Version 9.5 SP1
 —  Interfaces  —

Using the Control Panel

This document provides information on the Control Panel of SMH for display and edit of the current configuration.


The control panel displays information about the installed SMH packages.

Start of instruction setTo display the installed SMH packages

  1. Select System Management Hub in the navigation frame.

    The packages currently installed are displayed both in the navigation frame and in the content frame, as illustrated in the image above.

  2. Similarly, expand Control Panel in the navigation frame to display the control panel packages in both views.

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Software AG Infrastructure

The Common Software AG Infrastructure package provides access to configuration information related to the infrastructure common to all Software AG products.

Start of instruction setTo display configuration information

  1. Select System Management Hub > Control Panel > Common Software AG Infrastructure.

    Configuration information is displayed in the content frame.

    Version information is displayed from the Version Info under the context menu of SMH infrastructure.

  2. Right-click Common Software AG Infrastructure to open its context menu.

  3. Choose Version Info.

    Information on the names, types and version numbers of the files associated with the Common Software AG Infrastructure installation are displayed in the content frame.

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System Management Hub

The System Management Hub package provides access to configuration information related to the SMH installation on the current host machine.

Start of instruction setTo display the common SMH infrastructure

Start of instruction setTo display details on a property

Start of instruction setTo display version information for SMH

  1. Right-click System Management Hub to open its context menu.

    control panel smh context

  2. Choose Version Info from the context menu.

    Details are displayed in the content frame.

Start of instruction setTo display installed components

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Client/Server and Agent Layer

The Client/Server and Agent Layer component allows the user to display and configure information related to the Client/Server Layer.

Start of instruction setTo display client/server layer and agent layer properties

Start of instruction setTo display details on a specific property

Start of instruction setTo display the installed plug-ins

  1. Right-click the Client/Server and Agent Layer node below the System Management Hub node.

  2. From the context menu choose Plug-in Info.

    A table with the installed plug-ins currently installed is displayed in the content frame.

Start of instruction setTo change the settings of a Client/Server Layer property

  1. Right-click the Client/ Server and Agent Layer's context menu and choose Change Settings.

    A table with the Client/Server Layer properties is displayed in the content frame.

  2. Make any desired changes in the spaces provided and press OK to confirm them.

  3. Details on the available options are provided for each property that is accessible by pressing the question mark symbol (graphics/41help_questionmark.png) in the Details column of the table next to each property. The example illustrated below is for the property TCP/IP Receive Timeout.

    Press Cancel to return to the previous screen.

Session Plug-ins

This agent is used to add, remove and modify the callback plug-ins in the Client/ Server and Agent Layer.

Start of instruction setTo display the session plug-ins

Start of instruction setTo display details

Start of instruction setTo add a session plug-in

  1. Open the context menu of the Session Plug-ins node.

  2. Choose Add Session Plug-in from the context menu.

  3. Enter the plug-in name in the space provided. Confirm the library path (or edit it, if necessary, in the dialog box) or press the Browse button to select a different path.

  4. Press OK to add the new plug-in or Cancel to make any changes.

Start of instruction setTo modify a session plug-in

  1. Choose Modify Session Plug-in from the context menu.

  2. Make the desired modifications in the dialog box and press OK to confirm those modifications.

    Press the Setting button in the Command column.

Start of instruction setTo delete a session plug-in

  1. Choose Delete Session Plug-in from the context menu.

  2. Select the check box next to the session plug-in to be deleted.

  3. Press the OK button to delete the plug-in or the Cancel button to make any changes.

Session Agents

This function is used to add, remove and modify Session Agents in the Client/Server Layer.

Start of instruction setTo display the session agents

Start of instruction setTo display details

Start of instruction setTo add a session agent

  1. Open the context menu of the Session Agents node.

  2. Choose Add Session Agent from the context menu.

    An input frame similar to the one below requesting the agent's parameters and classpath is displayed.

    add session agent

  3. Specify the agent type using the appropriate radio buttons and confirm the agent (or edit it, if necessary, in the dialog box). Enter the parameter and classpath information in the spaces provided.

    Press Next to continue or Cancel to make any changes.

    Select a different agent (in the relevant directory) by pressing the Browse buttons.

  4. After pressing the Next button in the previous step, a screen similar to the one below is displayed.


    Choose the product and version number from the selection boxes and press OK to continue.

