Version 9.5 SP1
 —  Installation under z/OS  —

Simplified z/OS Installation Method

This document describes a simplified installation method for EntireX under z/OS. It is an alternative to the installation method described in subsequent sections. This document covers the following topics:


The simplified installation requires the following steps:

  1. Set the installation keyword parameters in a parameter member.

  2. Execute a REXX script that updates the delivered installation jobs with the values of that parameter member.

  3. Auto-submit the updated jobs if requested in the parameter file, or make them ready for a manual submission.

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Delivered Members

The delivered members in the original EXX951.JOBS data set are:


The installation parameters.


The REXX update script.


A job to execute #RX#CMD in batch.


Generated on first submission: Documents the installation jobs required as a result of the components selected.

Only the #INSTALL job will be copied to the target .JOBS data set. The first three members remain in the original EXX951.JOBS data set.

#IPARMS - The Parameters

This member keeps all parameters relevant for installation and is located and maintained in the delivered data set EXX951.JOBS only, which was copied directly from the installation medium. To avoid a complete setup, you can select an already maintained #IPARMS. See #RX#JOB - A REXX Batch Job.

Member Layout

The parameter member contains the following sections:

  1. global installation parameters

  2. job card related parameters

  3. installable unit subproduct selection parameters

  4. installable unit installation parameters

  5. data set names / high-level qualifiers

  6. VSAM file characteristics

Parameter Line Layout

A parameter member line has the following layout:

* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *
* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *
  keyword   = value           * comment
where keyword is a placeholder for a keyword
= is the value separator
value is the keyword value
* introduces a comment. A line that begins with an asterisk in column 0 is treated as a comment line.

#RX#CMD - The REXX Script

This script copies all the necessary jobs from the original EXX951.JOBS data set of the delivered installation medium to a selected installation target.JOBS data set. All placeholders in the original jobs will be replaced with the values set in the parameter member. An existing target.JOBS data set of a previous generation will be saved in a GDG data set first.

A #INSTALL member will be created for documentation and to distinguish between the jobs required as a result of the selected components and the optional installation jobs. All required installation jobs can be submitted directly with this member.

#RX#JOB - A REXX Batch Job

Calls the #RX#CMD REXX script from batch.

The #RX#CMD script expects six KEYWORD parameters that need to be maintained and set to suitable values in the #RX#JOB first. There are two groups of keyword parameters: mandatory and optional.

It is mandatory to edit this job manually before submission to define at least the mandatory keywords naming the input (EXX951.JOBS) and output (target.JOBS) data sets.

#INSTALL - Document the Required Installation Jobs (Depending on Selected Components)

This member will be generated in both, the EXX951.JOBS and the target.JOBS data sets. It has two functions:

  1. Documentation of the Installation Jobs Required as a Result of the Selected Installable Units
    Each required installation job is represented here with a separate line headed by its member name in the EXX951.JOBS.

  2. Submission of the Required Installation Jobs
    As this member is a job itself, it can be submitted to submit all the required installation jobs. You can also select a subset of jobs for submission by (un)commenting their execution lines.

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Installation Parameters

This section lists the parameters available with the simplified installation procedure:

Installable Unit Selection Parameters

Use these parameters to determine the scope of the installation.

Installable Unit Description
InstBroker Subproduct installation: Select the Broker (Y/N).
InstRpcBatch Subproduct installation: Select the Batch RPC server (Y/N).
InstRpcCics Subproduct installation: Select the CICS RPC Server (Y/N).
InstRpcIms Subproduct installation: Select the IMS RPC server (Y/N).
InstBrokerServices Subproduct installation: Select the Broker Services (Y/N).
InstSSL Subproduct installation: Select the SSL libraries (Y/N).

