Version 9.5 SP1
 —  EntireX COBOL Wrapper  —

Server Examples for z/VSE CICS

This section covers the following topics:

Overview Server Examples for z/VSE CICS

The following examples are delivered for z/VSE Batch, where "File" refers to the name of the delivered file, "sublibrary" to the version (v), release (r) and service pack (s) :

File Sublibrary Description Notes
CCOBCALC.J EXP951 CICS COBOL precompile, COBOL compile and LNKEDT JCL 1, 2
CCOBCALC.C EXP951 CALC sample server source 2, 5
CCOBHELO.J EXP951 CICS COBOL precompile, COBOL compile and LNKEDT JCL 1, 3
CCOBHELO.C EXP951 HELLO sample server source 3, 5
CCOBPOWR.J EXP951 CICS COBOL precompile, COBOL compile and LNKEDT JCL 1, 4
CCOBPOWR.C EXP951 POWER sample server source 4, 5


  1. Adapt the JCL to your needs.
  2. The RPC server CCOBCALC.C and CCOBHELO.C source is compiled and linked with the job CCOBCALC.J.
  3. The RPC server CCOBPOWR.C source is compiled and linked with the job CCOBPOWR.J.
  4. The RPC server CCOBPOWR.J source is compiled and linked with the job CCOBPOWR.J.
  5. The example is built according to the server-side build instructions. See Using the COBOL Wrapper for CICS with DFHCOMMAREA Calling Convention (z/OS and z/VSE).

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Installing and Running the Server Examples for z/VSE CICS

Start of instruction setTo install and run the server examples for CICS

As a prerequisite, the phases CALC, POWER and HELLO need to be defined to you CICS environment.

  1. Build the CICS server program phases CALC, POWER and HELLO.

    Be aware that the delivered CALC, POWER and HELLO phases for use in batch can be overwritten.

    See Update the CICS Tables.

  2. Confirm that the broker is active.

  3. Start the CICS RPC Server.

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