Modifying the Action List
Use the following procedure to modify the action list for a virtual API
To modify the action list for a virtual API
1. In CentraSite Business UI, display the details page for the native API.
2. In the action bar for the API, click Virtualize . 3. In the Virtualize <API_Name> (Step 1 of 3) wizard, do the following:
a. In the Reconfigure an existing virtual alias section, select the virtual API whose action details you want to modify.
b. In the Endpoint to be virtualized section, select the endpoint of the virtual API.
c. Click Next.
4. The Virtualize <API_Name> (Step 2 of 3) wizard displays the list of actions that are assigned to the virtual API.
5. To add actions to the list, you simply drag and drop the individual actions from the Policy Actions area to the Message Flow area.
When adding actions to the policy, keep the following points in mind:
If you are using
webMethods Mediator as your gateway, you must include a built-in "Evaluate" action in order to identify or validate consumers. For common usage cases of identification and validation actions, see
Run-Time Governance with CentraSite .
Be aware that actions from the WS-I category cannot be combined with other types of actions. Also be aware that when you add a WS-I action to the action list,
CentraSite will automatically add dependent actions to the list as necessary.
6. To remove actions from the list, mouse hover the action name you want to delete. Choose the Delete () icon that is displayed to the right of the action name. 7. Use the procedure in Configuring Policy Action Parameters to configure the parameter values for any new actions that you might have added to the list, or to make any necessary updates to the parameter values for existing actions. For information about the parameter settings for the built-in run-time actions provided by CentraSite, see Run-Time Governance with CentraSite .
8. When the action list is complete and you have configured all of the input parameters for the actions correctly, click Save to save the updated virtual API.