Version 9.5 SP1
 —  Installation under z/OS  —

Installing EntireX Security under z/OS

This document covers the following topics:


  1. If you are using EntireX Security, and if your application(s) use ACI version 7 or below, you must install EntireX Security for Broker stubs. For ACI version 8 and above, see Writing Applications using EntireX Security to ensure that your application(s) will perform as expected when using EntireX Security.
  2. Before installing EntireX Security, make sure that all prerequisites for EntireX components have been met. See z/OS Prerequisites.

Installing EntireX Security for Broker Kernel

This section describes the steps for installing EntireX Security for Broker kernel under z/OS. The installation procedure has the following steps:

Modify Broker Attribute File

Start of instruction setTo modify the Broker attribute file

  1. Insert the following parameter in the section DEFAULTS=BROKER of the Broker attribute file:

  2. Modify the Security-specific attributes section of the Broker attribute file according to your requirements. These parameters are used to determine whether you will use SAF Security or LDAP-based authentication. See Security-specific Attributes under Broker Attributes. If you are using LDAP-based authentication, authorization checks are not available to you.

Setting SECURITY=YES will load the provided LOAD module USRSEC from the EXX951.LOAD library. This module will perform privileged operations, such as execute the RACROUTE, requiring APF authorization.

Define RACF Resource Profiles

EntireX Security performs checks against user profiles and resource profiles represented in RACF, CA ACF2, and CA Top Secret. See Resource Profiles in EntireX Security.

Perform Client Authorization Checks (Optional)

For services supporting Natural RPC or other applications that use RPC, you can perform authorization checks on the client by defining the "per service" attribute CLIENT-RPC-AUTHORIZATION=YES in the Broker attribute file. Setting this parameter to YES will cause the RPC library and program names to be appended to the profile associated with the authorization check. The resource profile would then appear as follows:


If the total length of the resource profile exceeds 80 bytes, increase the parameter MAX-SAF-PROF-LENGTH.

This check applies only to the client and not the server. CLIENT-RPC-AUTHORIZATION=YES should not be set for any services which do not utilize RPC protocol.

Natural Security performs its resource authorization checks as follows:


To allow conformity with Natural Security, the CLIENT-RPC-AUTHORIZATION parameter can optionally be defined with a prefix character as follows: CLIENT-RPC-AUTHORIZATION=(YES,<prefix-character>).

Enable Trusted User ID (Optional)

If you use the trusted user ID option, set the parameter TRUSTED-USERID=YES in the DEFAULTS=SECURITY section of the attribute file.

For additional supporting information, see the Installation Procedure section of the Adabas Installation Manual.

Build Language-specific Messages (Optional)

Start of instruction setTo build language-specific messages

  1. Copy the template message module EXX951.SRCE(NA2MSG0) to another member - for example, EXX951.SRCE(NA2MSG9) - and then modify the message texts to suit your own language requirements.

    NA2MSG0, NA2MSG1, and NA2MSG2 are reserved names.

  2. Assemble and link your modified source module using the sample JCL EXX951.SRCE(SAGJ106), ensuring that you create a unique load module in the EXX951.LOAD library.

  3. Modify the ERRTXT-MODULE parameter in the DEFAULTS=SECURITY section of the attribute file to reflect the name of your unique load module.

Start (Restart) Broker Kernel

The Broker must be restarted to pick up changes to the Broker attribute file and to initialize Broker kernel under z/OS to perform security checks.

Basic installation of EntireX Security for Broker kernel is now complete.

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Setting up EntireX Security for Broker Stubs

This section describes the steps for installing EntireX Security for Broker stub under z/OS. The installation consists of the following steps:


  1. If you are running your application(s) at ACI version 7 or below, the following steps are required to install EntireX Security for the Broker stubs in all environments where applications execute either as clients or servers. See List of Components per Platform to see where EntireX Security for broker stubs is supported.
  2. The mainframe stubs now employ high performance direct cross memory to send and receive data from buffers in the application's working storage. This is utilized for sending/receiving more than 32 KB of data. Therefore, when encryption is active, the application programmer must not rely on the contents of the SEND buffer after issuing the SEND command, since the contents of the SEND buffer will be encrypted when sending more than 32 KB of data. We recommend you code all applications so that you do not rely on the contents of the SEND buffer after calling Broker. This will be required in the future for all SEND commands regardless of whether the data exceeds 32 KB. Therefore, the application's SEND buffer must not be in read-only memory, where encryption is activated.

These steps are not required if you are running your application(s) at ACI version 8 or above.

Assemble the SAFCFG Configuration Module

The SAFCFG configuration module is required for applications running on z/OS using ACI version 7 or below.

Start of instruction setTo assemble the SAFCFG configuration module

Link the Security Components

For applications running on z/OS using ACI 7 or below, the Broker stub security component must be linked with the following stubs: BROKER, CICSETB, NATETB23, COMETB, MPPETB.

Start of instruction setTo link the Broker stub security component


SECUEXIT must be made available for applications running on z/OS using ACI version 7 or below.

Start of instruction setTo make SECUEXIT available

  1. Rename SECUEXI0 to SECUEXIT in library EXX&vrs.LOAD so that it is available to applications running the IBM C stub.

  2. Ensure that SECUEXIT is available in EXX&vrs.LOAD for all applications.


  1. These steps are needed for backward compatibility if your applications issue any commands using ACI version 7 or below. Applications using ACI version 8 or above do not require these additional components in the stubs.
  2. For ACI version 7 or below, these components must be added to the stub environment utilized by the application.

Installation of EntireX Security for Broker stubs is now complete. Now you can install the security components for the Broker stubs on the remaining operating systems where your application components are located.

See also Setting up EntireX Security for Broker Stubs under UNIX | Windows.

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