Package MyChannels.Nirvana

Documentation for the Nirvana .Net Extended API. More...

Data Structures

class  DataGroupAddedEventArgs
 Event that is raised when a data group is added to another data group More...
class  DataGroupCreatedEventArgs
 Event that is raised when a data group is created More...
class  DataGroupDeletedEventArgs
 Event raised when a data group is deleted More...
class  DataGroupEventArgs
 Abstract class for data group event arguments More...
class  DataGroupRelationshipChangedEventArgs
 Event that will be raised when a data group is added to, or removed from, another data group More...
class  DataGroupRemovedEventArgs
 Event that is raised when a data group is removed from another data group More...
class  DataGroupStreamEventArgs
 The abstract type that will be raised when a stream is added or removed from a data group. More...
class  Destination
 Represents a message destination in the realm. More...
class  DestinationDeletedEventArgs
 An event that is raised when a destination is deleted More...
class  GivenPriorityEventArgs
 Event that will be raised when you are given priority to a priority named object. More...
interface  IBatch
 Allows the caller to perform a batch of operations on Nirvana resources. More...
interface  IBatchedSubscription
 Allows the caller to efficiently subscribe to many topics More...
interface  IConsumer
 Defines an object that receive messages from the realm. More...
interface  IDataGroup
 Defines a Data Group More...
interface  IDataGroupBatch
 Allows the caller to perform a batch of data group operations. More...
interface  IDataGroupSession
 Defines DataGroup operations available in a session. More...
interface  IDataStream
 Defines a data stream object. More...
interface  IDestination
 Defines a destination object. More...
interface  IMessage
interface  IProducer
 Defines an object that can publish messages to the realm. More...
interface  IProperties
 Defines an object that can be used to retrieve or store properties on a message. More...
interface  IQueueSession
 Defines Queue operations available in a session. More...
interface  IRegisteredEvent
 Defines an object that can be used to commit changes to an event that is stored in the realm server. More...
interface  IRegisteredEventBatch
 Allows the caller to send registered events in a batch. More...
interface  ISession
 Defines a nirvana session object. More...
interface  ISessionAttributes
 Defines the global settings for a session. More...
interface  ITopicSession
 Defines Topic operations available in a session. More...
interface  ITransaction
 Defines an object that allows sending of messages in a transactional manner. More...
interface  ITransactionalConsumer
 Defines a consumer that receives messages in a transactional manner. More...
class  Message
 The Message class represents the data published to or consumed from a Nirvana realm. More...
class  MessageArrivedEventArgs
 Event that will be raised when a message is delivered. More...
class  MessageEventArgs
 The event that is raised when a message is received. More...
class  Properties
 Used to retrieve or store properties on a message. More...
class  PurgeEventArgs
 An event that is raised when a message (event) has been purged. More...
class  Session
 Creates a session with a Nirvana Realm. More...
class  StreamAddedEventArgs
 Event that is raised when a stream is added to a data group More...
class  StreamRemovedEventArgs
 Event that is raised when a stream is removed from a data group More...


enum  DataGroupEventType {
  DataGroupEventType.Created, DataGroupEventType.Deleted, DataGroupEventType.AddedToGroup, DataGroupEventType.RemovedFromGroup,
  DataGroupEventType.StreamAdded, DataGroupEventType.StreamRemoved
 Defines the different types of data group events that can occur More...
enum  DestinationType { DestinationType.DataGroup, DestinationType.Queue, DestinationType.Topic }
 There are three types of destination DataGroup Queue Topic (Channel) More...
enum  MessageEventArgsType {
  MessageEventArgsType.Message, MessageEventArgsType.DeltaDelivery, MessageEventArgsType.DestinationDeleted, MessageEventArgsType.GivenPriority,
 Types of messages that can be received via a Topic, Queue or DataGroup More...

Detailed Description

Documentation for the Nirvana .Net Extended API.

Nirvana .Net Extended API Package, incorporating pub / sub & message queues & data groups.

Enumeration Type Documentation

Defines the different types of data group events that can occur


A data group was created


A data group was deleted


A data group has been added to another group


A data group has been removed from another group


A stream has been added to a data group


A stream has been removed from a data group

There are three types of destination DataGroup Queue Topic (Channel)


The destination is a DataGroup


The destination is a Queue


The destination is a Topic (Channel)

Types of messages that can be received via a Topic, Queue or DataGroup


A normal message.


Is the message a delta delivery, containing changes to an event that has already been delivered.


The destination you were receiving messages from has been deleted.


You have been given priority to the specified destination.


A message (event) has been purged.