Version 9.5 SP1
 —  Introduction  —


For a complete description of all System Management Hub registry settings, see Registry Settings.

Client/Server Layer

The Client/ Server Layer consists of generic components that are installed on the managed host.

The package performs the following functions:

For more details, see Client/ Server Layer Registry Settings under Section and Key Names.

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System Management Hub, as a management framework, works in conjunction with collections of distributed entities called "Agents". These entities are exclusively dedicated to access and perform management tasks in a particular managed element (host, router, etc.) located on the network.

System Management Hub performs some of its own functions by means of Agents. Among these are the following:

Agents reside on the hosts in a distributed network environment, focused on the analysis of one or more software products. Each of the agent is written specifically for a product, platform or operating system function and concentrates strictly on the analysis of that product or function. One product can have one or more agents.

The Client/ Server Layer invokes the agents, executes them with different parameter strings depending on the request mode, and returns the results in an XML document. The XML is then sent to the standard output.

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Management Independent Layer Package

The Management Independent Layer package installs generic components on a central proxy system.

The Management Independent Layer uses the PluggableUI framework. The Pluggable UI is a proprietary framework that is based on Software AG's Composite Application Designer (CAD).

System Management Hub installs Software AG Runtime and the Management Independent Layer runs on it.

The package performs the following functions:

The Management Independent Layer server exports a variety of interfaces for data consumers. You are not able to manage Software AG products through web interface without the Management Independent Layer.


For more details on the Management Independent Layer registry settings, see Management Indepenedent Layer.

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Default User Interfaces and Add-ons

For more information on available interfaces, see Interfaces.

Standard User Interfaces

System Management Hub installs by default the following user interfaces:

Web Interface

System Management Hub uses for its web interface Software AG's Composite Application Designer (CAD), which is called the Pluggable UI.

The web interface consists of several expandable context menus for managing the products through different functional settings.

The menus are right below the System Management Hub node in the left context frame.


For details on the batch interface, see Web Interface.

Batch Interface

The batch interface is for local or remote console-based administration.

For details on the batch interface, see Batch Interface.

Add-on Interfaces

The installation routine installs the SNMP package as an optional add-on.

For details on the SNMP interface, see SNMP Add-on Interface.

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