Version 9.5 SP1
Quick Reference

 —  Software AG IDL Editor  —

Software AG IDL Grammar

A Software AG IDL file contains definitions of the interface between client and server. The IDL file is used by Software AG wrappers to generate RPC clients, RPC servers and tester etc. on the basis of these definitions.

The IDL file can be edited by the IDL Editor provided by plug-ins for Eclipse.

This document explains the syntax of IDL files in a formal notation. A more descriptive introduction to IDL files is given in the document Software AG IDL File. This document covers the following topics:

Meta Definitions

The following metasymbols are used to define the IDL:

The following basic terms are used to describe the IDL:

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Syntax of the IDL File


Software AG IDL ::= library-definition { library-definition }


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A library-definition is the grouping of servers (remote procedures).


library-definition ::= LIBRARY 'library-name' [:'library-alias'] IS { interface }
library-name ::= string
library-alias ::= string
interface ::= program-definition | structure-definition


library-definition A library-definition is valid until the next library-definition or end of file.
  • The library-name is used to generate RPC components. How this takes place (e.g. to form a source file name, class name etc.) depends on the target programming language. The wrappers will adapt the library-name to the requirements of the target programming language when special characters occur in the library-name.

    See Mapping Library Name and Alias to C | COBOL | DCOM | .NET | Java | Natural | PL/I.

  • The library-name is also sent (without modifying any special characters) from the RPC client component to the RPC server. In the RPC server the library-name may be used to locate the target server.

    See Locating and Calling the Target Server under CICS | z/OS Batch | z/OS IMS | UNIX | Windows | Micro Focus | BS2000/OSD | IBM i.

  • Certain rules apply to library-name. See Rules for Coding Library, Library Alias, Program, Program Alias and Structure Names.

  • Alias of the library-name.

  • The purpose of an alias is to allow a different name on the RPC client side from the name on the RPC server side. This is helpful when integrating a system with a short name (e.g. CICS, z/OS, Natural, where up to 8 characters are allowed, or IBM i, where up to 10 characters are allowed) on one side and on the other side an environment with fewer restrictions (UNIX, Windows, Java).

  • The library-alias may be used as a name in the target programming language to form the generated RPC client and RPC server components instead of the library-name. How the library-alias is used to generate components (e.g. to form a source file name, class name etc.) depends on the target programming language.

    See Mapping Library Name and Alias to C | COBOL | DCOM | .NET | Java | Natural | PL/I.

  • The library-alias is always used as is (it is not adapted by the IDL Editor and the Workbench wrappers when special characters occur within the library-alias as it is for the library-name), i.e. the user is responsible for a valid target programming language name.

  • The library-alias is not sent to the target RPC server. The library-name is always sent instead.

  • Certain rules apply to library-name. See Rules for Coding Library, Library Alias, Program, Program Alias and Structure Names.

  • A program-definition or structure-definition concludes the library-definition.

  • Any number of program-definitions or structure-definitions can be embedded in a library-definition.

Example (without alias usage)

Library 'ServerLibrary' Is ..

Example (with alias usage)

Library 'ServerLibrary': 'AliasServerLibrary' Is ..

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A program-definition describes the parameters of servers (remote procedures).


program-definition ::= PROGRAM 'program-name' [:'program-alias'] IS
program-name ::= string
program-alias ::= string


  • A program-definition is valid until the next program-definition, structure-definition, library-definition or end of file.

  • Any program-definition must be embedded in a library-definition.

  • Any number ofprogram-definitionscan be embedded in a library-definition.

  • One parameter-data-definition must conclude the program-definition.

  • The program-name is used to generate RPC components. How this takes place (e.g. how to form a source file name, method, function or program name etc.) depends on the target programming language. The IDL Editor and the integrated Workbench wrappers will adapt the program-name to the requirements of the target programming language when special characters occur in the program-name.

    See Mapping Program Name and Alias to C | COBOL | DCOM | .NET | Java | Natural | PL/I.

  • The program-name is also sent (without modifying any special characters) from the RPC client component to the RPC server. In the RPC server the program-name is used to locate the target server.

