Batch Interface

The batch interface is standard for SMH.

You must have a valid admin user to run batch commands.

This document covers the following topic:


The batch interface is a distributed console-based application. You must have at least one Software AG Runtime instance installed on your Intranet in order to perform batch-based management of a Software AG product.

The SMH installation procedure installs all of the generic components used by the batch interface. The specific product installation adds all product-specific components such as batch agents and templates.


  1. SMH batch interface (the command >argbatch) must be run from the same directory on which the SMH software is installed: Software AG_directory\InstanceManager\bin.
  2. All product-specific Software AG Runtime components must be installed on the same machine where the Software AG Runtime instance is installed.

From the batch interface you can query for supported commands, command syntax, etc. Usage of the batch interface is identical on every supported platform.


  1. The batch console connects to the Software AG Runtime instance that is configured in your registry. Refer to the Registry Settings for more information on this topic.

Start of instruction setTo display the batch interface screen

  • From the system console enter >argbatch. Remember that the batch interface must be started from the same directory on which SMH software is installed.

    A screen similar to the following is displayed. Note that the actual screen contains much more information than this screen capture.

    batch interface

Batch Environment

To uniquely address a proper agent in a batch command, you must provide information about the target node, the product and the version. The batch environment is specified in the format:

target=abc version=def product=ghi user=jkl password=mnopq

The following specific commands are available for the batch environment:

show environment
set environment
clear environment

With the set environment command, the user can preset the values for target, version, product, user and password to avoid having to enter this information for every subsequent command. These settings remain valid until a new set environment or clear environment command has been submitted. If the clear environment command is submitted without additional parameters, all the current settings are cleared. The show environment command lists the current settings.

An environment parameter specified directly in a batch command takes top priority. If no environment is specified in a batch command, the pre-settings are taken (if they exist). Otherwise, an error message is displayed.

Batch Command Format

Every batch command must begin with the string argbatch. The individual elements of batch commands must be separated either by blank spaces or tabs. The basic elements of a batch command are:

argbatch <batchCommandIdentifier> <batchEnvironment> <batchParameters>* <batchHelp>

argbatch relies on tokenization of the underlying shell. For this reason, always use double backslashes in parameter values (for example, for pathnames) to specify a single backslash.

A command identifier consists of a <commandOperation> and a <commandObject>. Typical command operations are show, set, create, delete, backup. Some of the common command objects are database, databaselocation, job, and extension.

The element <batchEnvironment> specifies the target node, user and password for the batch operation, the product and the version necessary to identify an appropriate agent on the server side. The default target node is localhost; the default version is the most recently installed version as specified in the registry of the target node.

A batch command can take one or more parameters that consist of a <parameterName> and a <parameterValue> joined by an equal sign ("=") without blank spaces; for example, target=mypc. A parameter value may include blank spaces, in which case it must be enclosed in inverted commas (double quotes, " "); for example, product="System Management Hub".

Some of the parameters that come directly from a specific product are case sensitive. Otherwise, all batch interface parameters are case insensitive.

A parameter always has following form:


Authorization, for those commands that require it, takes the following form:

user=myuserID password=mypassword

See Batch Authentication for more details.

If a mandatory parameter is omitted you receive an error message of the following type:

Specification of parameter uvwxyz is mandatory!

The <commandIdentifier> must appear immediately after argbatch. In most installations, the order of all other parameters is arbitrary. This may, however, vary depending on the Software AG products installed in your particular environment. Refer to the online help of the individual command for additional information.

Batch Commands

This section contains details on the batch interface commands. It is intended for reference of system administrators.

The information is structured under the following topics:

Displaying Help for Any Command

Start of instruction setTo display help for any command

  • Type help after the <commandIdentifier> and <batchEnvironment>, as illustrated in the following example for set environment:

    set environment help

    In this example, the command argbatch set environment help displays help on the usage of the command set environment. See also section Batch Help.

