOptComponents Components count last value The number of components (products and subproducts) in the KPI pool.
NatOptDaemonState Natural Optimize Daemon State state state The state of the Natural Optimize daemon (online/offline). This KPI is automatically monitored.
NatOptDataPoolDataInput Data Pool Data Input bytes delta The size of the session data written by the Natural nucleus into the session data pool.
NatOptDataPoolOverwrites Data Pool Overwrites count delta The number of times the nucleus has overwritten data not yet processed by the aggregation daemon.
NatOptDataPoolUsed Data Pool Used percent last value The percentage of the session data pool which is not yet processed by the aggregation daemon.
NatOptDataPoolWraps Data Pool Wraps count delta The number of times the nucleus has reached the end of the session data pool and started writing from the top again.
NatOptInstancesMonitored Instances - Monitored count last value The number of currently monitored component instances in the KPI pool.
NatOptInstancesTotal Instances - Total count last value The total number of component instances in the KPI pool.
NatOptKpiPoolUsed KPI Pool Used percent last value The percentage of the KPI pool currently used.
NatOptState Natural Optimize State state state The state of Natural Optimize (online/offline). This KPI is automatically monitored.

Built-In Rules

Administration Name Expression Severity Description
Natural Optimize Daemon Not Active Natural.NatOptDaemonState = 0 2 - High The Natural Optimize aggregation daemon is not active. Therefore all Natural components delivering statistics through the Natural Optimize session data pool cannot be monitored.
Natural Optimize Data Pool Full Natural.NatOptDataPoolUsed > 90 3 - Medium The Natural Optimize session data pool is more than 90 % full.
Natural Optimize KPI Pool Full Natural.NatOptKpiPoolUsed > 90 2 - High The Natural Optimize KPI pool is more than 90 % full.
Natural Optimize Not Active Natural.NatOptState = 0 2 - High The Natural Optimize Monitor Buffer Pool is not active. Therefore all Natural components delivering statistics through the Natural Optimize Monitor Buffer Pool cannot be monitored.
Natural Optimize Overwrites Natural.NatOptDataPoolOverwrites > 0 2 - High The Natural nucleus has overwritten statistical data before the daemon has processed it. The statistics from Natural Optimize for the current interval is therefore not valid.

Top of page

Natural Review Monitor

If Natural Review is available, Optimize calls it to monitor Natural sessions and transactions. Natural Review itself is not monitored.


Administration Name Displayed Value
Host The name of the host.
Product The product component name "Natural Review".
NaturalReview The name of the CICS.

KPIs of Event Map NaturalReview

Administration Name KPI Name Unit Type Description
NaturalAdabasCommand­Time Adabas Command Time ms delta The Adabas command time.
NaturalAvgDbCalls Average Transaction Database Calls calls composite

The average number of database calls for all transactions monitored.

Composite KPI: NaturalDbCalls / NaturalTransactions

NaturalAvgDbCommand­Time Average Database Call Command Time ms composite

The average database call command time for all sessions monitored.

Composite KPI: NaturalAdabasCommandTime / NaturalDbCalls

NaturalAvgDbElapsed­Time Average Database Call Elapsed Time ms composite

The average database call elapsed time for all sessions monitored.

Composite KPI: NaturalDbTime / NaturalDbCalls

NaturalAvgResponseTime Average Transaction Response Time ms composite

The average response time for all transactions monitored.

Composite KPI: NaturalResponseTime / NaturalTransactions

NaturalDbCalls Number of Database Calls calls delta The number of database calls.
NaturalDbTime Database Calls Elapsed Time ms delta The database calls elapsed time.
NaturalResponseTime Response Time ms delta The summarized response times. The response time is the amount of time required to process the user's transaction.
NaturalReviewState Natural Review Monitor State state state The state of the Natural Review Monitor (online/offline). This KPI is automatically monitored.
NaturalSessionLogoffs Session Logoffs sessions delta Number of session logoffs.
NaturalSessionLogons Session Logons sessions delta Number of session logons.
NaturalSessionsActive Active Sessions sessions last value Number of active sessions.
NaturalTransactions Number of Transactions transactions delta The number of transactions. A transaction is registered each time the Enter key or a PF key is pressed.

Built-In Rules

Administration Name Expression Severity Description
Natural Review High Response Time Natural.NaturalAvgResponseTime > 2000 2 - High The average response time of Natural transactions is greater than 2 seconds.
Natural Review Not Active Natural.NaturalReviewState = 0 2 - High The Natural Review Monitor is not active.

Top of page

Natural Roll Server


Administration Name Displayed Value
Host The name of the host.
Product The product component name "Natural Roll Server".
NaturalRollServer The ID of the Natural subsystem and the Roll Server name.

