Version 9.6
 —  Administering the CentraSite Business UI  —

Working with the Business User Interface

This document provides basic information about working with CentraSite Business UI, including logging on/off, using the basic navigation controls and setting the user preferences.

The content is organized under the following sections:

About CentraSite Business User Interface

The CentraSite Welcome page is your entry point to the CentraSite Business UI.

From this page you can:


  1. Perform the CentraSite Business functions from the Activities menu.

  2. Search or Browse for assets in CentraSite registry.

  3. Navigate to frequently-used Saved Searches.

  4. Set User Preferences.

  5. View or respond to your most important notifications from the Inbox.

  6. Access Help Center for information on the CentraSite Business functions.

Access CentraSite Business Functions

Use the Activities menu to access the core CentraSite function (Create Asset). For more information about creating assets, see Managing Assets .

Search or Browse for Assets

Search or Browse to find assets stored in the CentraSite registry. For more information about using the search or browse feature, see Managing the CentraSite Catalog.

Navigate to Frequently-Used Functions

Customize the Welcome page to view your frequently-used functions (such as "My Saved Searches", "Pending Approval"s etc.). CentraSite Business UI organizes these functions as widgets and renders them based on your preferences. For more information about portlets, see Working with Portlets.

Set Preferences

Select the user ID to set personal options. Options include account information, the name of your organization, contact information, language, time zone, notification style, saved searches, lists, and formats for dates and numbers. For more information about setting the user preferences, see Setting User Preferences below.

Manage the Inbox

The Inbox displays items that involve your user account, such as the notification requests. For more information about managing the inbox, see Managing Your Inbox below.

Help Center

On the Help Center, you can perform a browse to find the CentraSite help information you want.

Additionally, click on a topic of interest to display information on the top-level topics. For more information about help center, see Using the CentraSite Help Center below.

Top of page

Starting the Graphical User Interface

This section describes how to access the browser-based Business user interface for managing the CentraSite Registry Repository.

Because CentraSite's browser-based user interface uses JavaScript, you must ensure that your web browser is set up to allow JavaScript to execute. For more information about how to verify that your web browser settings to allow JavaScript, see the help for your web browser.

The use of theCentraSite Business UI is not supported if you are using a CentraSite Community Edition license.

Using URL to Start the Graphical User Interface

The following URL has been predefined to allow you to start the Business user interface directly in a browser:

URL UI Component started
http://<server>:<port>/BusinessUI/ CentraSite Business User Interface

Here, <server> is the machine on which the Software AG Runtime is running, and <port> is the number of the Software AG Runtime port. So, for example, http://localhost:53307/BusinessUI/ would start CentraSite Business UI on a local installation using the default Software AG Runtime port number.

Alternative Procedures on Windows

The Windows Start menu item Programs > Software AG > Tools contain an entry for starting CentraSite Business UI.

This Start menu entry is available on the machine where the Software AG Runtime is installed.

If you have just installed CentraSite, clear your web browser's cache, otherwise JavaScript errors can occur when you start some browser-based components of CentraSite.

Top of page

Logging In and Out

This section explains how to log in to CentraSite using the Business UI. Also, this section addresses how to request an account in the CentraSite Business user interface.

Your first logon after Installation

When you log in for the first time after the product installation, you must use the username "Administrator" and password "manage". This logs you on as the internal user "Administrator", and this user has the "CentraSite Administrator" role. After you have logged on with this username and password, you can perform all administration tasks, such as customizing the portlets, viewing your inbox etc.

You can alternatively log in as a guest user (see instructions in the following section), but this user cannot perform any administration tasks.

Logging in into CentraSite Business UI

You can log in as the internal user "Administrator", or as a user who has been registered as a CentraSite user by another user with the appropriate permissions. Alternatively, you can log in as a guest user without being registered as a user.

When you log in as a registered user, you supply a username and password. CentraSite Business UI validates the username and password against your machine's user repository (for example, operating system or LDAP). See the section About Users in the document Users, Groups, Roles and Permissions for information about defining CentraSite users and associating them with users in the user repository.

When you access CentraSite Business UI as a guest, you are permitted to view only the assets that have been made available for general viewing by their owners. By default, guest users cannot create, modify or delete any asset data. However, if the guest users have been granted permissions explicitly they can then access the user interface functions appropriately.

