Version 9.6

Object Type Management

This document describes how to use CentraSite Control to create and manage custom types.

The content is organized under the following sections:

green ball What is a Type? Describes the characteristics and purpose of a type.
green ball What is a Virtual Type? Describes the characteristics and purpose of a virtual type.
green ball Who Can Create and Manage Types? Describes the permissions needed to create, edit or delete a type.
green ball Creating a New Type Describes how to add a custom type to CentraSite.
green ball Viewing or Editing a Type Describes how to view or modify the definition of a type.
green ball Viewing or Editing a Virtual Type Describes how to view or modify the definition of a virtual type.
green ball The Predefined Asset Types Installed with CentraSite Identifies the predefined types installed with CentraSite and describes the kinds of modifications you can make to them.
green ball Customizing the User and Organization Types Describes the modifications you can make to the User and Organization types installed with CentraSite.
green ball Deleting a Type Describes how to delete a type.
green ball Working with Composite Types Explains what a composite type is and identifies the components of the composite types that are installed with CentraSite.
green ball Working with Association Types Describes how to define and manage association types.

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