Version 9.5 SP1

EntireX and Web Services

This document covers the following topics and provides links to the relevant sections of the documentation.

Offering RPC Servers as Web Services

With EntireX you can offer an RPC server, for example a COBOL or Natural RPC server, as a Web service. A typical starting point is a Software AG IDL File, which describes the interface to the RPC server. To create an IDL file, use an IDL extractor such as the IDL Extractor for COBOL or IDL Extractor for Natural to extract it from the RPC server.


The individual steps are listed below with links to the relevant documentation:

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Consuming Web Services from RPC Clients

With EntireX you can enable an RPC client, for example a COBOL or Natural client, consuming (or calling) a Web service. A typical starting point is an existing WSDL file, which describes the interface to the Web service.


The individual steps are listed below with links to the relevant documentation:

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