Version 9.5 SP1
 —  Configuration  —

Authentication in System Management Hub

The information is organized under the following headings:

Software AG Security eXtensions (SSX)

Software AG Security eXtensions (SSX) is a user database interface that contains functions for user authentication and for the retrieval of repository objects. The main benefit of the interface is that it gives a client a uniform view to all the different user databases that implement it. The interface is written in C and Java and consists of a set of libraries that allow authentication against different systems (for example, LDAP, AD, and OS).

SSX authenticates a user by providing credentials. Its native functions retrieve repository data and administer functions to users and groups.

There are two SSX modules for authentication:

SSX is disabled by default in System Management Hub 9.0. For guidelines on how to enable SSX in System Management Hub 8.0, see SSX in System Management Hub.

For guidelines on how to configure SSX to use IAF service for SSO authentication, see IAF Configuration in SSX.

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Functionality of the SSX module

Following is an overview of the basic functionality of Software AG Security eXtensions:

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SSX in System Management Hub

System Management Hub 9.0 comes with SSX disabled by default. It can be enabled via the web interface, the batch interface, or the registry.

You must have a valid admin user to use the web interface or run batch commands.

For more details on how to set up the SSX configurations in System Management Hub via the web interface, see the SSX Configuration of the Client/Server Layer under Web Interface.

For more details on how to set up the SSX configurations in System Management Hub via the batch interface, see Configuring SSX under Batch Commands of the Batch Interface.

Start of instruction setTo enable SSX via the registry

  1. Open the Registry Editor.

  2. Switch the registry key SSX_Enabled from "0" to "1":

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Software AG\System Management Hub\CSLayerServer\SSX_Enabled
  3. Restart CSLayer service.

If you experience logon problems after enabling SSX authentication, change the SSX authentication mode of the target machine, or of the application from which you are trying to access System Management Hub, or both. For more information about the different settings and their affects, see SSX Authentication Scenarios.

SSX has a separate log file that gives additional information. If you still cannot solve the problem, change the SSX logging level and send the logging file to Software AG Support.

Start of instruction setTo change SSX Logging Level registry

  1. Open the Registry Editor.

  2. Switch the registry key SSX_Log_Level from "1" to "6":

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Software AG\System Management Hub\CSLayerServer\SSX_Log_Level
  3. Restart CSLayer service.

The log file is located at <SAGROOT>/common/arg/log/SSX.log

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Authentication Scenarios

There are two SSX modules for authentication - one in the Pluggable UI, and another one in the Client/ Server Layer of System Management Hub.

The Pluggable UI is installed with the installation of System Management Hub, but its SSX authentication module is different from System Management Hub's SSX module. The two SSX modules authenticate users against a different authentication type (LDAP, Active Directory, or operating system). By default, the SSX authentication module in the Pluggable UI is set to authentication against the operating system, while the one in System Management Hub 9.0 is disabled.

If you change the authentication mode on the target machine (for example, from "default" to "LDAP"), you affect the authentication for accessing other products (for example, CentraSite Registry/ Repository, the Application Server Tier components, CentraSite Control).

To change the authentication mode on the target machine, you must have administrator's rights. Following are some of the possible authentication scenarios to illustrate the fact that System Management Hub and the Pluggable UI have different SSX authentication modules:

Pluggable UI SSX Authentication set to... Target Machine SSX Authentication set to... Provides this logon scenario...
OS LDAP You can log on to the Pluggable UI on the target machine using the operating system's user name and password. To use System Management Hub, you must authenticate again with your domain credentials.
OS OS You can log on to the Pluggable UI on the target machine using the operating system's user name and password. To use System Management Hub, you do not have to authenticate again.
LDAP OS You can log on to the Pluggable UI on the target machine with your domain credentials.To use System Management Hub, you must authenticate again using the operating system's user name and password.
LDAP LDAP You can log on to the Pluggable UI on the target machine with your domain credentials. To use System Management Hub, you do not have to authenticate again.

With System Management Hub, using the Pluggable UI with SSX authentication set to "OS" is sufficient for most cases. However, on UNIX systems, only default encryption of user passwords is possible for System Management Hub authentication. SSX supports all of them, so you can enable SSX in those cases. When using the Pluggable UI with SSX authentication set to a value other than "OS", use the same authentication type for System Management Hub. Enable SSX authentication and set it to the same authentication value as is the Pluggable UI SSX.

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Configuring LDAP Authentication with Technical User Credentials

You configure authentication via technical user to access and search for users on LDAP servers that do not support anonymous queries. The following task allows you to provide and configure technical user settings in your System Management Hub.

Start of instruction setTo authenticate against an LDAP server using technical user credentials and SSX

  1. Create a technical user credential file.

    For more information about creating technical user credential files, see the Software AG Security Infrastructure documentation.

  2. Start System Management Hub web interface in a web browser.

  3. Click Local Security configuration

  4. On the Context dropdown menu, select one of the login contexts that are available in the jaas.config file. The following list outlines the default login context that are available in the jaas.config file. However, depending on the use case, the file can contain other login contexts.

  5. On the Authentication Login Module options area, select Available Login Module radio button.

  6. On the dropdown menu, select LDAP (SSXLoginModule).

  7. Click Add.

  8. On the Effective Login Modules area, select LDAP (SSXLoginModule) option.

  9. Click Configure.

  10. On the Options for LDAP configuration of SSXLoginModule dialog, configure the following properties:

    For more information about configuring SSXLoginModule settings, see the Software AG Security Infrastructure documentation.

  11. Click OK.

  12. Click Apply Changes.

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Configuring SSX Authentication with Internal User Repository

You can configure SSX authentication via internal user repository. The following task allows you to provide and configure internal user repository to a login context that is used in System Management Hub. The internal repository text file is an alternative to the OS and LDAP repositories. It is recommended to use an internal repository only during the initial setup of all required components or until you configure a real repository.

Start of instruction setTo authenticate using internal user repository in SSX

  1. Create an internal user credential file.

    For more information about creating technical user credential files, see the Software AG Security Infrastructure documentation.

  2. Start System Management Hub web interface in a web browser.

  3. Click Local Security configuration

  4. On the Context dropdown menu, select one of the login contexts that are available in the jaas.config file. The following list outlines the default login context that are available in the jaas.config file. However, depending on the use case, the file can contain other login contexts.

  5. On the Authentication Login Module options area, select Available Login Module radio button.

  6. On the dropdown menu, select Internal Repository (SSX).

  7. Click Add.

  8. On the Effective Login Modules area, select Internal Repository (SSX) option.

  9. Click Configure.

  10. On the Control flag dropdown menu, set the flag of the login module. Valid values are:

    For more information about the control flag of login modules, see the Software AG Security Infrastructure documentation.

  11. On the Internal Repository dialog, click Manage.

  12. On the Manage Local Repository area, proceed as follows.

    For more information about configuring SSXLoginModule settings, see the Software AG Security Infrastructure documentation.

  13. Important:
    Once you confirm the changes and click the Store button, the changes are saved in an external file on the file system. At a later stage, you cannot revert the changes that are stored to the file by choosing the Reset button.

    Click Store.

  14. Click Apply Changes.

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Verifying Local Security Configuration

When you configure a login context, you can verify that logging context by executing it using real user credentials against a real Pluggable UI or SSXLoginOS.

Start of instruction setTo verify the configuration you provide

  1. On the Context dropdown menu, select one of the login contexts that are available in the jaas.config file. The following list outlines the default login context that are available in the jaas.config file. However, depending on the use case, the file can contain other login contexts.

  2. Enter user credentials that you want to use with the configured login context.

  3. Click Verify Configuration

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