KPIs of Event Map NaturalRollServer

Administration Name KPI Name Unit Type Description
RsDirectReads Direct Reads from Roll File count delta The number of direct reads from the roll file.
RsDirectWrites Direct Writes to Roll File count delta The number of direct writes to the roll file.
RsHighestThreadSize Highest Thread Size bytes last value The highest thread size.
RsLrbSlotsUsed LRB Slots Used percent last value The percentage of currently used LRB slots.
RsLrbSteals LRB Steals count last value The number of LRB steals.
RsMaxUsers Maximum Number of Users users last value The maximum number of users.
RsReads Reads from Roll Server count delta The number of reads from the Roll Server.
RsSlotStages Slot Stages count last value The number of slot stages.
RsState Natural Roll Server State state state The state of the Natural Roll Server (online/offline). This KPI is automatically monitored.
RsUsers Users users last value The number of users (sessions).
RsVersion     generic The version of the Roll Server.
RsWaits Waits for Staging Task count delta The number of waits for Staging Task.
RsWrites Writes to Roll Server count delta The number of writes to the Roll Server.

Built-In Rules

Administration Name Expression Severity Description
Natural Roll Server Direct Writes Natural.RsDirectWrites > 0 4 - Low Natural Roll Server direct writes occurred.
Natural Roll Server Many LRB Slots Used Natural.RsLrbSlotsUsed > 90 3 - Medium The Natural Roll Server uses more than 90% of the LRB slots.
Natural Roll Server Many LRB Steals Natural.RsLrbSteals / Natural.RsWrites >= 10% 3 - Medium Natural Roll Server many LRB steals occurred.
Natural Roll Server Not Active Natural.RsState = 0 2 - High The Natural Roll Server is not active.

Top of page

Natural RPC


Administration Name Displayed Value
Host The name of the host.
Product The product component name "Natural RPC".
NaturalRPC The RPC job name or the RPC service name indicated by "Job" or "Service", respectively. Under CICS, the CICS job name and the RPC server transaction ID are used as RPC job name. If multiple jobs are started for the same service, the "Service" instance monitors the totals of all these jobs. Otherwise both instances monitor the same values and it is sufficient to monitor one of the both.

KPIs of Event Map NaturalRPC

Administration Name KPI Name Unit Type Description
NatRpcBroker     generic The EntireX Broker name(s).
NatRpcJobName     generic The names of the jobs started for the Natural RPC service. 1
NatRpcJobs Jobs count last value The number of started jobs for the service. 1
NatRpcMaxbuffExpansion­Length MAXBUFF Expansion Length kbytes delta The length of the MAXBUFF expansions.
NatRpcMaxbuffExpansions MAXBUFF Expansions count delta The number of MAXBUFF expansions.
NatRpcMessageInputLength Message Input Length bytes delta The message input length.
NatRpcMessageInputLength­Avg Message Input Length per Request bytes composite

The average message input length per request.

Composite KPI: NatRpcMessageInputLength / NatRpcRequests

NatRpcMessageOutput­Length Message Output Length bytes delta The message output length.
NatRpcMessageOutput­Length­Avg Message Output Length per Request bytes composite

The average message output length per request.

Composite KPI: NatRpcMessageOutputLength / NatRpcRequests

NatRpcRequests Requests count delta The number of requests.
NatRpcServerTasksActive Server Tasks - Active count last value The number of active server tasks. 2
NatRpcServerTasksStarted Server Tasks - Started count last value The number of started server tasks. 2
NatRpcServerTasksWaiting Server Tasks - Waiting count last value The number of waiting server tasks. 2
NatRpcService     generic The Natural RPC service name. 3
NatRpcServiceRequests Service Requests count delta The number of service requests.
NatRpcState Natural RPC State state state The state of the Natural RPC (online/offline). This KPI is automatically monitored.
NatRpcStorageAvailable Storage Available kbytes last value The storage available in the address space above the 16 MB line. 2
NatRpcTimeRpcServer Time - RPC Server ms delta The time spent in the RPC server. It does not include the service execution time.
NatRpcTimeRpcServer­Avg Time - RPC Server per Request ms composite

The average time spent in the RPC server per request.

Composite KPI: NatRpcTimeRpcServer / NatRpcRequests

NatRpcTimeServiceExecution Time - Service Execution ms delta The time spent for the service (Natural subprogram) execution.
NatRpcTimeServiceExecution­Avg Time - Service Execution per Request ms composite

The average time spent for the service execution per request.

Composite KPI: NatRpcTimeServiceExecution / NatRpcRequests

All KPI data reflect the state at the end of the last performed RPC request.


1 This KPI is only available if the RPC service name is used as dimension identifier.
2 This KPI is only available for RPC servers that are started using the RPC server front-end.
3 This KPI is only available if the RPC job name name is used as dimension identifier.

Built-In Rules

Administration Name Expression Severity Description
Natural RPC Not Active Natural.NatRpcState = 0 2 - High The Natural RPC is not active.

Top of page

Natural SAF Security


Administration Name Displayed Value
Host The name of the host.
Product The product component name "Natural SAF Security".
NaturalSAFSecurity The ID and jobname of the Natural SAF daemon.