Start of instruction setTo modify a Session Agent

  1. Choose Modify Session Agent from the context menu.

  2. Make any desired modifications in the dialog box in the content frame and press OK to confirm those modifications.

Start of instruction setTo delete a Session Agent

  1. Choose Delete Session Agent from the context menu.

  2. Choose the agent to be deleted in the content frame and press OK to confirm the deletion or Cancel to make any changes.

For general information on Agents, see SMH Agents.

SSX Configuration

The CSLayer server has the option to enable SSX authentication and respectively to manage it.

SSX Configuration is located in the Control Panel node, under the Client/ Server and Agent Layer menu of SMH.

When you click SSX Configuration, the system displays the current SSX properties.

Right-click SSX Configuration to display the system's configuration commands:

The Enable (Disable) SSX configuration command enables or disables the SSX configuration.

If SSX configuration is successful, you must see the following screen:


The Revert last changes command loads the last configuration. This means that it enables or disables the SSX authentication accordingly.

When you click Modify SSX configuration, a dialog box opens on the right for you to select the authentication type - Active directory, LDAP, or Operating system.

Make your choice and follow the screen's instructions to provide the specific authentication parameters for each authentication type.

For details on the usage of the SSX module in SMH, see Authentication in SMH.

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Events and Job Monitor Layer

The Events and Job Monitor component allows the user to display and configure information related to the Events Layer.

Start of instruction setTo display the Events and Job Monitor

Detailed information on the properties of the Events Layer is displayed in the content frame.

Start of instruction setTo display Events and Job Monitor Layer Properties

Start of instruction setTo display details on a specific property

Start of instruction setTo change the current Events and Job Monitor Layer settings

  1. Open the context menu of the Events and Job Monitor Layer and choose Change Settings.

    The current Events Layer properties are displayed in the content frame.

  2. Make any desired changes in the spaces provided and press OK to confirm those changes.

  3. Details on the available options are provided for each property, accessible by pressing the question mark symbol (graphics/41help_questionmark.png) in the Details column of the table next to each property. The example illustrated below is for the property TCP/IP Receive Timeout.

    Press Cancel to return to the previous screen.

Start of instruction setTo display details on installed event agents

Start of instruction setTo add an event agent

  1. Open the Event Agent's context menu.

  2. From the context menu choose Add Event Agent.

  3. Specify the agent type using the appropriate radio buttons and confirm the agent (or edit it, if necessary, in the dialog box). Enter the parameter and classpath information in the spaces provided.

    Press Next to continue or Cancel to make any changes.

    Select a different agent by pressing the Browse button. A screen similar to the one below is displayed.


  4. Choose the product and version number from the selection boxes and press OK to continue.

Start of instruction setTo modify an Event Agent

  1. Choose Modify Event Agent from the context menu.

  2. Make any desired modifications in the dialog box in the content frame and press OK to confirm those modifications.

Start of instruction setTo delete an event agent

  1. Choose Delete Event Agent from the context menu.

  2. Choose the agent to be deleted in the content frame and press OK to confirm the deletion or Cancel to make any changes.

For general information on Agents, see SMH Agents.

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Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Layer

The SNMP component allows the user to display and configure information related to the SMH SNMP Layer.

SNMP Details and Settings

Start of instruction setTo display information on the SNMP Layer

Start of instruction setTo display details on a specific property

Start of instruction setTo change the current SNMP Layer settings

  1. Open the context menu of the SNMP Layer below the Control Panel node in the navigation frame.

  2. From the context menu choose Change Settings.

    The current SNMP Layer properties are displayed in the content frame.

  3. Make any desired changes in the spaces provided and press OK to confirm them.

  4. Details on the available options are provided for each property that is accessible by pressing the question mark symbol (graphics/41help_questionmark.png) in the Details column of the table next to a property.

    Press Cancel to return to the previous screen.

SNMP Notifications

The SNMP Notification component allows the user to display and configure the current SMH SNMP notifications.

Start of instruction setTo display the SNMP Notifications Layer

Start of instruction setTo add a new SNMP notification

  1. Open the context menu of the SNMP Notifications node in the navigation frame.

  2. From the context menu choose Add Notification.

  3. Enter the URL and UDP Port for the new notification in the spaces provided and press OK to confirm.

Start of instruction setTo modify an existing SNMP notification

  1. Open the context menu of the SNMP Notifications node in the navigation frame.

  2. From the context menu choose Modify Notification.

  3. Modify the UDP Port for the notification in the space provided and press OK to confirm.

Start of instruction setTo delete an existing SNMP notification

  1. Open the context menu of the SNMP Notifications node in the navigation frame.

  2. From the context menu choose Delete Notification.

  3. Choose the notification to be deleted and press OK to confirm.

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Enabling SSL Support in SMH

If you want to use SSL communication you must have a valid key pair – a Certificate file and a Private Key file. This pair is stored in PKCS12 keystore. It must be available before you enable the SSL. SSL support is disabled by default because you must provide a valid keystore first.