Displaying the Current Environment

Start of instruction setTo display the current environment

  • Type in the command:

    argbatch show environment

    show environment

Setting the Password

The password is initially set to undefined. Since a password is required for most functions, we recommend setting this parameter first.

The set command can be used for a variety of functions.

Start of instruction setTo set the password

  • Type in the command

    argbatch set environment password=mypassword

    The password is displayed as you type it for the first time. In subsequent batch sessions, however, the password is hidden (as a string of asterisks). Refer also to Batch Mode Password Utility.

Setting a New Target

Specific target environments can be created in batch representing specific target profiles to include individual user, password, product and version parameters. Unless otherwise specified, the batch environment assumes the default settings.

Start of instruction setTo set a new target

  • Type in the command

    argbatch set environment target=newtarget

    Once a new target has been specified, the new target becomes active and all subsequent commands apply by default to that new target.

When a new target is set, the default values are assumed for any parameter not specified. If you wish to set a different parameter for a new target, add the parameter to the command as in the following example.

argbatch set environment target=newtarget product=newproduct

Displaying Information for a Specific Target

When new targets have been added, with the show environment command it is possible to specify a specific target.

Start of instruction setTo display information for a specific target

  • Type in the command

    argbatch show environment target=newtarget

Displaying Information for All Targets

Start of instruction setTo display information for all targets

  • Type in the command

    argbatch show environment alltargets

    The new display is similar to the following example:

    show all targets

Clearing the Current Active Environment

Start of instruction setTo clear the current active environment

  • Type in the command

    argbatch clear environment

Clearing a Specific Environment

Start of instruction setTo clear a specific environment

  • Type in the command with the target

    argbatch clear environment target=newtarget2

Clearing All Environments

Start of instruction setTo clear all environments

  • Type in the command

    argbatch clear environment alltargets

Setting a Specific Product

It is also possible to use the set environment command to define specific products or versions within the environment. The syntax is similar to the previous examples.

Start of instruction setTo set a specific product

  • Type in the command

    argbatch set environment product=newproduct

Setting a Specific Version

Start of instruction setTo set a specific version

  • Type in the command

    argbatch set environment version=newversionnumber

Requesting a List of Available Commands

Start of instruction setTo request a list of available commands

  • Type in the command

    argbatch show commands product="System Management Hub" user=abc password=mypassword

    show commands

    If no other parameters are specified, the commands for the default environment settings are displayed. The actual list of commands in your environment can be much longer than this snapshot.

Requesting a List of Commands for a Specific Product on a Specific Node

Commands are organized in three blocks. The commands displayed in the first block are batch specific. The commands displayed in the second block are SMH-specific. Both of these first two blocks of commands apply to every installation of SMH. The final block of commands is product-specific and varies considerably depending on the local environment.

Start of instruction setTo request a list of commands for a specific product on a specific node

  • Add the desired environment variables to the previous command as in this example:

    argbatch show commands product=myproduct user=abc password=mypassword

Displaying a List of the Installed Products

Start of instruction setTo display a list of the products installed

  • Type in the command

    argbatch show products

    show products

Displaying Hardware Information for a Particular Target

Start of instruction setTo display hardware information for a particular target

  • Type in

    argbatch show hwinfo

    hardware info

Displaying Information on Hotfixes in Hatch

Start of instruction setTo display information on hotfixes in batch

  • In batch mode, type in the command "show hotfixes" and the product name as in the example below:

    show hotfixes product="System Management Hub"

    The batch interface displays a frame with information on the hot fixes installed, similar to the example below.

    show hotfixes

    The contents of this frame varies from installation to installation.

Configuring SSX

SMH 9.0 comes with SSX disabled by default. It can be enabled via the batch interface.