    See Locating and Calling the Target Server under CICS | z/OS Batch | z/OS IMS | UNIX | Windows | Micro Focus | BS2000/OSD | IBM i.

  • Certain rules apply to program-name. See Rules for Coding Library, Library Alias, Program, Program Alias and Structure Names.

  • Alias of the program-name.

  • The purpose of an alias is to allow a different name on the RPC client side from the name on the RPC server side. This is helpful when integrating a system with a short name (e.g. CICS, z/OS, Natural, where up to 8 characters are allowed, or IBM i, where up to 10 characters are allowed) on one side and on the other side an environment with fewer restrictions (Window, UNIX, Java).

  • The program-alias may be used as a name in the target programming language to form the generated RPC client and RPC server components instead of the program-name. How the program-alias is used to generate components (e.g. to form a source file name, method, function or program name etc.) depends on the target programming language.

    See Mapping Program Name and Alias to C | COBOL | DCOM | .NET | Java | Natural | PL/I.

  • The program-alias is always used as is (it is not adapted by the IDL Editor and the wrappers when special characters occur within the program-alias as it is for the program-name), i.e. the user is responsible for a valid target programming language name.

  • The program-alias is not sent to the target server. The program-name is always sent instead.

  • Certain rules apply to program-alias. See Rules for Coding Library, Library Alias, Program, Program Alias and Structure Names.

Example (without alias usage):

Library 'ServerLibrary' Is
    Program 'ServerName' Is ..

Example (with alias usage):

Library 'ServerLibrary': 'AliasServerLibrary' Is
       Program 'ServerName' : 'AliasServerName' Is ..

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A structure-definition describes a user-defined type for reusability, referenced in a structure-parameter-definition (IDL).


structure-definition ::= STRUCT 'structure-name' IS
structure-name ::= string


  • A structure-definition is valid until the next program-definition, structure-definition, library-definition or end of file.

  • Any structure-definition must be embedded in a library-definition.

  • Any number of structure-definitions can be embedded in a library-definition.

  • One parameter-data-definition must conclude the structure-definition.

  • Structures are mapped to various concepts depending on the target programming language. See Mapping Structures to C | COBOL | DCOM | .NET | Java | Natural | PL/I | RPG.



Library 'ServerLibrary': 'AliasServerLibrary' Is
Struct 'Person' Is ..

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The parameter-data-definition describes the parameters of a server when it is embedded in a program-definition. It describes a user-defined type when it is embedded in a structure-definition.


parameter-data-definition ::= DEFINE DATA PARAMETER
| group-parameter-definition |
{ simple-parameter-definition
| group-parameter-definition |
structure-parameter-definition }


  • The parameter-data-definition consists of a starting token sequence (Define Data Parameter) and an ending token sequence (End-Define).

  • Any number of simple-parameter-definition, group-parameter-definition and structure-parameter-definition can be embedded in a parameter-data-definition.

  • At least one simple-parameter-definition, group-parameter-definition or structure-parameter-definition must exist (at level 1) without the attribute-list.

  • The parameter-data-definition must conclude the corresponding program-definition or structure-definition.

  • There can only be one parameter-data-definition for each program-definition or structure-definition.

Example of a Program:

Library 'ServerLibrary' Is
        Program 'ServerName' Is ..
                Define Data Parameter

Example of a Structure:

Library 'ServerLibrary': 'AliasServerLibrary' Is
         Struct 'Person' Is ..
                Define Data Parameter

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The construct simple-parameter-definition describes the syntax of a simple parameter, i.e. not a group (groups are described in a group-parameter-definition), not a reference to a structure (referencing a structure is described in structure-parameter-definition (IDL)).


simple-parameter-definition ::= level parameter-name (type-length[/array-definition])
level ::= number
parameter-name ::= identifier
type-length See IDL Data Types.


  • Level number is a 1 or 2-digit number in the range from 01 to 99 (the leading 0 is optional) used in conjunction with parameter grouping.

  • Parameters assigned a level number of 02 or greater are considered to be members of the immediately preceding group that has been assigned a lower level number.

