Version 9.6
 —  Object Type Management  —

Viewing or Editing a Type

You use the Edit Asset Type wizard to view or edit the properties and options for an existing asset type. When editing an existing type, keep the following points in mind:

If you are modifying one of the predefined asset types installed with CentraSite, review the information in The Predefined Asset Types Installed with CentraSite before you begin. It explains the kinds of modifications that you can make to the predefined types.

If you are using CentraSite in conjunction with other software products, for example, the products of the Software AG webMethods Product Suite or a third-party product, those products can add their own asset types to CentraSite. Be aware that CentraSite treats these types as user-defined custom types, which can be modified by an administrator with the appropriate permissions (just like any other custom type). Modifying or deleting these types in CentraSite can lead to inconsistencies or errors in the product that uses the type. For example, if you modify or delete a type that is used by the webMethods Product Suite, components such as the webMethods Integration Server may no longer be able to publish assets to CentraSite. To prevent these types of errors, do not modify or delete any asset type on which other Software AG components or third-party products depend. For a list of the predefined types that the webMethods Product Suite uses, see The Predefined Types Installed with CentraSite.

Viewing or Editing a Type

Start of instruction setTo view or edit a type

  1. In CentraSite Control, go to Administration > Types.

  2. By default, all of the available types are displayed in the Types tab.

    If you want to filter the list to see just a subset of the available types, enter a partial string in the Search field. CentraSite applies the filter to the Name column. The Search field is a type-ahead field, so as soon as you enter any characters, the display will be updated to show only those types whose name contains the specified characters. The wildcard character "%" is supported.

  3. In the Types tab, click the name of the asset type that you want to modify.

  4. In the Asset Type Details page, click Edit to open the Edit Asset Type wizard.

  5. On panel 1, edit the following fields as necessary:

    In this field... Do the following...

    Specify the display name for the type. Be sure to use a name that your users will recognize and understand. For example, use "BPEL Process Document", not "bpdoc".

    The name you assign to the asset type can contain any character, including spaces.

    Changing the type's display name will not affect its schema name. The type's schema name is fixed when a type is created. It is not affected by subsequent changes to the type's display name.


    Optional. Enter a brief description of the type.

  6. If you want to modify the icons associated with the type or change the type's advanced settings, click Advanced Settings and modify the settings in the Advanced Settings dialog box as needed. For additional information about the settings in this dialog box, see the descriptions for these settings in Creating a New Type.

  7. In panel 2, edit the type's attributes as necessary. If you need procedures for this step, see Defining Attributes for a Type.

  8. In panel 3, edit the type's profiles as necessary. If you need procedures for this step, see Defining Profiles for an Asset Type.

  9. In panel 4, change the selection of generic profiles as necessary. For more information about generic profiles, see Generic Profiles.

  10. In panel 5, rearrange the order of the type's profiles as necessary.

  11. Click Finish to save the updated type.

You can view multiple asset types as follows:

Start of instruction setTo view multiple asset types

  1. In CentraSite Control, go to Administration > Types.

  2. Ensure that the Types tab is selected.

  3. Mark the checkboxes of the types whose details you want to view.

  4. In the Actions menu, click Details.

    The Details view of each of the selected types is now displayed.

Removing an Attribute

There is a command line tool that allows you to remove an attribute from an asset type, in cases where existing instances of the type contain a value for the attribute. Using the tool, the attribute's value is automatically removed from all existing instances, then the attribute is removed from the type.


  1. If there are many existing instances, the remove operation can take some time to complete.
  2. You cannot remove a predefined attribute from a predefined asset type. You can, however, remove a custom (i.e. user-defined) attribute from a predefined asset type.

Start of instruction setTo remove an attribute from an asset type

  1. At the command line, enter a command of the following format:

    CentraSiteCommand remove Attribute [-url <CENTRASITE-URL>] -user <USER-ID>
    -password <PASSWORD> -assetType <ASSET-TYPE> [-attributeKind <ATTRIBUTE-KIND>]
    -attributeName <ATTRIBUTE-NAME>

    The following table describes the complete set of input parameters that you can use with the remove Attribute utility:

    Parameter Description
    The fully qualified URL (http://localhost:53307/CentraSite/CentraSite) for the CentraSite registry/repository.
    The user ID of a user who has the "CentraSite Administrator" role.
    The password of the user identified by the parameter "-user".
    The name of the asset type, in the format "{<namespace of the asset type>}SchemaName".
    A one-character code representing the type of the attribute you wish to remove. Allowable values are "C" for Classification, "R" for Relationship, "F" for File and "S" for all other attribute types. The use of the
    parameter is optional. See the description of attribute types in the section What is a Type? for more information about the various kinds of attributes.
    The name of the attribute schema for attributes whose AttributeKind is "S". For attributes with an AttributeKind other than "S" it is the name of the attribute itself.

Here is an example of a call of this command:

CentraSiteCommand remove Attribute [-url "http://localhost:53307/CentraSite/CentraSite"] -user "Administrator"
-password "manage" -assetType "{}XMLSchema" [-attributeKind "S"]
-attributeName "test_String_Attribute"

You can execute the above command in the command line interface CentraSiteCommand.cmd (Windows) or (UNIX) of Command Central. The tool is located in <CentraSiteInstallDir>/utilities.

If you start the command line tool with no parameters, you receive a help text summarizing the required input parameters.

The parameters of the command are case-sensitive, so for example the parameter "-url" must be specified as shown and not as "-URL".

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