C:\Program Files\Software AG\System Management Hub\bin>argbatch set ssxenabled
Running for product System Management Hub 9.0 on target node R1.sag
Specification of parameter enable is mandatory!
usage: set ssxenabled [help | helplong]
[target=<target node>]
enable="true" | "false"

Start of instruction setTo check current SSX configuration

  • argbatch show ssxenabled
    SSX authentication is currently disabled

Start of instruction setTo enable SSX authentication

  • Set the SSX configuration to "true"

    argbatch set ssxenabled enable=true
    SSX Authentication enabling successful

Start of instruction setTo disable SSX authentication

  • Set the SSX configuration to "false"

    argbatch set ssxenabled enable=false
    SSX Authentication disabling successful

For details on the SSX module and the authentication scenarios, see Authentication in SMH.

Ignoring an SSL Error Message

If you do not ignore the SSL error message (that reports of a problem with your SSL communication) you may have problems to execute commands.

For example, if there is a problem with the SSL configuration of the host you are trying to connect to, you must either transmit data in plain text or solve the problem first.

Start of instruction setTo ignore an SSL error message

  • Append the parameter skipsslerror=1 to each command you run in batch interface to ignore an SSL error message.

    Following is an example of running a command to show information for a specific target:

    argbatch show environment target=newtarget skipsslerror=1

Refer to Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) in SMH for a list of possible SSL configuration problems.

Batch Authentication

For the target node, a user and a password must be specified. There are three ways to define the target user and password:

  1. Directly as parameters in the batch command, for example, :

    start database user=abc
    password=defghijk ...

    This setting has the highest priority. If a target user and password are specified in this way, all other settings are ignored.

  2. With the environment variables ARGBATCH_USER and ARGBATCH_PASSWORD. If these two environment variables have been defined on the client side, their values are taken. Specifying user and password directly as parameters in the batch command overrides these values (as stated above).

  3. Specifying the target user with the setEnvironment statement is the recommended method, as password and user ID are encrypted and stored. This means, you do not have to enter them in the command prompt for every sub-sequent command (see also Batch Environment). If no user and password information has been specified with the other two methods, the user and password information set here are applied.

    If the target node is a Windows machine that is part of a Windows domain, the logon user name must be provided as: <Domain>\<user>, for example, , sag\myself

It is possible to pipe one or more batch commands into the batch client if they are specified in a file separated by semicolons. for example, : argbatch < > commands.out.

Batch Mode Password Utility

Command Parameters Description
argpswd -help Displays a short help message

This utility is run from the command prompt. The first thing displayed is the current user ID that is stored in the registry. The tool then prompts you whether you would like to change the user ID, in case you have a different user ID on the target you are connecting to. To continue, enter the new user ID and password (that is masked as you type it).

In case the tool has been run by accident, you are asked to confirm that you wish to change the password. If you do so, the user name and password are stored in the SMH registry and you receive either the message that the password has been changed successfully or an error message if problems have occurred.

Changes are reflected in the argbatch environment when you make an "argbatch show environment" call.


Registry init failure This error occurs if SMH registry initialization fails. This error normally occurs if SMH is not running.
Registry Access Failed on set user This error occurs when the tool is unable to store the user information in SMH registry. The most common cause of this error is when the SAG environment has not been set up correctly, causing in turn incorrect settings for the SMH environment variables.
Registry Access Failed on set password This error occurs when the tool is unable to store the password information.

Batch Help

As mentioned previously, the batch help command has the following form:

[<commandIdentifier>] [<batchEnvironment>] help

Following are its characteristics:

  • When both <commandIdentifier> and <batchEnvironment> are specified, the help information is restricted to those batch environment parameters.

  • If only <commandIdentifier> is specified, information about the batch command on the localhost is given.

  • If only <batchEnvironment> is specified, all available batch commands for the specified target node, product and version are given.

  • If neither <commandIdentifier> nor <batchEnvironment> is specified, some general information about batch is displayed.

An alternative help command is also available: helplong. This command, where available, displays more detailed information than the standard help command. Where it is not available, the helplong command produces the same output as the help command.

The following screen capture shows a sample of the output of the helplong command with the create database command. The information is part the create database command with the product Tamino.

batch helplong