MyChannels.Nirvana.DataGroupStreamEventArgs Class Reference

The abstract type that will be raised when a stream is added or removed from a data group. More...

Inheritance diagram for MyChannels.Nirvana.DataGroupStreamEventArgs:
MyChannels.Nirvana.DataGroupEventArgs MyChannels.Nirvana.StreamAddedEventArgs MyChannels.Nirvana.StreamRemovedEventArgs


IDataStream Stream [get]
 The stream that has been added or removed from the data group More...
int StreamCount [get]
 The number of streams in the data group More...
- Properties inherited from MyChannels.Nirvana.DataGroupEventArgs
IDataGroup Group [get]
 The data group that this event "occurred on" More...
abstract DataGroupEventType Type [get]
 The type of event More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from MyChannels.Nirvana.DataGroupEventArgs
 DataGroupEventArgs (IDataGroup group)
 Initializes the abstract class More...

Detailed Description

The abstract type that will be raised when a stream is added or removed from a data group.

Property Documentation

IDataStream MyChannels.Nirvana.DataGroupStreamEventArgs.Stream

The stream that has been added or removed from the data group

int MyChannels.Nirvana.DataGroupStreamEventArgs.StreamCount

The number of streams in the data group