KPIs of Event Map NaturalSAFSecurity

Administration Name KPI Name Unit Type Description
NSAFActiveUsers Active Users count last value The number of currently active users.
NSAFFreeUserArea Free User Area percent last value The percentage of free user areas in the cache.
NSAFNaturalEnvironment­Check­Saved Natural Environment - Check Saved count delta The number of times the SAF Server satisfied a Natural environment authorization request from its cache, without calling the external security system.
NSAFNaturalEnvironment­Denied Natural Environment - Denied count delta The number of failed Natural environment authorization checks (access denied).
NSAFNaturalEnvironment­Overwrites Natural Environment - Overwrites count delta The number of times the SAF Server had to overwrite a previously cached Natural environment authorization request. If this number is high, consider increasing the number of items buffered.
NSAFNaturalEnvironment­Successful Natural Environment - Successful count delta The number of successful Natural environment authorization checks.
NSAFNaturalLibraryCheck­Saved Natural Library - Check Saved count delta The number of times the SAF Server satisfied a Natural library authorization request from its cache, without calling the external security system.
NSAFNaturalLibraryDenied Natural Library - Denied count delta The number of failed Natural library authorization checks (access denied).
NSAFNaturalLibraryOverwrites Natural Library - Overwrites count delta The number of times the SAF Server had to overwrite a previously cached Natural library authorization request. If this number is high, consider increasing the number of items buffered.
NSAFNaturalLibrarySuccessful Natural Library - Successful count delta The number of successful Natural library authorization checks.
NSAFNaturalRpcService­Check­Saved Natural RPC Service - Check Saved count delta The number of times the SAF Server satisfied a Natural RPC service authorization request from its cache, without calling the external security system.
NSAFNaturalRpcService­Denied Natural RPC Service - Denied count delta The number of failed Natural RPC service authorization checks (access denied).
NSAFNaturalRpcService­Overwrites Natural RPC Service - Overwrites count delta The number of times the SAF Server had to overwrite a previously cached Natural RPC service authorization request. If this number is high, consider increasing the number of items buffered.
NSAFNaturalRpcService­Successful Natural RPC Service - Successful count delta The number of successful Natural RPC service authorization checks.
NSAFState Natural SAF Security State state state The state of the Natural SAF Security.
NSAFUserDefinedResource­Check­Saved User-defined Resource - Check Saved count delta The number of times the SAF Server satisfied a user-defined resource authorization request from its cache, without calling the external security system.
NSAFUserDefinedResource­Denied User-defined Resource - Denied count delta The number of failed user-defined resource authorization checks (access denied).
NSAFUserDefinedResource­Overwrites User-defined Resource - Overwrites count delta The number of times the SAF Server had to overwrite a previously cached user-defined resource authorization request. If this number is high, consider increasing the number of items buffered.
NSAFUserDefinedResource­Successful User-defined Resource - Successful count delta The number of successful user-defined resource authorization checks.
NSAFUserOverwrites User Overwrites count delta The number of times the SAF Server had to overwrite a previously cached user information. If this number is high, consider increasing the total buffer size.

Built-In Rules

Administration Name Expression Severity Description
Natural SAF Security Natural Environment Denied Natural.NSAFNaturalEnvironmentDenied > 0 3 - Medium The Natural SAF Security denied Natural environment checks.
Natural SAF Security Natural Environment Overwrites Natural.NSAFNaturalEnvironmentOverwrites > 0 4 - Low The Natural SAF Security has overwritten previously cached Natural environment information.
Natural SAF Security Natural Library Denied Natural.NSAFNaturalLibraryDenied > 0 3 - Medium The Natural SAF Security denied Natural library checks.
Natural SAF Security Natural Library Overwrites Natural.NSAFNaturalLibraryOverwrites > 0 4 - Low The Natural SAF Security has overwritten previously cached Natural library information.
Natural SAF Security Natural RPC Service Denied Natural.NSAFNaturalRpcServiceDenied > 0 3 - Medium The Natural SAF Security denied Natural RPC service checks.
Natural SAF Security Natural RPC Service Overwrites Natural.NSAFNaturalRpcServiceOverwrites > 0 4 - Low The Natural SAF Security has overwritten previously cached Natural RPC service information.
Natural SAF Security Not Active Natural.NSAFState = 0 2 - High The Natural SAF Security is not active.
Natural SAF Security User Overwrites Natural.NSAFUserOverwrites > 0 4 - Low The Natural SAF Security has overwritten previously cached user information.
Natural SAF Security User-defined Resource Denied Natural.NSAFUserDefinedResourceDenied > 0 3 - Medium The Natural SAF Security denied user-defined resource checks.
Natural SAF Security User-defined Resource Overwrites Natural.NSAFUserDefinedResourceOverwrites > 0 4 - Low The Natural SAF Security has overwritten previously cached user-defined resource information.

Top of page

Natural Security


Administration Name Displayed Value
Host The name of the host.
Product The product component name "Natural Security".
NaturalSecurity The database ID and file number of the Natural Security system file FSEC.

KPIs of Event Map NaturalSecurity

Administration Name KPI Name Unit Type Description
SecLogon Logons - Total count composite

The number of logons (initial and subsequent).

Composite KPI: SecLogonInit + SecLogonSubseq

SecLogonDenied Logons Denied - Total count composite

The number of denied logons (by authentication or authorization).