Start of instruction setTo log in to CentraSite Business UI as a registered user

  1. Open a web browser and navigate to the CentraSite Business User Interface.

  2. In the Login screen, enter your account username in the graphics/username.png Username field and press tab.

  3. You may opt to select the Remember Me check box to store the specified login credentials as a cookie in your computer. This cookie contains information that Software AG Runtime can use to authenticate your user credentials automatically the next time you visit the CentraSite Business UI.

    Whether or not this check box appears on the login page is controlled by a property in the centrasite.xml configuration file:

    <RememberMe visibility="true"/>
  4. Then type your password in the graphics/password.png Password field.

  5. Click the Log In button.

Start of instruction setTo log in to CentraSite Business UI as a guest user

  1. Open a web browser and navigate to the CentraSite Business User Interface.

  2. In the Login screen, click on the Access as guest link.

    Access the CentraSite Business UI without supplying a username or password.

Resetting your Password

If you are an existing user and have forgotten your password, use the Forgot Your Password? link to enter your registered username and email address.

Creating your New Account in CentraSite

If you do not have an existing CentraSite account and wish to open one, use the Register button to create a new account.

Start of instruction setTo create an account in CentraSite

  1. Open a web browser and navigate to the CentraSite Business User Interface.

  2. In the Login screen, click on the Register link. You will find the link below the Log In button.

  3. In the Create a New Account screen, enter the following information:

    1. graphics/username.png First Name - Enter your first name.

      Enter a name that contains letters, numbers, or a combination of both. You can also use the following special characters: . (dot), _ (underscore), and @ (at sign). Other special characters and spaces are not allowed. Your user name is case sensitive.

    2. graphics/username.png Last Name - Enter your last name.

      Enter a name that contains letters, numbers, or a combination of both. You can also use the following special characters: . (dot), _ (underscore), and @ (at sign). Other special characters and spaces are not allowed. Your user name is case sensitive.

    3. graphics/password.png Password - Enter a password.

      Enter a password that contains letters, numbers, special characters, or a combination. Spaces are not allowed. Your password is case sensitive. Reenter your password to confirm.

    4. graphics/email.png Email - Enter your email address.

      Enter a valid email address that you can access. All emails from the system will be sent to this address. The email address is not made public and will only be used if you wish to receive a new password or wish to receive certain notifications by email.

      You cannot specify an email address that is already associated with a CentraSite account.

    5. graphics/account_organization.png Organization - Enter the name of your organization.

    6. graphics/account_reason.png Reason - State in few words why you need this account in CentraSite.

    7. Show Password - Select this check box to display your password in plain text as you type in the Password text box.

    8. Click on the Register button.

    Click on the Back to Login page link to return to the Login screen.

  4. CentraSite Business UI displays a message informing that your request for a new account is submitted to a user in the Organization Administrator role.

    CentraSite internally executes an user registration workflow and submits the request for new account to the administrator or a designated group of approvers. For more information about an user's registration workflow, see Working with Approval Workflows.

    This workflow helps you to create a new account in an organization of interest within the CentraSite registry/repository.

    CentraSite does not execute the user's request for new account operation until it obtains the necessary approvals. If an approver rejects the request, CentraSite sends a notification at the specified email address and immediately exits the workflow. On the other hand, if all the designated approvers accept the request, CentraSite sends a email notification with your account details.

  5. You can log in and use CentraSite Business UI.

Take a Tour through CentraSite

CentraSite helps govern SOA and manage APIs. It governs the lifecycle of services, APIs and related metadata such as policies. This allows an organization to offer a robust API for developers and partners. It also helps increase of re-use software assets and improve their alignment with business needs. Before you use CentraSite, you can take a tour to learn more about the features of CentraSite.

Start of instruction setTo take a tour through CentraSite

  1. Open a web browser and navigate to the CentraSite Business User Interface. There is no need to log in or register at this point. The tour can be taken by both registered users and users who are not yet registered in the CentraSite.

  2. Click on the graphics/taketour.png Take a Tour button. You will find the button below the CentraSite Login screen. This opens the URL configured in centrasite.xml

    This opens a new browser page with the URL that is configured in the centrasite.xml file.

Logging out from CentraSite Business UI

To log out from CentraSite Business UI, choose the Log Out link at the top right hand corner of the screen.

