SNMP Add-on Interface

This add-on provides a SNMP interface to all products that are managed by SMH, exporting part of its functionality to other different environments with all of the advantages that this feature implies.

The SNMP interface features:

  • Bilingual, support for SNMPv1 and SNMP v2c

  • Notifications are sent using SNMPv1

  • MIBs are provided using SMIv2

Software AG's System Management Hub has been certified ca smart with CA UNICENTER, Licensed Software, from Computer Associates.
Please follow this link for more information on ca smart certification:  ca smart Partner Certification.

This document covers the following topics:


The install procedure sets up all of the required parameters:

  • Read community string

  • Read/Write community string

  • Default target for notifications

  • Listen on UDP ports

Technical Background

The SNMP interface package consists of the following components:

  • Client/Server layer SNMP adapter

  • Runtime SNMP adapter

  • Event Layer SNMP adapter

snmp overview

Each of the three SNMP adapters exports parts of the MIB-2 tree, all of them implement the sysGroup and snmpGroup.

All three SNMP adapters are set up to listen on a private UDP port. Therefore, do not use by default the standard SNMP UDP port 161. The single entry point for using SNMP with all Software AG products managed SMH is provided with the Client/Server Layer SNMP adapter.

The other two adapters are provided to control the internal layers of SMH and are not mandatory for SNMP management of a Software AG product.

If you want to use the default SNMP port for listening, disable the third-party SNMP agents listening on the default SNMP port 161 and install SMH SNMP interface as:

  • Client/Server Layer SNMP adapter, listening on port 161

  • Runtime SNMP adapter, listening on a private port

  • Event Layer SNMP adapter, listening on a private port

If you want to access all three SNMP adapters with the default SNMP port 161 and use this together with other operating-system or third-party SNMP agents that already listen on the SNMP default port 161, you must

  • Use an external third-party SNMP proxy and redirect the specific SoftwareAG MIB branches to the three SMH SNMP adapters listening on private UDP ports

  • All SoftwareAG MIB branches for products managed by SMH must be redirected to the Client/Server Layer SNMP, SNMP adapter

  • Configure the operating system master agent to perform the port translation if this is possible (for example, on Solaris)

See the README.TXT for unsupported SNMP features including SNMP proxy modules for various SNMP master agents; the proxy modules that act as SNMP subagent are described in the section "SNMP sub-agent configuration".

SNMP Components

This section describes the configuration of SMH SNMP interface for usage as a subagent of native, operating system-dependant, SNMP master agents.


SMH argsnmpp1 module integrates with native SNMP master agents that use the SNMP protocol to communicate with subagents (for example, Oracle SNMP agent for Solaris 7 or above).

Start the argsnmpp1 using the following command line:

argsnmpp1 port port_cs port_ev port_mil r_str w_str


port      : the SNMP port for this module, for example,  9161
port_cs   : the SNMP port of the ClientServerLayer SNMP interface, for example,  9903
port_ev   : the SNMP port of the EventLayer SNMP interface, for example,  9904
port_mil  : the SNMP port of the ManagementIndependentLayer SNMP interface, for example,  9992
r_str     : the read community string
w_str     : the read/write community string

For Solaris 7 or above systems, see also the Solaris readme.txt for additional configuration information.

Configuration of argsnmpp1 on Windows

The argsnmpp1.exe can run as service or standard win32 application. The SNMP port used by the argsnmpp1 proxy must be defined in the registry under the key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Software AG\System Management Hub\SNMPLayer\Proxy
String value: Snmp_Port

Registration as service:

argsnmpp1.exe -register     ; register the argsnmpp1 as service
argsnmpp1.exe -unregister   ; unregister the argsnmpp1 service
argsnmpp1.exe -start        ; start the argsnmpp1 service, or use the control panel for services
argsnmpp1.exe -stop         ; stop the argsnmpp1 service, or use the control panel for services


SMH argsnmpp2 module integrates with native SNMP master agents that use the Agent Extensibility (AgentX) Protocol to communicate with subagents (for example, NET-SNMP master agents, default on Linux platforms).

Start the argsnmpp2 using the following command:

argsnmpp2 port_mode port_cs port_ev port_mil r_str w_str


port_mode:  0 - use only TCP sockets, the agentx communication port is configurable
                              in the services file:


                              for example,  agentx entry:
                                   agentx   1510/tcp

                              If no entry in the services file, the default port number 705 is used.

                          1 - use only UNIX domain sockets, the used agentx port location:


                              Note: if using UNIX domain sockets, the argsnmpp2 must run with 'root' rights.