Composite KPI: SecLogonDeniedAuthentication + SecLogonDeniedAuthorization

SecLogonDeniedAuthentication Logons Denied by Authentications count delta The number of failed authentication attempts (e.g. wrong password).
SecLogonDeniedAuthorization Logons Denied by Authorizations count delta The number of failed authorization attempts (e.g. wrong library).
SecLogonInit Logons - Initial count delta The number of initial logons / session starts.
SecLogonSubseq Logons - Subsequent count delta The number of subsequent logons.
SecState Natural Security State state state The state of the Natural Security and statistics (online/offline). "Offline" means in error. This KPI is automatically monitored.
SecUsersLocked Users Locked users delta The number of users locked during the monitor interval.

Built-In Rules

Administration Name Expression Severity Description
Natural Security Logon Denied Natural.SecLogonDenied > 0 3 - Medium Logons have been denied by Natural Security.
Natural Security Not Active Natural.SecState = 0 2 - High The Natural Security or the NSC statistics is not active.
Natural Security Users Locked Natural.SecUsersLocked > 0 3 - Medium Users have been locked by Natural Security.

Top of page

Natural SQL Gateway


Administration Name Displayed Value
Host The name of the host.
Product The product component name "Natural SQL Gateway".
NaturalSQLGateway The Natural nucleus name.

KPIs of Event Map NaturalSQLGateway

Administration Name KPI Name Unit Type Description
NatSqlCommandsOther Commands - Other count delta The number of other database commands (like OP, ET).
NatSqlCommandsRetrieval Commands - Retrieval count delta The number of retrieval commands.
NatSqlCommandsRowUpdate Commands - Row Update count delta The number of rows updated.
NatSqlCommandsTotal Commands - Total count delta The total number of database commands issued by Natural.
NatSqlCommandsUpdates Commands - Update count delta The number of update commands.
NatSqlFailingRequests­Total Failing Requests - Total count delta The total number of failing SQL requests.
NatSqlMonitoringState Natural SQL Gateway Monitoring State state state The state of Natural SQL Gateway monitoring (online/offline). The state is set to offline if the instance is not found in the Natural Optimize Monitor Buffer Pool. This KPI is automatically monitored.
NatSqlTimeCommand Time - Command ms delta The elapsed time spent to execute the SQL commands.
NatSqlTimeCommandAvg Time - Command Average ms composite

The average SQL command time.

Composite KPI: NatSqlTimeCommand / NatSqlCommandsTotal

NatSqlTimeGateway Time - Gateway ms delta The elapsed time spent in the SQL gateway.
NatSqlTimeGatewayAvg Time - Gateway Average ms composite

The average SQL gateway time.

Composite KPI: NatSqlTimeGateway / NatSqlCommandsTotal

Built-In Rules

Administration Name Expression Severity Description
Natural SQL Gateway Monitoring Not Active Natural.NatSqlMonitoringState = 0 2 - High The Natural SQL Gateway monitoring is not active.

Top of page

Natural Swap Pool


Administration Name Displayed Value
Host The name of the host.
Product The product component name "Natural Swap Pool".
NaturalSwapPool The name of the CICS and the name of the Natural CICS system directory when running under CICS; the swap pool name when running under UTM.

KPIs of Event Map NaturalSwapPool

Administration Name KPI Name Unit Type Description
NSwapCacheState Natural Swap Pool Cache State state state The state of the Natural swap pool cache (online/offline).
NSwapCacheUseCount Cache Use Count count delta The number of successful cache writes.
NSwapDeserters Deserters count delta The number of deserters (requests which are even bigger than the biggest slot). Only counted when the swap pool is active.
NSwapGuests Guests count delta The number of guests (requests for which all slots of the appropriate size are occupied and which are therefore handled by a bigger slot).
NSwapIOs I/Os count delta The number of roll file I/Os (writes).
NSwapReorgs Reorganizations count delta The number of swap pool reorganizations.
NSwapRepairs Repairs count delta The number of repairs.
NSwapRequests Requests count delta The number of requests (dialog steps).
NSwapSizeHits Size Hits count delta The number of slot size hits (requests which would fit into a slot). Only counted when the swap pool is active.
NSwapState Natural Swap Pool State state state The state of the Natural swap pool (online/offline). This KPI is automatically monitored.
NSwapUseCount Use Count count delta Use count (requests which are handled by any slot).

Built-In Rules

Administration Name Expression Severity Description
Natural Swap Pool Low Use Count Natural.NSwapUseCount / Natural.NSwapRequests <= 70% 3 - Medium Only few requests have been handled inside of the swap pool. The requests did not find a free slot and had to be handled by the cache or by the roll file.
Natural Swap Pool Many Deserters Natural.NSwapDeserters / Natural.NSwapRequests >= 10% 3 - Medium Many requests have been bigger than the biggest slot and had to be handled by the cache or by the roll file.
Natural Swap Pool Many Guests Natural.NSwapGuests / Natural.NSwapUseCount >= 30% 3 - Medium Many requests have not been handled in the slot corresponding to their size because all of these slots have been occupied. The request was therefore handled by a bigger slot which means a waste of resources.
Natural Swap Pool Many I/Os Natural.NSwapIOs / Natural.NSwapRequests >= 10% 3 - Medium Many roll file I/Os.
Natural Swap Pool Not Active Natural.NSwapState = 0 2 - High The Natural swap pool is not active.
Natural Swap Pool Repaired Natural.NSwapRepairs > 0 3 - Medium The Natural swap pool has repaired itself.