If you do not log out when you are finished using CentraSite (that is, if you simply close the browser window without logging out), your session will automatically time out after 60 minutes of inactivity.

If configured Single-Sign-On (SSO) authentication, you specify a URL to redirect to when you log out. When you specify a logout URL, and when you click Log Out or your session expires, you are redirected to that page. If you don’t specify a logout URL, you are redirected to the general CentraSite login page.

You can specify any customized page to open when the logout event occurs. This is controlled by the following property statement in the centrasite.xml configuration file:


We recommend you to explicitly log out when you have finished using the user interface. Logging off ensures that the cookies from your session are cleared from your machine. If you close your browser without logging out, these cookies might not be cleared (depending on which browser you use) and could be reused if you were to log in to CentraSite Business UI before your earlier session's timeout period had elapsed.

Top of page

Starting CentraSite Business User Interface

For information about starting and logging in to CentraSite Business UI, see the section Starting the Graphical User Interfaces.

After you have logged in to CentraSite Business UI, you see the Welcome page. In addition to the standard navigation bar, this page offers you links to frequently used CentraSite Business UI features and also to Help Center links.

Top of page

The Navigation Controls in the User Interface

The following section describes the main navigation controls in CentraSite Business UI. The example shown is the asset details page.


Top of page

Setting User Preferences

This section describes how to control the logged in user's account and various aspects of the user's viewing and editing environment.

Accessing the User Preferences Screen

The User Preferences page allows you to set preferences related to the appearance and functionality of each component of your CentraSite application.

Some settings may not take effect until you log out and then log back in to your CentraSite application.

Start of instruction set To access the User Preferences page

  1. To access the User Preferences page (having logged on), click the profile name in the navigation bar (at the top right of every page).

User Preference Components

Once you have logged in, you can customize various aspects of CentraSite via the User Preferences. The preferences are split into the following components:

This section describes how to handle the various user preference components:

Viewing/Editing Information About Your User Account

On the Account Details, you can change your basic account information, including your name, email address, contact information and avatar.

You may not be able to change certain fields in your user profile. Contact your CentraSite administrator for information.

Start of instruction set To view/edit information about your user account

  1. In the CentraSite Business UI navigation bar, click the profile name.

    The User Preferences page appears.

  2. Display Account Details.

  3. To modify general information about your user account (name, email address, contact phone and fax numbers, avatar etc.,), edit the contents of the Account Details tab as necessary.

  4. If you have made any changes to your account information, click Save.

Setting Notification Options

Using the notification feature, you can request CentraSite to alert you when specified assets are modified.

The Notification Options allows you to enable or disable the notification options on specific events.

Start of instruction set To set the notification options

  1. In the CentraSite Business UI navigation bar, click the profile name.

    The User Preferences page appears.

  2. Display Notification Options.

    There are two options:

  3. Select or unselect the check boxes to enable or disable the notification options as necessary.

  4. If you have made any changes to your notification options, click Save.

When you attempt to disable both the notification options, keep the following points in mind:

Setting Display Options

You can configure your display settings in the CentraSite Business UI. The display settings specify the language in which CentraSite Business UI displays the user interface (assuming the appropriate language pack is installed on the Software AG Runtime) and the time zone in which timestamped events are rendered when you view the activity logs and other dated information in the CentraSite Business UI.

Start of instruction setTo set display preferences

  1. In the CentraSite Business UI navigation bar, click the profile name.

    The User Preferences page appears.

  2. Display Language and Time Settings.

  3. Specify the following details:

    In this field... Specify...
    Display Language

    The language in which you want CentraSite Business user interface to be displayed.

    Operating Language (Locale)

    The language in which you want data in the CentraSite Business user interface to be displayed.

    Date Format

    The format in which you want CentraSite Business UI to display dates to you.

    Time Format

    The format in which you want CentraSite Business UI to display times to you.

    Time Zone

    The time zone in which you want time stamped log information rendered when it is displayed to your user account.

  4. If you have made any changes to your display settings, click Save.

Changes to the Display Language and Operating Language (Locale) setting take effect at the next logon. All other changes you make are immediately active.

Managing My API Keys

The API key acts as both a unique identifier and secret token for authentication, and has a set of access rights on the API associated with it.

On the My API Keys panel, you can view a list of all the API keys generated in your CentraSite registry. You can view details of the individual API key, renew an expired API key, and delete the key if you no longer require it.

