Version 9.5 SP1
 —  Installation under z/OS  —

Installing EntireX under z/OS

There are two methods for installing EntireX under z/OS:

The information you need depends on the installation method you choose.

The following section applies to both methods:
../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif Introduction Installation scope; contents of the mainframe installation medium; copying the contents to disk.
The following section applies to the simplified method only:
../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif Simplified Installation New, simplified installation procedure. All JCL members are now in library EXX951.JOBS. This data set has been thoroughly restructured; it contains installation, installation verification and maintenance jobs of all EntireX subproducts. This is the recommended installation method.
The following sections apply to the classic installation method only:
../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif Installing EntireX Broker under z/OS Describes the steps for installing EntireX Broker under z/OS.
../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif Installing EntireX RPC Servers Describes how to install the EntireX RPC servers under CICS, Batch and IMS.
The following sections apply to both methods:
../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif Verifying the Installation Describes how to verify whether the installation of EntireX Broker and EntireX Developer's Kit was successful.
../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif Installing EntireX Security Provides links to the steps required for installing EntireX Security under z/OS.
../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif Installing EntireX Java Components How to install EntireX Java components under z/OS UNIX.
../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif Installing Adabas Components for EntireX Installing the Adabas components for EntireX if you do not have Adabas already installed at your site and you want to use SVC communication.
../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif Installing Adabas with TP Monitors for EntireX Installing Adabas components for EntireX in batch mode and with its teleprocessing (TP) monitors.

Installation prerequisites are described for all platforms centrally. See z/OS Prerequisites.

If you want to use EntireX on z/OS together with the Eclipse-based EntireX Workbench components, you need to install the respective EntireX components under UNIX or Windows, using the Software AG Installer. See the separate Software AG Installer documentation under webMethods Product Documentation > webMethods Product Suite > Documentation by Product > System Requirements, Installation, and Upgrade on the Software AG Product Documentation website.

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