Top of page

Natural zIIP (zIIP Enabler for Natural)


Administration Name Displayed Value
Host The name of the host.
Product The product component name "Natural zIIP". In Optimize, the zIIP Enabler for Natural is referred to as "Natural zIIP".
NaturalzIIP The Natural Optimize Monitor Buffer Pool name is used as Natural zIIP name. If multiple Natural versions are running on the LPAR, each Natural Optimize Monitor Buffer Pool collects the Natural zIIP statistics of the corresponding Natural version. Therefore the Natural Optimize Monitor Buffer Pool name can be used for a unique identification of the Natural zIIP statistics.

KPIs of Event Map NaturalzIIP

Administration Name KPI Name Unit Type Description
NAZCpuTimeCp CPU Time - CP ms composite

The CPU time used on CPs.

Composite KPI: NAZCpuTimeTotal - NAZCpuTimezIIP

NAZCpuTimeElapsed CPU Time - Elapsed ms delta The elapsed time between two measurement points. The elapsed time can be used to adjust the other KPI values to a common time interval.
NAZCpuTimeEligible CPU Time - Eligible ms delta The CPU time used in zIIP-eligible workload on CPs or zIIPs.
NAZCpuTimeEligibleCp CPU Time - Eligible on CP ms composite

The CPU time used in zIIP-eligible workload on CPs because no zIIP was free.

Composite KPI: NAZCpuTimeEligible - NAZCpuTimezIIP

NAZCpuTimeLparCp CPU Time - LPAR CP ms composite

The overall CPU time used on CPs.

Composite KPI: NAZCpuTimeLparTotal - NAZCpuTimeLparzIIP

NAZCpuTimeLparTotal CPU Time - LPAR Total ms delta The overall CPU time used in the LPAR.
NAZCpuTimeLparzIIP CPU Time - LPAR zIIP ms delta The overall CPU time used on zIIPs.
NAZCpuTimeTotal CPU Time - Total ms delta The total CPU time used by Natural in all zIIP enabled sessions in the LPAR.
NAZCpuTimezIIP CPU Time - zIIP ms delta The CPU time used on zIIPs.
NAZModeSwitches Mode Switches count delta The number of switches from SRB into TCB mode.
NAZProcessorsCP Processors - CP count last value The number of CPs.
NAZProcessorszIIP Processors - zIIP count last value The number of zIIPs.
NAZS0F8Intercepts S0F8 Intercepts count delta The number of S0F8 abends due to SVC execution in SRB mode.
NAZSrbStarts SRB Starts count delta The number of starts of an SRB process by Natural.
NAZState Natural zIIP State state state The state of the Natural zIIP (online/offline). If the Natural zIIP entry is not found in the Natural Optimize Monitor Buffer Pool, the Natural zIIP is treated as "offline". This KPI is automatically monitored.
NAZzIIPUtilizationEligible zIIP Utilization of Eligible % composite

The percentage of the CPU time used in zIIP-eligible workload which was executed on zIIPs.

Composite KPI: 100 * NAZCpuTimezIIP / NAZCpuTimeEligible

NAZzIIPUtilizationLpar zIIP Utilization of LPAR % composite

The percentage of the overall LPAR CPU time which was executed on zIIPs.

Composite KPI: 100 * NAZCpuTimeLparzIIP / NAZCpuTimeLparTotal

NAZzIIPUtilizationTotal zIIP Utilization of Total % composite

The percentage of the total Natural CPU time which was executed on zIIPs.

Composite KPI: 100 * NAZCpuTimezIIP / NAZCpuTimeTotal

Built-In Rules

Administration Name Expression Severity Description
Natural zIIP Low zIIP Utilization of Eligible Workload Natural.NAZzIIPUtilizationEligible < 90 3 - Medium Less than 90% of the CPU time used in zIIP-eligible workload was executed on zIIPs.
Natural zIIP Not Active Natural.NAZState = 0 2 - High The Natural zIIP is not active.
Natural zIIP S0F8 Intercepts Natural.NAZS0F8Intercepts > 0 3 - Medium S0F8 abends occurred due to SVC executions in SRB mode.


  1. The KPIs "CPU Time - LPAR ..." comprise all tasks in the LPAR. All other "CPU time" KPIs reflect the time spent by Natural in all zIIP enabled Natural sessions in the LPAR (in the Natural enclave).
  2. Coding is either executed in TCB mode or in SRB mode. If it is running in TCB mode, it can be executed on CPs only. Before it can be executed on zIIPs, it must be switched into SRB mode. If Natural detects zIIP-eligible coding, it switches into SRB mode. But if no zIIP is free, the zIIP-eligible coding must be executed on CP. If the rule "Natural zIIP Low zIIP Utilization of Eligible Workload" fires from time to time, more zIIP processors should be provided.


The table below shows the processors and processing modes to which specific KPIs apply.

