Version 9.6
 —  Object Type Management  —

The Predefined Asset Types in CentraSite

CentraSite is installed with a number of predefined asset types. Some of these types are "core types" that belong to CentraSite itself. You can modify these types as described in Modifications You Can Make to CentraSite's Core Asset Types.

Other predefined types are installed to support the use of CentraSite by products such as the webMethods Product Suite. These types belong to other products, which expect the type definitions to remain unchanged. Modifying or deleting these types in CentraSite can lead to inconsistencies or errors in the product that uses the type. For example, if you modify or delete a type that is used by the webMethods Product Suite, components such as the webMethods Integration Server may no longer be able to publish assets to CentraSite. You must not modify these predefined asset types.

The table in The Predefined Types Installed with CentraSite indicates which of the predefined types are core types that belong to CentraSite and which belong to other products such as the webMethods Product Suite.

The Predefined Asset Types Installed with CentraSite

The following table identifies the predefined asset types that are installed with CentraSite and indicates to which product they belong.

Type Name Owner
Application CentraSite
Application Server CentraSite
BPEL Partner CentraSite
BPEL Partner Link CentraSite
BPEL Partner Link Type CentraSite
BPEL Process CentraSite
BPEL Role CentraSite
BPM Process Project webMethods Product Suite
CAF Security Role webMethods Product Suite
CAF Task Rule webMethods Product Suite
CAF Task Type webMethods Product Suite
Decision Entity webMethods Product Suite
E-form webMethods Product Suite
Event Type webMethods Product Suite
Interface CentraSite
IS Connection webMethods Product Suite
IS Package webMethods Product Suite
IS Routing Rule webMethods Product Suite
IS Server webMethods Product Suite
IS Service webMethods Product Suite
IS Service Interface webMethods Product Suite
IS Specification webMethods Product Suite
IS Type Definition webMethods Product Suite
JDBC Datasource webMethods Product Suite
Operation CentraSite
Package CentraSite
Portlet webMethods Product Suite
Portlet Preference webMethods Product Suite
Process webMethods Product Suite
Process Pool webMethods Product Suite
Process Step webMethods Product Suite
Process Swimlane webMethods Product Suite
REST Service (virtual type of Service) CentraSite
Rule Action webMethods Product Suite
Rule Data Model webMethods Product Suite
Rule Parameter webMethods Product Suite
Rule Project webMethods Product Suite
Rule Set webMethods Product Suite
Service CentraSite
TN Document Type webMethods Product Suite
TN Group webMethods Product Suite
Virtual REST Service (virtual type of Service) CentraSite
Virtual Service (virtual type of Service) CentraSite
Virtual XML Service (virtual type of Service) CentraSite
Web Application webMethods Product Suite
Web Application Page webMethods Product Suite
WS-Policy CentraSite
XML Schema CentraSite
XML Service (virtual type of Service) CentraSite

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Modifications You Can Make to CentraSite's Core Asset Types

The following describes the ways in which you can customize the core asset types that belong to CentraSite.

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