This document covers the following topics:
This section provides the programmer with reference material on the RPC Communication Area. The RPC communication area is used to specify parameters which are needed to communicate with the broker and are not specific to interface objects. These are, for example, the broker ID, client parameters such as user ID, password and the server address such as class/servername/service etc.
The RPC communication area is provided in include file RPCCOM
RPC Communication Area Field | Explanation | Req. Opt. Auto |
In Out | Notes |
Internal use only - not for customer use. | - | - | 1 |
Version of RPC Communication Area. | Req. | I | 2 |
Size of RPC Communication Area. | Req. | I | 2 |
LO - Logon to broker.
Opt | I | 3 |
LF - Logoff from broker.
Opt | I | 3 | |
OC - Open Conversation.
Opt | I | 4 | |
CB - Close Conversation.
Opt | I | 4 | |
CE - Close Conversation and Commit.
Opt | I | 4 | |
Error code and error text returned by PL/I Wrapper. | - | O | 5 |
Broker ID used. Corresponds to the BROKER-ID field of the control block.
Req. | I | 6 |
Class Name of the RPC server. Use "RPC " for
Natural RPC Server. Corresponds to the SERVER-CLASS field of the ACI control block.
Req. | I | 6 |
Server Name of the RPC server. Corresponds to the SERVER-NAME field of the ACI control block.
Req. | I | 6 |
Service Name of the RPC server. Use "CALLNAT "
for Natural RPC Server. Corresponds to the SERVICE field of the ACI control block.
Req. | I | 6 |
Library sent to the RPC server. The library specified here overrides any library information specified in the IDL file, see library-definition. | Opt | I | 7, 4 |
Conversation ID if in an RPC Conversation.
Corresponds to the CONV-ID field of the ACI control block.
Auto | - | 4 |
Gives the time-out value for the transport
system in seconds. Corresponds to the WAIT field of the ACI control
Opt | I | 7 |
Broker user identification. Corresponds to the USER-ID field of the ACI control block. | Req. | I | 6, 3 |
Token used by the broker to identify the caller.
Corresponds to the TOKEN field of the ACI control block.
Opt | I | 7, 3 |
Password to be transmitted to the broker to
check authentication. Corresponds to the PASSWORD field of the ACI control
Opt | I | 7, 3 |
Broker security token. Received also from broker
and assigned to this field for further use. Corresponds to the SECURITY-TOKEN field of the control block.
Auto | I | 8 |
RPC user ID, provided to Natural Security. | Opt | I | 7, 9 |
RPC password provided to Natural Security. | Opt | I | 7, 9 |
Corresponds to the LOCALE-STRING field of the
ACI control block.
Opt | I | 10 |
Internal use only - not for customer use. | - | - | 1 |
Flag signaling a Natural Security ticket has to be provided with interface object calls. | Opt | I | 7, 9 |
Internal use only - not for customer use. | - | - | 1 |
Internal use only - not for customer use. | - | - | 1 |
Number of chunks allocated as a minimum, used by memory allocation. | Opt | I | 7, 10 |
Size of a chunk, used by memory allocation. | Opt | I | 7, 10 |
Internal use only - not for customer use. | - | - | 11 |
Internal use only - not for customer use. | - | - | 1 |
Internal use only - not for customer use. | - | - | 1 |
Internal use only - not for customer use. | - | - | 1 |
Name of the field in the RPC communication area.
Explanation of the purpose of the field.
Indicates for input fields whether they have to be given by the RPC application (required) or may be given (optional). Fields marked with Auto are managed internally by the interface objects and the Using the Generic RPC Services Module themselves.
Indicates whether the field is an input field (to be given by the RPC application), or an output field (returned to your RPC application).
whereby the needed number is adjusted automatically by
the interface object then. With the field COM_DATA_NCHUNK
a minimum number of
blocks allocated is defined, which is used if the calculation by the interface
object gives a lower number than the minimum. The default minimum number (4
blocks) can be altered with the field COM_DATA_NCHUNK
. Normally it is not
required to alter COM_DATA_SCHUNK
Among the generated PL/I sources and include files, the following PL/I modules are delivered . Some of them are PL/I sources, some of them are PL/I include files.
Module | Data Set | Description | Notes |
EXP960.INCL | Broker ACI control block for PL/I, referenced by the Generic RPC Services Modules | 1,5 |
EXP960.INCL | Generic RPC services interfaces | 4 |
EXP960.INCL | RPC communication area | 3 |
EXP960.INCL | Used internally by stubs and other parts | 1 |
EXP960.INCL | Preprocessor definitions | 1 |
EXP960.INCL | Generic RPC services used internally | 1,5 |
EXP960.INCL | Specific RPC functions used internally | 1,6 |
EXP960.INCL | Specific RPC functions used internally | 1 |
EXP960.SRCE | Batch generic RPC services | 1,2,5 |
EXP960.SRCE | CICS generic RPC services | 1,2,5 |
EXP960.SRCE | Specific RPC functions | 1,2,6 |
PLISRVT | EXP960.SRCE | Trace functions module | 1,2,7 |
Name of the delivered module.
In the table vrs represents the version, release and service pack. You will also find the module on DVD in the folder PL/I.
EXP960.QIPL - CICS RPC example include data set for PL/I.
The CICS RPC example include data set for PL/I may be delivered as a patch with a different name, EXP960.QInn, where nn is the patch level number. Make sure you install the highest patch level available.
EXP960.PIPL - Batch RPC example include data set for PL/I.
The Batch RPC example include data set for PL/I may be delivered as a patch with a different name, EXP960.PInn, where nn is the patch level number. Make sure you install the highest patch level available.
EXP960.INCL - Generic RPC include data set.
The Generic RPC include data set may be delivered as a patch with a different name, EXP960.INnn, where nn is the patch level number. Make sure you install the highest patch level available.
EXP960.SRCE - Generic RPC source data set.
The Generic RPC source data set may be delivered as a patch with a different name, EXP960.S0nn, where nn is the patch level number. Make sure you install the highest patch level available.
Purpose of the module.