Others on CP Natural Enclave on CP - TCB Mode Natural Enclave on CP - SRB Mode Natural Enclave on zIIP - SRB Mode Others on zIIP
CPU Time - LPAR Total
  CPU Time - Total  
  CPU Time - CP    
    CPU Time - Eligible  
    CPU Time - Eligible on CP CPU Time - zIIP  


Term Description
CP Abbreviation for "general mainframe Central Processor" also named "general purpose processor".
Enclave With Natural zIIP, the enclave comprises all zIIP enabled Natural sessions in the LPAR.
SRB Abbreviation for "Service Request Block".
SRB mode Privileged processing mode used by the system and required for running on zIIPs.
TCB Abbreviation for "Task Control Block".
TCB mode Standard processing mode for applications running on CPs.
zIIP Abbreviation for "IBM System z Integrated Information Processor".

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Natural Web I/O Interface - Server


Administration Name Displayed Value
Host The name of the host.
Product The product component name "NWO Interface".
NwoServer The name, port and type (local/remote) of the Natural Web I/O Interface server (NWO).

KPIs of Event Map NwoServer

Administration Name KPI Name Unit Type Description
NwoCpuTime CPU Time seconds delta The CPU time used by the server. This includes Natural Web I/O Interface server and Natural tasks.
NwoHttpMonitorState HTTP Monitor State state state The state of the HTTP Monitor Server (online/offline). This KPI is automatically monitored. If the HTTP Monitor Server is offline, Natural Web I/O Interface servers and their KPIs cannot be monitored.

The KPI becomes obsolete if the Natural Optimize Monitor Buffer Pool is used for the data collection.

NwoIOBuffersReceived­Average­Size I/O Buffers Received - Average Size bytes composite

The average size of the I/O buffers received from the client.

Composite KPI: NwoIOBuffersReceivedSize / NwoIOBuffersReceivedNumber

NwoIOBuffersReceived­Number I/O Buffers Received - Number count delta The number of I/O buffers received from the client. A user request will be forwarded to a Natural Web I/O Interface server in one or more I/O buffers.
NwoIOBuffersReceived­Size I/O Buffers Received - Size bytes delta The size of the I/O buffers received from the client. The size of one I/O buffer depends on the user request.
NwoIOBuffersSentAverage­Size I/O Buffers Sent - Average Size bytes composite

The average size of the I/O buffers sent to the client.

Composite KPI: NwoIOBuffersSentSize / NwoIOBuffersSentNumber

NwoIOBuffersSentNumber I/O Buffers Sent - Number count delta The number of I/O buffers sent to the client. A Natural Web I/O Interface server answers a user request by sending one or more I/O buffers.
NwoIOBuffersSentSize I/O Buffers Sent - Size bytes delta The size of the I/O buffers sent to the client. The size of one I/O buffer depends on the user request.
NwoNaturalCalls Natural Calls count delta The number of calls (queries) to the Natural nucleus.
NwoNaturalTime Natural Time seconds delta The elapsed time spent for tasks in the Natural nucleus.
NwoNaturalTimeAverage Natural Time - Average seconds composite

The average elapsed time spent in Natural.

Composite KPI: NwoNaturalTime / NwoNaturalCalls

NwoServerCalls Server Calls count delta The number of server calls (receives) caused by client action.
NwoServerTime Server Time seconds delta The elapsed time spent in the server (excluding elapsed time spent in Natural).
NwoServerTimeAverage Server Time - Average seconds composite

The average elapsed time spent in the server (excluding elapsed time spent in Natural).

Composite KPI: NwoServerTime / NwoServerCalls

NwoServerTimeTotal Server Time Total seconds delta The time spent in the server (time between receive and send/terminate). NwoServerTimeTotal is the sum of NwoNaturalTime and NwoServerTime.
NwoServerTimeTotalAverage Server Time Total - Average seconds composite

The average elapsed time spent in the server including calls to Natural.

Composite KPI: NwoServerTimeTotal / NwoServerCalls

NwoSessionsCurrent Sessions - Current Number count last value The current number of sessions.
NwoSessionsTotal Sessions - Total Number count delta The number of sessions activated during the last measuring interval.
NwoState Natural Web I/O Interface Server State state state The state of the Natural Web I/O Interface server (online/offline). This KPI is automatically monitored.
NwoStorageUsed Storage Used bytes last value The current storage used, that is the total storage allocated. This value varies depending on the number of users or the activity of users.
NwoThreadQueueNatural Thread Queue - Natural count last value The current number of sessions queuing a Natural thread. A Natural call typically results in a request of a Natural thread. A Natural thread may be rolled out.
NwoThreadQueueServer Thread Queue - Server count last value The current number of sessions queuing a server thread.

Built-In Rules

Administration Name Expression Severity Description
Natural Web I/O Interface Server HTTP Monitor Server Not Active Natural.NwoHttpMonitorState = 0 2 - High The HTTP Monitor Server is not active.
Natural Web I/O Interface Server High Natural Elapsed Time Natural.NwoNaturalTimeAverage > 2000 3 - Medium The average elapsed time spent in Natural is greater than 2 seconds.
Natural Web I/O Interface Server Not Active Natural.NwoState = 0 2 - High The Natural Web I/O Interface server is not active.