  • Do not skip level numbers when assigning the level numbers for group members.

  • The name of the parameter. The parameter-name is used as name in the target programming language. It is adapted by the IDL Editor and the wrappers to the requirements of the target programming language.

    See Mapping Parameter Names to C | COBOL | DCOM | .NET | Java | Natural | PL/I.

  • Certain rules apply to parameter-name. See Rules for Coding Group and Parameter Names.

type-length The type and length of the parameter. See IDL Data Types.


  1 PERSON-ID (N10)
  1 PERSON-NAME (A100)

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The construct group-parameter-definition describes the syntax of a group.


group-parameter-definition ::= level group-name [(/array-definition)]
level ::= number
group-name ::= identifier


level See simple-parameter-definition.
  • The name of the group.

  • The definition of a group enables references to a series of parameters (can also be only 1 parameter) by using the group name.

    This provides a convenient and efficient method of referencing a series of consecutive parameters.

  • A group may contain other groups, structures (structure-parameter-definition) or parameters (simple-parameter-definition) as group members.

  • Certain rules apply to group-name. See Rules for Coding Group and Parameter Names.

  • Groups are mapped to various concepts depending on the target programming language.

    See Mapping Groups and Periodic Groups to C | COBOL | DCOM | .NET | Java | Natural | PL/I | RPG.


1 PERSON /* this is the group */
2 PERSON-ID (N10) /* this is a group member */
2 PERSON-NAME (A100) /* this is also a group member */

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structure-parameter-definition (IDL)

The construct structure-parameter-definition describes the syntax of a reference to a structure.


structure-parameter-definition ::= level parameter-name
level ::= number
parameter-name ::= identifier
structure-reference ::= 'structure-name'


level See simple-parameter-definition.
parameter-name See simple-parameter-definition.


STRUCT 'Person' Is /* this defines the structure person */
Define Data Parameter
1 FATHER ('Person') /* this references the structure */
1 MOTHER ('Person') /* this references the structure */
1 CHILDS ('Person'/10) /* this references the structure */

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Arrays can have either fixed upper bounds or variable upper bounds, so-called unbounded arrays.


array-definition ::= fixed-bound-array | unbounded-array
fixed-bound-array ::= [fixed-bound-array-index [,fixed-bound-array-index [,fixed-bound-array-index]]]
unbounded-array ::= [unbounded-array-index [,unbounded-array-index [,unbounded-array-index]]]
fixed-bound-array-index ::= [lower-bound:] upper-bound
unbounded-array-index ::= [1:] V[maximum-upper-bound]
lower-bound ::= number
upper-bound ::= number
maximum-upper-bound ::= number


  • Arrays with a fixed size of elements are fixed bound arrays.

  • Arrays with a variable number of elements are so called unbounded arrays.

  • Arrays are one, two or three-dimensional.

  • Almost all programming languages have a concept of arrays with a fixed size of elements.

  • See Mapping Fixed and Unbounded Arrays to C | COBOL | DCOM | .NET | Java | Natural | PL/I | RPG.

  • Unbounded arrays are not supported in all programming languages.

  • See Mapping Fixed and Unbounded Arrays to C | COBOL | DCOM | .NET | Java | Natural | PL/I | RPG.

  • If an array-index is of the format [lower-bound:]upper-bound it describes an array with fixed bounds.

  • If an array-index is of the format [1:]V[maximum-upper-bound] it describes an unbounded array with variable bounds.

  • The lower-bound value is always 1 but can be omitted.

  • The lower-bound value is optional.

  • If the lower-bound is not given, the default is 1.

  • The upper-bound value must be entered.

  • The upper-bound value must be greater than or equal to the lower-bound.

  • The maximum-upper-bound value is optional.

  • It defines a limit which cannot be exceeded.