Viewing the List of API Keys

Use the following procedure to view the list of API keys you have generated in your CentraSite registry.

Start of instruction setTo view the list of your API Keys

  1. In the CentraSite Business UI navigation bar, click the profile name.

    The User Preferences page appears.

  2. Display My API Keys.

    This shows a list of your API keys in CentraSite.

Renewing an API Key

Use the following procedure to renew an expired API key.

Start of instruction setTo renew an API key

  1. In the CentraSite Business UI navigation bar, click the profile name.

    The User Preferences page appears.

  2. Display My API Keys.

    This shows a list of your API keys in CentraSite.

  3. Click the Renew (graphics/icon_renew.png) icon to the right of the API key you wish to renew.

    If the API key has an unlimited expiration period, the Renew icon is NOT visible in the user interface.

  4. [[[PLACEHOLDER]]]

Deleting an API Key

Use the following procedure to delete an API key permanently from the CentraSite registry.

Start of instruction setTo delete an API key

  1. In the CentraSite Business UI navigation bar, click the profile name.

    The User Preferences page appears.

  2. Display My API Keys.

    This shows a list of your API keys in CentraSite.

  3. Click the Delete (graphics/permissions_delete.png) icon to the right of the API key you want to delete.

    A confirmation message appears that the API key will be deleted.

Setting Saved Searches Preferences

The Saved Searches feature enables you to execute the search and display the results with a single click.

On the Saved Searches, you can view a list of any saved searches that you have created. You can open the saved searches to modify their contents, and you can delete them if you no longer require them.

Viewing the List of Saved Searches

Use the following procedure to view the list of Saved Searches that you have created.

Start of instruction set To view the list of Saved Searches

  1. In the CentraSite Business UI navigation bar, click the profile name.

    The User Preferences page appears.

  2. Display Saved Searches.

    This shows the list of saved searches in CentraSite.

Adding a Search to Saved Searches

Use the following procedure to add a user-defined search to the Saved Searches.

Start of instruction setTo add a search to Saved Searches

  1. Define a simple search or and advanced search. If you need procedures for this step, see Searching the CentraSite Catalog.

  2. Specify a name for the saved search.

    If the name you specify for the saved search already exists, you will be asked to provide a different name.

  3. Choose Save. Note that you can save your search without first executing it.

If a saved search with the given name already exists in the CentraSite, you will be asked whether you wish to replace the existing search with your current search criteria.

Modifying a Search in Saved Searches

Use the following procedure to modify a user-defined search in the Saved Searches.

Start of instruction setTo modify a search in Saved Searches

  1. In the CentraSite Business UI navigation bar, click the profile name.

    The User Preferences page appears.

  2. Display Saved Searches.

    This shows the list of your saved searches in CentraSite.

  3. Click on the name of the saved search that you want to view of edit.

    This runs the saved search and shows the results in the Search Results page.

  4. The Search Results page displays the search criteria that were used in the search.

  5. Examine and/or redefine your search criteria as necessary.

  6. If you have made changes to the search criteria, click Save to save the changes.

Renaming a Search in Saved Searches

Use the following procedure to rename a search in Saved Searches.

Start of instruction setTo rename a search in Saved Searches

  1. In the CentraSite Business UI navigation bar, click the profile name.

    The User Preferences page appears.

  2. Display Saved Searches.

    This shows the list of your saved searches in CentraSite.

  3. Hover your mouse over the name of the saved search you wish to rename.

  4. Click the Edit (graphics/02_Edit.gif) icon.

  5. Specify a new name for the search and click Save.

If a saved search with the given name already exists in the CentraSite, you will be asked whether you wish to replace the existing search with your current search criteria.

Removing a Search from Saved Searches

Use the following procedure to remove a search from Saved Searches.

Start of instruction setTo remove a search from Saved Searches

  1. In the CentraSite Business UI navigation bar, click the profile name.

    The User Preferences page appears.

  2. Display Saved Searches.

    This shows the list of your saved searches in CentraSite.

  3. Hover your mouse over the name of the saved search you want to delete.

  4. Click the Delete (graphics/permissions_delete.png) icon.

    A confirmation message appears that the saved search will be deleted.