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webMethods ApplinX - Server


Administration Name Displayed Value
Host The name of the host.
Product The product component name "ApplinX".
ApplinXServer The ID of the ApplinX Server.

KPIs of Event Map ApplinXServer

Administration Name KPI Name Unit Type Description
ApplinXAllocatedMemory Allocated Memory bytes last value The total amount of memory (in bytes) that is currently allocated to ApplinX server on the Java Virtual Machine.
ApplinXFreeMemory Free Memory bytes last value The amount of memory (in bytes) currently available for ApplinX to use.
ApplinXIdleThreads Idle Threads threads average The number of threads that were activated, but are currently not being used.
ApplinXSessions Sessions sessions average The total number of sessions presently connected to the server.
ApplinXStartedThreads Started Threads threads average The number of threads that were activated.
ApplinXState ApplinX Server State state state The state of the ApplinX server (online/offline). This KPI is automatically monitored.

Built-In Rules

Administration Name Expression Severity Description
ApplinX Server Connection Error ApplinX.ApplinXState = 0 2 - High No connection to the ApplinX Server.

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webMethods ApplinX - Application


Administration Name Displayed Value
Host The name of the host.
Product The product component name "ApplinX".
ApplinXServer The ID of the ApplinX Server.
ApplinXApplication The name of the ApplinX application.

KPIs of Event Map ApplinXApplication

Administration Name KPI Name Unit Type Description
ApplinXAppBytesReceived Bytes Received bytes average The number of bytes received from the host.
ApplinXAppBytesSent Bytes Sent bytes average The number of bytes sent to the host.
ApplinXAppServices Services services average The number of services that are connected to a specific application.
ApplinXAppSessions Sessions sessions average The number of sessions that are connected to a specific application.
ApplinXAppState ApplinX Application State state state The state of the ApplinX application (online/offline). This KPI is automatically monitored.

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webMethods ApplinX - Service


Administration Name Displayed Value
Host The name of the host.
Product The product component name "ApplinX".
ApplinXServer The ID of the ApplinX Server.
ApplinXApplication The name of the ApplinX application.
ApplinXService The name of the ApplinX service.

KPIs of Event Map ApplinXService

Administration Name KPI Name Unit Type Description
ApplinXServiceActive­Connections Active Connections connections average The number of connections currently held by a session (user).
ApplinXServiceAverage­Wait­Time Average Wait Time ms last value The average time (in milliseconds) sessions waited for a READY connection.
ApplinXServiceConnection­Count Connection Count connections average The total number of connections in the service (since the last time the service was started), ignoring broken connections.
ApplinXServiceMaxConcurrent­Sessions Max Concurrent Sessions sessions last value The maximum number of sessions that were connected concurrently since the host service started.
ApplinXServiceMaxConnections Maximum Connections connections last value The maximum number of connections that were connected concurrently since the service started.
ApplinXServiceMaxWait­Time Maximum Wait Time ms last value Maximum time, since the session started, that a user waited for a connection.
ApplinXServiceNumber­Of­Currently­Waiting­Users Number of Currently Waiting Users users last value The number of users currently waiting for a connection.
ApplinXServiceNumber­Of­Delayed­Users Number of Delayed Users users last value The total number of users who waited for a connection since the service was last started
ApplinXServiceNumber­Of­Timeouts Number of Timeouts count last value The number of users who received a timeout after a connection was not assigned to them.
ApplinXServicePercent­Of­Waiting Percent of Waiting percent last value The percent of sessions that did not immediately get a connection when trying to connect to ApplinX.
ApplinXServiceProcessing­Connections Processing Connections connections average The number of connections currently in the Processing state.
ApplinXServiceReady­Connections Ready Connections connections average The number of connections ready for use.
ApplinXServiceSession­Count Session Count sessions last value The total number of sessions that were connected to the host service since the service started.
ApplinXServiceState ApplinX Service State state state The state of the ApplinX Service (online/offline). This KPI is automatically monitored.

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webMethods EntireX - Broker


Administration Name Displayed Value
Host The name of the host.
Product The product component name "EntireX".
EntireXBroker The port of the EntireX Broker.