                          2 - use both TCP and UNIX sockets

port_cs   : the SNMP port of the ClientServerLayer SNMP interface, for example,  9903
port_ev   : the SNMP port of the EventLayer SNMP interface, for example,  9904
port_mil  : the SNMP port of the ManagementIndependentLayer SNMP interface, for example,  9992
r_str     : the read community string
w_str     : the read/write community string

Configuration of argsnmpp2 on Windows

The argsnmpp2.exe can run as a service or standard Win32 application. The agentx communication port used by the argsnmpp2 proxy is configurable in the services file:


    for example,  agentx entry:
         agentx   1510/tcp

If no entry in the services file, the default port number 705 is used.

Registration as service:

argsnmpp2.exe -register     ; register the argsnmpp2 as service
argsnmpp2.exe -unregister   ; unregister the argsnmpp2 service
argsnmpp2.exe -start        ; start the argsnmpp2 service, or use the control panel for services
argsnmpp2.exe -stop         ; stop the argsnmpp2 service, or use the control panel for services


SMH argsnmpp3 module integrates with the native Windows SNMP Agent for Windows NT, Windows 2000 and Windows XP.

The Microsoft Windows SNMP service must be installed on the same machine. Please, consult the Windows documentation for more informations about the Microsoft Windows SNMP service.

Configuration Steps

  1. Stop the Windows SNMP service using the Windows Service Control Manager (for example, on Windows: Control Panel-> Administrative Tools -> Services).

  2. Use the Windows registry editor (for example, regedit.exe), expand the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SNMP\Parameters\ExtensionAgents and add under this key the new string value.

    Name="Software AG System Management Hub"
    Value="SOFTWARE\Software AG\System Management Hub\SNMPLayer\Proxy\argsnmpp3"
    for example,  REGEDT4 format:
    "Software AG System Management Hub"="SOFTWARE\\Software AG\\System Management Hub\\SNMPLayer\\Proxy\\argsnmpp3"
  3. Start the Windows SNMP service using the Windows Service Control Manager (for example, on Windows: Control Panel-> Administrative Tools -> Services)

The proxy feature can be enabled/ disabled for specific Software AG products using the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Software AG\System Management Hub\SNMPLayer\Proxy\Products. Setting the string value for a given MIB sub-tree to "no" or "yes" disables or enable the proxy for this MIB sub-tree.

Setting up the External SNMP Managers

The SMH SNMP interface can be used with an external SNMP manager that supports:

  • SNMPv1 and/or SNMPv2c

  • MIBs specified using SMIv2

  • Multiple SNMP agents running on the same host using distinct UDP ports

Most third-party SNMP managers support the setup of the target SNMP port for a managed host and access to multiple SNMP agents (for example, define "proxied targets", consult the specific manager documentation).

SMH SMIv1 MIB is provided as an unsupported feature. The SMIv1 MIB is generated from the SMIv2 MIB using an automated translation tool. Use the SMIv1 MIB with external SNMP managers that do not support the SMIv2 syntax.

SMH integration package for Computer Associates UNICENTER NSM version 3.0 and above is provide on an "as-is" basis.

For more information, read the ARG_CAUnicenter_GettingStarted.doc. You can find it at C:\Program Files\Software AG\System Management Hub\snmp_mibs\integration\unicenter.

Prerequisites for CA Unicenter NSM 3.0 SMH and later

  • The SNMP Interface of SMH must be installed and running.

  • The previous versions of SMH(version 3.1, 3.3, 3.4 and 3.6) are not supported. Please update your copy of SMH to version 4.1 or later on all managed hosts.

  • When SMH 9.0 is installed with the default settings, it uses the ports 10013, 10010, 10012 for the Management Independent Layer running inside the Software AG Runtime. These ports are not used by default by Unicenter.

  • If SMH is installed as an update over a previous installation, then the Management Independent Layer may use the ports 10013, and 10010 which are used by default by Unicenter. SMH or Unicenter must be customized to use a distinct set of ports.

  • The integration policy uses SMH 4.1 default port set.


For CA Unicenter running on Windows platforms, install / uninstall scripts are provided.

  • Use Install.bat to install the package for CA Unicenter.

  • Use Uninstall.bat to uninstall the package from CA Unicenter.

These files are located under C:\Program Files\Software AG\System Management Hub\snmp_mibs\integration\unicenter.

Configuration Steps

  • Load SMH and managed products MIBs.

  • Define for each managed host the three SMH SNMP adapters, each one listening on the UDP ports specified according to the installation and configuration of SMH.

Loading SMH MIBs

The SMH MIBs are provided in the snmp_mibs sub-directory of the main installation directory.

Load the following MIBs in the external SNMP manager:


  2. <other Software AG MIBs>

    SMH SNMP MIB (SMIv1) created the SOFTWAREAG-ARG-ALL-v1.mib (using an automated translation tool (SMIv2 to SMIv1) from the SOFTWAREAG-ARG-ALL.mib. This MIB can be used with SNMP managers that do not support SMIv2 MIB's.

    The location of SOFTWAREAG-ARG-ALL-v1.mib is C:\Program Files\Software AG\System Management Hub\snmp_mibs\unsupported\smiv1