Version 9.5 SP1

EntireX Web Services Wrapper

The EntireX Web Services Wrapper is a wizard that generates Web services from Software AG IDL, XML/SOAP mapping files or Natural subprogram files. The generated result is a Web service archive (.aar) that contains the relevant artifacts of the Web service such as an XML/SOAP mapping file (.xmm), WSDL file and additional configuration files. The Web service archive can be deployed for execution by the wizard or - in an extra deployment step - in a Web Services Stack with the EntireX XML/SOAP Listener runtime.

../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif Introduction Introduction to Web Services in EntireX.
../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif Using Using EntireX Web Services Wrapper.
../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif Command-line Mode Using Web Services Wrapper in Command-line mode.
../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif Writing Applications Writing applications with EntireX Web Services Wrapper.
../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif Writing Advanced Applications Writing advanced applications with EntireX Web Services Wrapper in combination with the Software AG Common Web Services Stack.

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