KPIs of Event Map EntireXBroker

Administration Name KPI Name Unit Type Description
EntireXBrokerState EntireX Broker State state state The state of the EntireX Broker (online/offline). This KPI is automatically monitored.
EntireXCalls Calls calls delta The number of EntireX calls.
EntireXCallsFirstWorker Calls for First Worker percent average Percentage of EntireX calls processed by the first worker. Only monitored, when more than one worker is active.
EntireXCallsLastWorker Calls for Last Worker percent average Percentage of EntireX calls processed by the last worker. Only monitored when more than one worker is active.
EntireXClients Clients clients average The number of clients active.
EntireXClientsPercentage Clients Used percent average Percentage of clients active. Only monitored when dynamic memory allocation is disabled.
EntireXCommunication­Buffers Communication Buffers buffers average The number of active communication buffers. 2
EntireXCommunication­Buffers­Percentage Communication Buffers Used percent average Percentage of communication buffers active. Percentage of open socket connections active. Only monitored when dynamic memory allocation is disabled. 2
EntireXConversations Conversations count average The number of active conversations. 3
EntireXConversations­Percentage Conversations Used percent average The percentage of active conversations. Only monitored when dynamic memory allocation is disabled. 3
EntireXCpuTime CPU Time seconds delta The CPU time consumed by the EntireX Broker. 4
EntireXCpuTimePercentage CPU Time Used percent average The percentage of the CPU time consumed by the EntireX Broker processes in relation to the total CPU workload. 4
EntireXLongBuffers Long Buffers buffers average The number of long buffers active.
EntireXLongBuffersPercentage Long Buffers Used percent average Percentage of long buffers active. Only monitored when dynamic memory allocation is disabled.
EntireXMemory Memory bytes average The size of the used storage in bytes. 3
EntireXMemoryPercentage Memory Used percent average The percentage of the used storage. Percentage of open socket connections active. Only monitored when dynamic memory allocation is disabled.3
EntireXNumberAuthentication­Failed Authentication Failed count last value Failed authentications. Only monitored when EntireX Broker security is activated. 2
EntireXNumberAuthorization­Failed Authorization Failed count last value Failed authorizations. Only monitored when EntireX Broker security is activated. 2
EntireXOpenConnections Socket Connections connections average The total number of open socket (TCP/IP and SSL) connections. 2
EntireXOpenConnections­Percentage Socket Connections Used percent average Percentage of open socket connections active. Only monitored when dynamic memory allocation is disabled. 2
EntireXParticipants Participants count average The number of active client, server, publisher and subscriber. 3
EntireXParticipants­Percentage Participants Used percent average The percentage of active client, server, publisher and subscriber. Only monitored when dynamic memory allocation is disabled. 3
EntireXPlatform Platform   generic Platform description.
EntireXPublishers Publishers publishers average The number of publishers active. 2
EntireXPublishersPercentage Publishers Used percent average Percentage of publishers active. Only monitored when dynamic memory allocation is disabled. 1
EntireXServers Servers servers average The number of servers active.
EntireXServersPercentage Servers Used percent average Percentage of servers active. Only monitored when dynamic memory allocation is disabled.
EntireXShortBuffers Short Buffers buffers average The number of short buffers active.
EntireXShortBuffers­Percentage Short Buffers Used percent average Percentage of short buffers active. Only monitored when dynamic memory allocation is disabled.
EntireXSubscribers Subscribers subscribers average The number of subscribers active. 1
EntireXSubscribersPercentage Subscribers Used percent average Percentage of subscribers active. Only monitored when dynamic memory allocation is disabled. 1
EntireXTopics Topics topics average The number of topics active. 1
EntireXTopicsPercentage Topics Used percent average Percentage of topics active. Only monitored when dynamic memory allocation is disabled. 1
EntireXUOWs Unit of Works uows average The number of UOWs active.
EntireXUOWsPercentage Unit of Works Used percent average Percentage of UOWs active. Only monitored when dynamic memory allocation is disabled.
EntireXWorkerQueues Worker Queues count average The number of used worker queue entries. 3
EntireXWorkerQueues­Percentage Worker Queues Used percent average The percentage of used worker queue entries. Only monitored when dynamic memory allocation is disabled. 3


1 Available as of EntireX Version 7.2.
2 Available as of EntireX Version 7.3.
3 Available as of EntireX Version 8.2.
4 Available as of EntireX Version 9.10.

Built-In Rules

Administration Name Expression Severity Description
EntireX Broker Authentication Failed EntireX.EntireXNumberAuthenticationFailed > 10 3 - Medium EntireX authentication failed.
EntireX Broker Authorization Failed EntireX.EntireXNumberAuthorizationFailed > 10 3 - Medium EntireX authorization failed.
EntireX Broker Connection Error EntireX.EntireXBrokerState = 0 2 - High No connection to the EntireX Broker.
EntireX Broker Connections Open EntireX.EntireXOpenConnections > 200 3 - Medium EntireX open socket connections.
EntireX Broker Last Worker Used EntireX.EntireXCallsLastWorker > 25 3 - Medium EntireX last worker used.

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webMethods EntireX - Server


Administration Name Displayed Value
Host The name of the host.
Product The product component name "EntireX".
EntireXBroker The port of the EntireX Broker.
EntireXServer The name of the EntireX Server.

KPIs of Event Map EntireXServer

Administration Name KPI Name Unit Type Description
EntireXServerBusyServers Busy Servers servers delta The number of times a client request (SEND with CONVID=NEW or NONE) could not be immediately assigned to a waiting server in one time interval.
EntireXServerConversations Conversations conversations average The number of conversations active for service.
EntireXServerInstances Server Instances servers average The number of servers active for service.
EntireXServerRequests Calls calls delta The number of requests (number of SEND commands with CONVID=NEW or NONE), since broker started, of the first worker in one time interval.
EntireXServerState EntireX Server State state state The state of the EntireX Server (online/offline). This KPI is automatically monitored.
EntireXServerUOWs Unit of Works uows average The maximum number of active UOWs.

Built-In Rules

Administration Name Expression Severity Description
EntireX Server Available Error EntireX.EntireXServerState = 0 2 - High The EntireX Server is not available.

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