Enable SSL using Enable from the SSL Configuration menu.

If you do not have a valid keystore, SMH can create it with the Modify wizard of the SSL Configuration menu.

Right-click SSL Configuration from the Control Panel node and point to Modify.

You can generate a new certificate (PKCS12), upload an existing PKCS12 (PFX) certificate keystore, or use a pair of a private key file and a certificate file in PEM format.

Following is information for server.p12 location:

You must provide a password for the keystore to generate a new certificate. The password must be at least 5 characters long. Then, SMH generates a keystore that contains a certificate file and a private key file.

If you want to upload an existing PKCS12 (PFX) keystore, provide the existing password of the keystore and navigate to the location where your existing keystore is located, using the Browse button.

If you want to use a private key file and a certificate file in PEM format, provide the private key file’s password and navigate to the locations where your PEM files are stored in the same way as in the preceding example.

After you complete all the steps, SMH verifies the success of the operations with the following screen:


This screen confirms that SSL support is enabled for all the options of the SSL configuration tool..

For general information on SSL, see Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) in SMH.

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Automated Tasks

Users can add tasks, scheduled tasks, and mappings.

The following example of the two ways of executing an automated task is taken from the execution of a sendmail client script (sendmail.cmd, located in C:\Program Files\Software AG\System Management Hub\tasks)

Depending on the location the tasks are called from, you can execute them from two different places.

  1. From the argsrv poller thread; it checks for any event messages fired during a certain period. Argsrv is configured in the registry settings: Default 1 min.

  2. From the Run Tasks in the Automated Tasks menu; this provides manual execution of the task (scripts).


Depending on the location from where they are executed, the following sample shows the order of parameters that the agent receives for further processing:

Following is an example if the task (script) is called from the Argsrv poller thread:

 java com.softwareag.systemmanagementhub.emailclient.MailClient %5

Example if called from the Run Tasksinterface:

 java com.softwareag.systemmanagementhub.emailclient.MailClient %3

 {NOTE: The MailClient above uses the JavaMail SMTP API to send mails.
        Please include the mail.jar, activation.jar and argjlib.jar (ARGUS internal jar which provides the MailClient
        in the CLASSPATH environment variable

Closing Applications with the Automated Tasks Feature

When you start an application from Automated Tasks, it is assigned a job token as a parameter. The application must close it before end of execution.

The job has to be closed from the application that started it.

Following is a script example:

"%Programfiles%\Software AG\System Management Hub\bin\argevutl.exe" %1 %2 close ARGAA0303 >> %LOGFILE% 2>&1

Usage:  TaskID JobToken Action MessageID [MessageParams]

        TaskID            :   Task ID
        JobToken          :   The Event Job Open Token ID
        Action            :   addmsg | create | close
        MessageID         :   Message ID
        [MessageParams]   :   0..n Number of Message Parameters


argevutl.exe 0 0 create ARGAA0100 USER_NAME=mickeymouse
argevutl.exe 2 000e74004359ef9e-00 addmsg ARGAA0101 USER_NAME=mickeymouse
argevutl.exe 2 000e74004359ef9e-00 close ARGAA0300

@return   0,1,2
        0 -> Success
        1 -> Usage Error
        2 -> Invalid Token

Following is an example of the usage in case of using a batch file on Windows:

@echo off
 argevutl.exe 0 0 create INOAAI0574 dbName=fake > temp.txt
 FOR /F %%b  in (temp.txt) Do set token=%%b
 argevutl.exe 1 %token% addmsg INODSF1011
 argevutl.exe 1 %token% close

Following is a description of the Automated Tasks interface that provides you with the option to execute tasks (scripts) manually:

Display Tasks

The Automated Tasks Package is used to manage automated task configuration, scheduling, event-job to task mapping and manual execution and scheduling of tasks.

In the navigation frame choose Automated Tasks below System Management Hub under the Control Panel node.

The detail-view frame on the right displays the dashboard for the current configurations and for the mapped and scheduled tasks with the current settings.