Working with My Favorites

The My Favorites feature enables you to create lists and shortcuts to items that you use routinely or otherwise want to keep close at hand.

Using My Favorites, you can create quick links to selected assets in the catalog.

Viewing My Favorites

Use the following procedure to view the lists that you have created.

Start of instruction setTo view the lists in My Favorites

  1. In the CentraSite Business UI navigation bar, click the profile name.

    The User Preferences page appears.

  2. Display My Favorites.

    This shows the lists you have created in CentraSite.

Adding a List of Assets to My Favorites

Using My Favorites, you can build a collection of assets that you can display as a group. When the asset names are displayed as a group, you can click on the name of any given asset and select the actions that are appropriate for that asset.

Start of instruction setTo add an asset to a list in My Favorites

  1. In CentraSite Business UI, display the asset that you want to add to My Favorites. If you need procedures for this step, see the section Viewing Details for an Asset.

  2. On the asset details page, click the Add to List (graphics/11_AddtoList.gif) icon.

  3. In the Add to List dialog, do one of the following:

  4. Choose Add.


    If at any time you wish to abandon your unsaved list and return to your previous screen, just click the Cancel button.

You can also add multiple assets to a list in My Favorites in a single operation. To do this, proceed as follows:

Start of instruction setTo add multiple assets to a list in My Favorites in a single operation

  1. In CentraSite Business UI, use either the Browse or the Search feature in the registry to select a list of the assets you want to add. If you need information on how to browse or search the registry, refer to the section Browsing the CentraSite Catalog or Searching the CentraSite Catalog.

  2. Mark the checkbox of each asset you want to add.

  3. In the actions menu, click the Add to List (graphics/11_AddtoList.gif) icon.

  4. In the Add to List dialog, select the assets, and then continue as described above for an individual asset.

Removing Assets from a List in My Favorites

If at a later stage you want to remove the asset from a list in My Favorites, proceed as follows:

Start of instruction setTo remove an asset from a list via My Favorites

  1. Display My Favorites and choose the list that contains the asset that you want to remove.

    This displays the names of the assets contained in the list.

  2. Mark the checkbox of the asset you want to remove from the list.

  3. Choose the Remove from List (graphics/RemovefromList_32X32_up.png) icon.

Alternatively, you can remove an asset from a list in My Favorites via the asset details page as follows:

Start of instruction setTo remove an asset from a list via asset details page

  1. In CentraSite Business UI, display the asset that you want to remove from a list in My Favorites. If you need procedures for this step, see the section Viewing Details for an Asset.

  2. On the asset details page, click the Remove from List (graphics/RemovefromList_32X32_up.png) icon.

  3. In the Remove from List dialog, choose the list from that you want to remove the asset by the drop-down list.

    If you want to specify multiple lists, use the plus button to add additional rows.

  4. Choose Remove.

You can also remove multiple assets from a list in My Favorites in a single operation. To do this, use one of the following procedures:

Start of instruction setTo remove multiple assets from a list via My Favorites

  1. In CentraSite Business UI, use either the Browse or the Search feature in the registry to select a list of the assets you want to remove. If you need information on how to browse or search the registry, refer to the section Browsing the CentraSite Catalog or Searching the CentraSite Catalog.

  2. Mark the checkbox of each asset you want to remove.

  3. In the actions menu, click the Remove from List (graphics/RemovefromList_32X32_up.png) icon.

  4. In the Remove from List dialog, select the list, and then continue as described above for an individual asset.

If you add an asset to a list and later delete the original asset that the list entry points to, the entry in the list is deleted automatically.

Renaming an Entry in My Favorites

Use the following procedure to rename an entry in My Favorites.

Start of instruction setTo rename an entry in My Favorites

  1. In the CentraSite Business UI navigation bar, click the profile name.

    The User Preferences page appears.

  2. Display My Favorites.

  3. Hover your mouse over the name of the entry you wish to rename.

  4. Click the Edit (graphics/02_Edit.gif) icon.

  5. Specify a new name for the entry and click Save.

    If an entry with the given name already exists in the CentraSite, you will be asked whether you wish to replace the existing entry with your current entry.

Removing an Entry from My Favorites

Use the following procedure to remove an entry from My Favorites.

Note that when you remove an entry, any underlying assets to which the entry refers are not affected.