Job Replacement Parameters

Parameter Type Parameter Name Job Replacement Tag Description
Global Parameters WorkingStorUnit <unit> Temporary storage unit.
MaxBackups <MaxBackups> Upper limit of GDG data set.
HLQ-TapeKit <Tape> High-level qualifier of the JOBS data sets copied to DASD from the delivered installation medium.
HLQ-InstallKit <Inst> High-level qualifier of the data set containing the generated installation jobs.
Submit <,> Autosubmit (Y/N) the mandatory installation jobs for the selected units to the HOLD queue.
Job Card Related JobName <jobname> Job name.
Accounting <account> Accounting information.
Programmer <name> Programmer information.
Notify <notify> Notification user ID.
Region <region> Storage amount.
Priority <prio> Selection priority.
Time <time> Max. CPU time.
MsgLevel <msglvl> Job output level.
JobClass <class> Run class.
MsgClass <msgclass> Message class.
Special <special> Special job info (e.g. for JES exits).
High-level Qualifiers HLQ-Adabas <ADAvrs> High-level qualifier of the installed Adabas.
HLQ-AdabasIndi <WALvrs> High-level qualifier of the installed Independent Adabas.
HLQ-AdabasDB <ADAdb> High-level qualifier of the target Adabas database for the ADA/NAT update jobs.
HLQ-Natural <NATvrs> High-level qualifier of the installed Natural.
HLQ-EntireX <EXXvrs> High-level qualifier of the installed EntireX Global.
HLQ-Broker <EXBvrs> High-level qualifier of the installed EntireX Broker.
HLQ-RpcServer <EXPvrs> High-level qualifier of the installed EntireX RPC Servers.
HLQ-SSX <SSXvrs> High-level qualifier of the installed EntireX SSX.
HLQ-BrokerServices <EBVvrs> High-level qualifier of the installed EntireX Broker Services.
HLQ-Cics <CICS> High-level qualifier of the CICS to be used for installation.
HLQ-CicsCSD <CICSCSD> High-level qualifier of the CICS CSD to be used for installation.
HLQ-IMS <IMS> High-level qualifier of the IMS to be used for installation.
HLQ-MQM <MQM> High-level qualifier of the MQSeries data sets.
HLQ-COB <COB> High-level qualifier of the COBOL compiler data sets.
HLQ-PLI <PLI> High-level qualifier of the PL/I compiler data sets.
HLQ-CEE <CEE> High-level qualifier of the CEE language environment data sets.
Broker-related BrokerID <BrokerID> EntireX Broker name for TCP/IP or Entire Net-Work access.
BrokerNode <BrokerNode> EntireX Broker node number for Entire Net-Work access.
MigDsnBrokerV72 <EXBmig> Broker source data set for automated parameter migration.
MigDsnEntireXV72 <EXXmig> EntireX source data set for automated parameter migration.
MigOldAttrMember <OldAttrMember> Migration: Member name of old attributes (EXBATTR).
MigOldCommMember <OldCommMember> Migration: Member name of old TCP/IP parameters (EXBCOMM).
MigOldStorMember <OldStorMember> Migration: Member name of old persistent storage parameters (PSFFP).
MigOldParmMember <OldParmMember> Migration: Member name of old parameters (EXBPARM).
MigNewAttrMember <NewAttrMember> Migration: Member name of new consolidated attributes.
RPC Server-related IMS-PsbName <ImsPsbName> IMS RPC: PSB name.
DSN-ImsLoad3GL <DSNImsLoad3GL> IMS RPC: COBOL and PL/I server load modules data set.
DSN-BatLoad3GL <DSNBatLoad3GL> Batch RPC: COBOL and PL/I server load modules data set.
DSN-DfhLoad3GL <DSNDfhLoad3GL> CICS RPC: COBOL and PLI/I server load modules data set.
DSN-ImsStub3GL <DSNImsStub3GL> IMS RPC: COBOL and PL/I stub load modules data set.
DSN-BatStub3GL <DSNBatStub3GL> Batch RPC: COBOL and PL/I stub load modules data set.
DSN-DfhStub3GL <DSNDfhStub3GL> CICS RPC: COBOL and PL/I stub load modules data set.
HLQ-RpcCicsSVM <HlqDfhSvmFile> High-level qualifier of the CICS EntireX RPC server mapping (SVM) file.
HLQ-RpcSVM <HlqSvmFile> High-level qualifier of the Batch/IMS EntireX RPC SVM file.
RPC-ImsClass <ImsClass> IMS RPC: Class name of service triplet.
RPC-ImsServer <ImsServer> IMS RPC: Server name of service triplet.
RPC-ImsService <ImsService> IMS RPC: Service name of service triplet.
Adabas / Natural-related Parameters AdaSvcNo <AdaSvcNo> Adabas router SVC number.
AdaDeviceType <AdaDeviceType> Adabas database device type.
AdaDBID <AdaDBID> Adabas database ID in the router SVC.
NatBatch <NatBatch> Name of the Natural batch nucleus.
Fnat <Fnat> Adabas file number of the Natural FNAT.
Fuser <Fuser> Adabas file number of the Natural FUSER.
Fdic <Fdic> Adabas file number of the Natural FDIC.
AdaFileNoEbvLog <LogFileNo> Adabas file number of the Broker Services log.
AdaFileNoExbDiv <DivFileNo> Adabas file number of the Broker persistent store.
SVM VSAM file allocation characteristics RLS-SVM <rls> Record Level Sharing (Yes or No).
SMS-SVM   SVM managed (Yes or No).
VolSer-SVM <sms> SMS storage class name or VOLSER name (depending on SMS-SVM).
Broker VSAM file allocation characteristics for persistent store linear cluster LLQ-EXB <llq-exb> Last-level qualifier of the Broker VSAM cluster.
SMS-EXB   SVM managed (Yes or No).
VolSer-EXB <sms-exb> SMS storage class name or VOLSER name (depending on SMS-SVM).