The Automated Tasks node allows you to automate actions, scheduled tasks and event mappings. It is used to add, remove, and modify tasks configured within the system.

If you want to to access the tasks agent, expand Automated Tasks in the tree-view frame by clicking the plus symbol next to it.


Select Tasks in the tree-view frame. The tasks currently defined are displayed in the detail-view frame.

Add Tasks

Start of instruction setTo add a new automated task

  1. Expand the Automated Tasks node in the navigation frame.

  2. Click Add Task.

  3. A input frame requesting the Description, Script, Parameters, Run as User and Password for the script is displayed. The Task ID is automatically generated by the agent.

    Provide a description of the new task and enter the parameters associated with it. Your user ID and password are entered as default.

  4. Press the OK button to confirm your entries. Press the Cancel button to make any changes.

Add Scheduled Task

Start of instruction setTo add a new scheduled task

  1. Expand the Automated Tasks node in the navigation frame.

  2. Choose the Schedule option. A table of the currently scheduled tasks are displayed in the content frame.

  3. Open the context menu for the Schedule option.

  4. In the Schedule option's context menu, choose Add Scheduled Task.

  5. Enter the task ID in the dialog box. Scheduling can be on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. For weekly tasks specify the day of the week on which you wish the task to run. For monthly tasks specify the day of the month. Specify how long you wish the schedule to apply to the task by entering the start and end dates. Set the desired time and check the Scheduled box.

  6. Press the OK button to confirm your entries. Press the Cancel button to make any changes.

Add Mapping

Start of instruction setTo add a new mapping

  1. Expand the Automated Tasks node in the navigation frame.

  2. Choose the Mappings option. A table of the message ID to task ID mappings currently defined are displayed in the content frame.

  3. Open the context menu for the Mappings option.

  4. In the Mappings option's context menu, choose Add Mapping.

  5. Enter the message ID from which and the task ID to which the new mapping is to apply in the dialog boxes.

  6. Press the OK button to confirm your entries. Press the Cancel button to make any changes.

Configuring the Send Mail Event

Start of instruction setTo configure the send mail event

  1. Open the context menu of the Mappings option, and choose Add Mapping.

  2. Fill in the screen as shown in the next snapshot. The MessageID should be INODSW2326, which corresponds to the following Tamino message:

    <timestamp> INODSW2326: The license for XXXX with ID YYYY has expired, server aborts in ZZZZ days

    Note: if Tamino uses a temporary/evaluation license, the license check is performed every 24 hours.

  3. Once all of the fields have been filled in, press the OK button.

Enabling Automatic Processing of Notifications

On Windows operating systems use the regedit utility and set the string value AutomatedTasks to "1". This can also be done directly from the SMH web interface on both Windows and UNIX.

Restarting the Software AG Client/Server Layer services

Restart the Software AG Client/Server Layer services by selecting it from the Services screen and choosing the Restart option, as illustrated in the screen capture below.

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Network Drives

The Network Drives configuration is only available on Windows.

The Network Drives component allows the user to display and configure the network drives mapping available to the products managed by SMH.

Start of instruction setTo display network drives

The contents of all SMH tables can be sorted in a variety of ways. See the section on how to sort the information in a table, above, for more details.

Start of instruction setTo display the details of an existing network drive mapping

Start of instruction setTo modify an existing network drive mapping

  1. In the appropriate Action column of the content frame, choose Modify in the row of the drive you wish to modify.

  2. Make the desired changes and press the OK button to confirm. For more information on how to modify a drive, make sure that you have pop-ups enabled in your browser and press the Help button.

Start of instruction setTo disconnect an existing network drive mapping

  1. In the appropriate Action column of the content frame, choose Disconnect in the row of the drive you wish to disconnect.

  2. Press the OK button to confirm. Press the Cancel button to return to the previous display.

Start of instruction setTo map a new network drive

  1. In the navigation frame, open the context menu of the Network Drives node.

  2. From the Network Drives context menu, choose Map Drive.

    The Map Drive screen is displayed in the content frame.

  3. Enter the drive letter without a colon ( : ). Enter the name of the folder (in the format \\DOMAIN\DRIVE). Your user identification and password are entered in the appropriate dialog boxes by default.

  4. Press the OK button to map the new drive. Press the Cancel button to return to the previous display. For more information on how to map a network drive, make sure that you have pop-ups enabled in your browser and press the Help button.

The contents of the table of network drives can be sorted. See the section on how to sort the information in a table, above, for more details.

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