Start of instruction setTo remove an entry from My Favorites

  1. In the CentraSite Business UI navigation bar, click the profile name.

    The User Preferences page appears.

  2. Display My Favorites.

  3. Hover your mouse over the name of the entry you want to delete.

  4. Click the Delete (graphics/permissions_delete.png) icon.

    A confirmation message appears that the entry will be deleted.

Working with My Portlets

The My Portlets feature includes a list of portlets that represent the result set of a search query, any external HTML page or a graphical image.

Viewing My List of Portlets

Use the following procedure to view the list of portlets that you have created.

Start of instruction setTo view the list of portlets

  1. In the CentraSite Business UI navigation bar, click the profile name.

    The User Preferences page appears.

  2. Display My Portlets.

    This shows the list of portlets you have created in CentraSite.

Renaming a Portlet

Use the following procedure to rename a portlet.

Start of instruction setTo rename a portlet

  1. In the CentraSite Business UI navigation bar, click the profile name.

    The User Preferences page appears.

  2. Display My Portlets.

  3. Hover your mouse over the name of the portlet you wish to rename.

  4. Click the Edit (graphics/02_Edit.gif) icon.

  5. Specify a new name for the portlet and click Save.

    If a portlet with the given name already exists in the CentraSite, you will be asked whether you wish to replace the existing portlet with your current portlet.

    As an alternative, you can rename a portlet using its Configure option, as described in Personalization Settings for Portlet Functions.

Removing a Portlet

Use the following procedure to permanently remove a portlet from CentraSite.

Note that when you remove a portlet, any underlying objects to which the portlet refers are not affected.

Start of instruction setTo remove a portlet

  1. In the CentraSite Business UI navigation bar, click the profile name.

    The User Preferences page appears.

  2. Display My Portlets.

  3. Hover your mouse over the name of the portlet you want to delete.

  4. Click the Delete (graphics/permissions_delete.png) icon.

    A confirmation message appears that the portlet will be deleted.

Top of page

Managing Your Inbox

This section describes how to manage your inbox in CentraSite Business UI.


Your Inbox is where you receive notifications and send and receive messages.

If you have requested to receive notifications whenever certain assets are modified, CentraSite Business UI's inbox shows the list of such notifications.

Remember that CentraSite will not display Inbox in navigation bar unless you have chosen to receive notifications via CentraSite inbox. For information about setting the notification preferences, see the section Setting User Preferences.

Using the Inbox

How to Access Your Inbox

Use the following procedure to access your inbox in the CentraSite Business user interface.

Start of instruction setTo access your inbox

  1. Log in into the CentraSite Business UI.

  2. Click the Inbox link in the upper right-hand corner of the user interface. CentraSite displays the Welcome to Your Inbox page.

Creating a Notification Request

Use the following procedure to have CentraSite notify you when a specified asset is modified.

Start of instruction setTo create a notification request

  1. In CentraSite Business UI, display the asset that you want to watch. If you need procedures for this step, see the section Viewing Details for an Asset.

  2. On the asset details page, click the Watch (graphics/12_Watch.gif) icon.

    Your notification request is reflected as Watchers on the asset's Basic Information profile. The Watchers displays the list of users who are currently registered to receive notifications for the asset.

    If you see the Unwatch icon on the actions menu instead of the Watch icon, that indicates that you are already registered to receive notifications for the selected asset.

  3. Go to the Inbox to verify that the notification request has been added to your notifications list.

You can also create notification requests for multiple assets in a single operation. To do this, proceed as follows:

Start of instruction setTo create notification requests for multiple assets in a single operation

  1. In CentraSite Business UI, use either the Browse or the Search feature in the registry to select a list of the assets you want to watch. If you need information on how to browse or search the registry, refer to the section Browsing the CentraSite Catalog or Searching the CentraSite Catalog.

  2. Mark the checkbox next to the name of each asset you want to watch.

  3. On the asset details page, click the Watch (graphics/12_Watch.gif) icon.

Viewing Notifications You Have Received

If you have requested a notification for one or more assets, CentraSite Business UI displays an envelope (graphics/new_inbox_notitfication.png) beside the Inbox in navigation bar indicating objects on your notification list have been updated since the last time you viewed your notifications.

Use the following procedure to display the notifications that you have received.

Start of instruction setTo view notifications you have received

  1. Display Inbox.

  2. To view an asset's information, click on the asset's name. CentraSite Business UI will display the details page for that asset.

