This document covers the following topics:
Extract the interface of the COBOL server program. | |
Generate connection and adapter services in Integration Server. | |
Execute the call from Integration Server to the COBOL server program. |
This scenario makes the following important assumptions:
You have a working COBOL DFHCOMMAREA server. For illustration and examples on such a server, see CICS with DFHCOMMAREA
Calling Convention.
You have access to the related COBOL sources and copybooks. The minimum requirement is the DATA DIVISION
of the interface. The sources and copybooks must be local, that is, on the same machine where EntireX Workbench is running.
More info
You have an Integration Server with EntireX Adapter installed.
To call the COBOL server program at runtime using the EntireX CICS ECI connection method, you need to configure the CICS ECI TCP/IP service within your CICS region. See Preparing IBM CICS for ECI in the webMethods EntireX Adapter documentation.
Follow the instructions for extracting COBOL, see Using the IDL Extractor for COBOL - Overview and choose Scenario I: Create New IDL and SVM if this is your first extraction.
This process creates the following EntireX metafiles:
IDL file. A Software AG IDL file contains definitions of the interface between client and server. See Software AG IDL File.
SVM file (optional). The server-side mapping file (SVM) contains COBOL-specific mapping information.
See Handling SVM Files.
This step is described in more detail under Using the Integration Server Wrapper.
Select the IDL file, and from the context menu choose Generate webMethods Connection from IDL file.... From the wizard, select an Integration Server instance and select the connection type.
Then select the namespace where you want to write the services to, and specify the connection properties.
. The connection service will be automatically enabled in the Integration Server.From the Service Development perspective, refresh the package where the connection service was written, select the Adapter service, and use the service test to Run Service:
This invokes the adapter service through the connection service.