Version 9.5 SP1
 —  EntireX Web Services Wrapper  —

Writing Web Services Applications

This document describes the typical steps required to create and register a Web service with the EntireX Workbench and how it is made available to Web service client applications. The following topics are covered:

See also Web Services Stack documentation, also available under webMethods Product Documentation on the Software AG Documentation website.

Generation of EntireX Web Services

The EntireX plug-ins for Eclipse provide support to expose EntireX services as Web services. We assume a typical scenario where an existing (legacy) server application has been "wrapped" with EntireX technology and is accessible to clients via the EntireX RPC protocol. The interface of the service is described by an IDL file (see Software AG IDL File) and possibly a related client-side server mapping file (see CVM File) if such a file has been generated. Using the EntireX Web service plug-ins for Eclipse, application developers can generate from an IDL file (and optionally a CVM file), for example, example.idl (and example.cvm), the following:

These files are used by the EntireX XML/SOAP Runtime to implement a Web service interface for the given service.

From the context menu of your IDL file in the Package Explorer view, choose Generate Web Service from Software AG IDL.

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Deploying EntireX Web Services


The following resources are required to deploy and run an EntireX Web service:

Deploying the Web Service

Deploying a EntireX service means sending a service archive (extension .aar) to a running Web Services Stack Web application. The Web Services Stack Web application stores the service archive in the WEB-INF/services folder of the Web Services Stack Web application.

From the context menu of the generated service archive, choose Software AG Common Web Services Stack >Deploy Web Service Package. Now a wizard starts where you can select hostname, port number, and a servlet address of the Web Services Stack Deployment Servlet. You also need to authenticate with your credentials (user ID and password). On Finish, the service archive is sent to the selected deployment connection point.

For more information, see Deploying and Undeploying Web Service Archives in section Software AG Designer Plug-in of the Web Services Stack documentation.

You can verify the deployment of your service with context-menu item Software AG Common Web Services Stack >View Web Services Stack... or Software AG Common Web Services Stack >View Web Service.

After the installation of EntireX, only the default deployment connections are available in a new workspace. The default values are:
Hostname: localhost
Port number: 10010 (this number can be changed during installation)
Servlet address: /wsstack/sagdeployer

Choose Windows > Preferences > Software AG > Web Services Stack > Deployment to add, edit, or remove deployment connections.

Undeploying the Web Service

Undeploying a EntireX Web service means informing a running Web Services Stack Web application to remove a deployed service. The Web Services Stack Web application removes the corresponding service archive from the WEB-INF/services folder of the Web Services Stack Web application. You can verify the undeployment with the help of a browser. The undeployed service should disappear from the list of the deployed services (e.g. http://localhost:10010/wsstack/services/listServices).

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Deploying Web Services Stack Runtime

This section covers the following topics:

Deploying Web Services Stack Runtime to WebSphere 8.5

If you want to deploy the Web Services Stack Web application to WebSphere 8.5, perform the following steps:

Start of instruction setTo deploy to WebSphere 8.5

  1. Copy Software AG_directory/WS-Stack/webapp/wsstack.war to a temporary location.

  2. Unpack the WAR file

  3. Copy all MAR files from WEB-INF/modules to WEB-INF/lib and change their extensions to JAR.

    There might be an issue with mapping of MAR files when using Microsoft Office. When you have Microsoft Office installed, you cannot rename those files using Windows Explorer. In this case, use the ren command prompt command. For example, <TEMP_Directory>\WEB-INF\modules>copy addressing-1.41.mar addressing-1.41.jar copies the MAR file and changes its extension from MAR to JAR.

  4. Copy entirex.jar to folder../wsstack/WEB-INF/lib.

  5. Recreate the WAR file. You can use WinZip or any other application with support for ZIP files.

  6. Log on to the Administrative Console and navigate to Applications > New Application > New Enterprise Application.

  7. Enter the location of the wsstack.war file or browse for it using the Browse button. Then click Next.

  8. Select the Fast Path - Prompt only when additional information is required radio button and then click Next.

  9. Click Next and leave the default values for the options in the Step 1 Select installation options, Step 2 Map modules for servers, and Step 3 Map virtual hosts for Web modules screens.

  10. Click Next to go to the Step 4 Map context roots for Web modules screen, and type in "wsstack" in the Context root field.

  11. Click Save to save the changes to the master configuration.

  12. Navigate to Applications > Application Types > WebSphere Enterprise Applications.

  13. Click wsstack_war to open the configuration dialog.

  14. In the configuration dialog, click the Class loading and update detection link.

  15. For Class loader order, select Classes loaded with local class loader first (parent last) radio button.

  16. For WAR class loader policy, select Single class loader for application radio button.

  17. Navigate to Applications > Application Types > WebSphere Enterprise Applications.

  18. Start the Web Services Stack Web application.

Deploying Web Services Stack Runtime to WebLogic 12c

Start of instruction setTo deploy wsstack.war as Web application for WL server

  1. Explode wsstack.war in a directory named wsstack.

  2. Add a file named weblogic.xml to the folder ../wsstack/WEB-INF. weblogic.xml has the following content:

  3. Copy entirex.jar to folder../wsstack/WEB-INF/lib.

  4. Open the weblogic console (e.g. http://localhost:7001/console.

  5. Select Deployments.

  6. Choose Install.

  7. Select wsstack(open directory) as current location and choose next.

  8. Select Install this deployment as an application and choose next.

  9. Select DD only for security and I will make the deployment accessible from the following location for Source accessibility.

  10. Enter the path to the wsstack folder and choose next.

  11. Choose Finish.

Start of instruction setTo deploy example.aar in wsstack Web application

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Developing Web Service Client Applications

Once the EntireX Web service is up and running and its WSDL is accessible (via HTTP), Web service client applications can be developed. For example, in XMLSpy, in the menu bar choose SOAP > Create new SOAP request and enter the URL of the service WSDL (e.g. http://localhost:10010/wsstack/services/example?wsdl). XMLSpy reads the WSDL and displays a list of methods. Select one, e.g. CALC, and fill in parameter values in the displayed SOAP message template. Finally select SOAP > Send request to server to execute the Web service call.

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Testing EntireX Web Services

From the context menu of the generated service archive, choose Test EntireX Web Service. This starts the XML Tester.

The XML Tester must already be configured for the generated and deployed service.

If the archive contains more than one XMM file describing the service, select the XMM file you want. Follow the instructions for the XML Tester to create a sample document.

See XML Tester.

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Removing Web Services

When a Web service is removed from the project, using Web Services Stack > Remove Web Service, the following artifacts are additionally deleted depending on the source of the generated Web service.

Generated from Additionally Deleted Artifacts
  • IDL file

  • XMM file

  • CVM file (if applicable)

  • WSDL file

IDL File
  • XMM file

  • WSDL file

XMM File
  • WSDL file (if applicable)

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