Deleting a Notification Request

If you no longer want to receive notifications for an asset, use the following procedure to delete your notification request.

Start of instruction set To delete a notification request

  1. In CentraSite Business UI, display the asset that you want to unwatch. If you need procedures for this step, see the section Viewing Details for an Asset.

    If you see the Watch icon on the actions menu instead of the Unwatch icon, that indicates that you are not registered to receive notifications for the selected asset.

  2. On the asset details page, click the UnWatch (graphics/Unwatched.png) icon. CentraSite automatically changes the watcher count in the asset's Basic Information profile.

  3. Go to the Inbox to verify that the remove from notification request has been added to your notifications list.

Start of instruction set To delete notification requests for multiple assets in a single operation

  1. In CentraSite Business UI, use either the Browse or the Search feature in the registry to select a list of the assets you want to watch. If you need information on how to browse or search the registry, refer to the section Browsing the CentraSite Catalog or Searching the CentraSite Catalog.

  2. Mark the checkbox next to the name of each asset you want to unwatch.

  3. On the asset details page, click the Unwatch (graphics/Unwatched.png) icon.

Removing Notifications from Your Inbox

Use the following procedure to remove a notification from your Inbox. Note that when you remove a notification, any underlying assets to which the notification refers are not affected.

Start of instruction set To remove a notification from your Inbox

  1. Display Inbox and locate the notification that you want to remove.

  2. From the actions menu, click the Delete Notification (graphics/04_Delete.gif) icon.

Using Refiners in Your Inbox

Refiners enable you to drill down into the Inbox based on attributes that are associated with the notifications, such as name, description, event type, last modified date, last modified user, comment etc.

Refiners are displayed in the View menu that is located just above the result view area.

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Using the CentraSite Help Center

CentraSite Help Center gives an overview of the functionality of the CentraSite Business UI. Browse the CentraSite Help Center to get information about your product. This section describes how to access and use the various help topics in CentraSite Business UI.

Access CentraSite Business UI Help Center

Use the following procedure to access the CentraSite Business UI Help Center.

Start of instruction setTo access CentraSite Help Center

  1. Log in to the CentraSite Business UI.

  2. Click the Help link in the upper right-hand corner of the user interface. CentraSite displays the Welcome to the Help Center page.

    Alternatively, you will find Help Center links on several pages through out the CentraSite Business user interface.

  3. On the Help Center page, browse topics in the view area. Click on a topic to have it displayed.

What You'll Find in the Help Center


Don't have a CentraSite Business user interface yet? Begin with our Introduction section to know about the features that are offered by the CentraSite Business UI.

All about Assets

Chances are, you're here to check out the possible actions on an asset. For quick access to various modifications on the asset, start with this page that lists All about Assets.

Using Keyword Searching

Need some help with Using Keyword Searching? The CentraSite Business UI provides a powerful search facility. You can search for assets across organizations, classifications and types on the basis of several search criteria using ALL/ANY combinations. We'll also tell you how to define a simple search and give you plenty of points that help you define a simple search.

Browsing the Catalog

You'll undoubtedly need to view the complete list of assets at some point. You can also view a list of assets that belong to a particular asset type, organization, and user by Browsing the Catalog.

Managing the Catalog

Need some help with Managing the Catalog? CentraSite has dozens of assets that you'll want to get familiar with. We'll show you how to create or import an asset of a certain type and give you plenty of information if you want to go further on asset's definition.

Collaborating on Assets

We can provide you with all the details about approving requests for assets. The Collaborating on Assets section of the Help Center is all about approval management, so start here if you need info about the approval workflows.

Working with Notifications

You can start Working with Notifications feature to request CentraSite to alert you when specified assets are modified. The notification can be sent to you via Email and/or Inbox, depending on how notification is configured in your user preferences.

Customizing your Welcome Page

The Welcome page of the CentraSite Business user interface is configurable and you can set up views of your most frequently used functions and reports as portlets. You can walk through the contents of the Welcome page and the supported portlet types in our Customizing Your Welcome Page section.

Updating Your User Profile

Need some help with Updating Your User Profile? You can change various aspects of the Business user interface displays to suit your personal preferences.

Further Resources

For more information about CentraSite Business user interface and its functions, see the Further Resources section.

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