Example of Arrays with Fixed Bounds

1 NAMES (A100/10) /* 1 dimensional array */
1 TUPLES (A100/10,10) /* 2 dimensional array */
1 TRIPLES (I1/1:20,1:20,1:20) /* 3 dimensional array */

Example of Arrays with Variable Upper-bounds

1 NAMES (A100/V) /* 1 dimensional array */
1 TUPLES (A100/V,V) /* 2 dimensional array */
1 TRIPLES (I1/1:V,1:V,1:V) /* 3 dimensional array */

Example of Arrays with Variable Upper-bounds and Maximum

1 NAMES (A100/V10) /* 1 dimensional array */
1 TUPLES (A100/V10,V10) /* 2 dimensional array */
1 TRIPLES (I1/1:V20,1:V20,1:V20) /* 3 dimensional array */
Mixed arrays with fixed upper bounds and variable upper bounds are not supported.
(I2/1:V,20,V) is not permitted.
(I2/V10,30) is not permitted.
Mixed arrays with variable upper bounds with maximum and without maximum are not supported.
(I2/V10,V20,V) is not permitted.

Three-dimensional Array with Fixed Bounds

Three-dimensional Array with Variable Upper Bounds

In the illustration above, the vectors of the second dimension have different lengths. The first vector has a length of 4, the second a length of 3 and the third a length of 2. The same is true for the third dimension with vector length of (3,4,5,6) (2,4,3) and (4,3).

Please note this kind of an unbounded array is not possible if you are using the COBOL Wrapper. In COBOL, all vectors in a dimension have the same length. A 2-dimensional array forms a rectangle and a 3-dimensional array forms a cuboid, see Mapping Fixed and Unbounded Arrays in the COBOL Wrapper documentation.

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Attributes describe further parameter properties to correctly map the parameter to the target platform or to optimize the parameter transfer.


attribute-list ::= [ aligned-attribute ] [ direction-attribute ] [ ims-attribute ]
aligned-attribute ::= ALIGNED
direction-attribute ::= IN | OUT | IN OUT | INOUT
ims-attribute ::= IMS


  • The aligned attribute (mainly) belongs to the server and describes a different alignment from the compiler's default of the server interface.

  • The aligned attribute is relevant for the programming languages COBOL and PL/I in the RPC server environments batch, CICS and IMS.

  • Programming languages other than COBOL and PL/I do not consider it in the interface of the generated servers.

  • RPC Clients send the aligned attribute within the RPC data stream to the RPC server, where it is considered (the related parameter is aligned) by the RPC server, if relevant.

  • See Mapping the aligned Attribute to C | COBOL | DCOM | .NET | Java | Natural | PL/I for information on whether your client environment supports sending aligned attributes.

direction-attribute The direction attribute optimizes parameter transfer.
  • In data is passed from client to server.

  • Out data is passed from server to client.

  • In Out data is passed in both directions.

  • The direction of group members is inherited from the parent group. Thus only the direction information of the top-level fields (level 1) is relevant. Group fields always inherit the specification from their parent.

  • A different specification given with the group members is ignored.

  • The direction of members of a structure-definition is inherited from the structure-parameter-definition. Thus only the direction information of the structure-parameter-definition (structure reference) is relevant. Structure fields always inherit the specification from their reference.

  • A different specification given with the structure members is ignored.

  • When no direction is specified, In Out is used as the default.

  • See Mapping the Direction Attributes IN, OUT, INOUT to C | CL | COBOL | DCOM | .NET | Java | Natural | PL/I | RPG.

ims-attribute The ims-attribute marks PCB (Program Communication Block) parameters for the target platform IMS (IBM's Information Management System).
  • The ims-attributes are considered when servers for the target platform IMS are generated with the COBOL Wrapper and the PL/I Wrapper.

  • The ims-attributes are obsolete for clients and other wrappers than COBOL and PL/I and are ignored.

  • The ims-attribute is only relevant on top-level fields (level 1). Group fields always inherit the specification from their parent, thus a different specification is ignored.

Example of aligned-attribute


Example of direction-attribute


Example of ims-attribute

1 PERSON_ID         (NU12)  IN OUT
1 PERSON_NAME       (A100)  IN OUT
1 DBPCB             IMS  
   2  DBNAME           (A8)
   2  SEG-LEVEL-NO     (A2)
   2  DBSTATUS         (A2)
   2  FILLER           (A20)

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