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Installation Jobs

All existing jobs remain unchanged in the original EXX951.JOBS data set. Only the jobs necessary for the installation of the selected installable units will be copied to and updated within the designated target.JOBS data set by the #RX#CMD REXX script.

This update process is not mandatory. All jobs can still be manually adapted as before. But to be able to successfully execute the installation script afterwards, the original EXX951.JOBS data set should be kept unchanged.

This section covers the following topics:

Generation Data Sets

After a successful generation, the following data sets are in the system:

Preparation and Execution

Start of instruction setTo prepare and install the installation jobs

  1. Update the EXX951.JOBS (#IPARMS) parameter member.

  2. Submit the job EXX951.JOBS(#RX#JOB) to execute the REXX script #RX#CMD.

Generation Process

Every keyword parameter has a well defined default value. This default will be replaced only if requested by the parameter member, that is, if a KEYWORD=VALUE entry is successfully identified. When a keyword is deleted from the parameter member (or commented out), this default will always be in place.


Start of instruction setTo submit the installation jobs

The #INSTALL member will be generated regardless of the SUBMIT parameter value.

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Installation Verification

Installation verification is the same for both installation methods. See Verifying the z/OS Installation.

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Administration Tasks

After installation has been completed, various administration tasks may be necessary.

Modify Broker Attribute File

Customize the attribute settings to suit your needs. See Broker Attributes.

Set up Broker Stubs

See Administration of Broker Stubs under z/OS.

Define the Persistent Store

A persistent store can be optionally used for storing unit of work messages and message status information to disk. For z/OS, you can use an Adabas persistent store (recommended) or a DIV persistent store that uses a VSAM linear data set.

Adabas Persistent Store

See Implementing an Adabas Database as Persistent Store and Adabas-specific Attributes in the Broker attribute file documentation for more information.

DIV Persistent Store

See Implementing a DIV Persistent Store under Managing the Broker Persistent Store and DIV-specific Attributes under Broker Attributes for more information.

Setting Up the EntireX RPC Servers

See CICS RPC Server, Batch RPC Server or IMS RPC Server for more information.

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