Version 9.5 SP1
 —  EntireX COBOL Wrapper  —

Client and Server Examples for z/VSE Batch

This section covers the following topics:

Overview of Client and Server Examples for z/VSE Batch

The following examples are delivered for z/VSE Batch, where "File" refers to the name of the delivered file, "sublibrary" to the version (v), release (r) and service pack (s) :

File Sublibrary Description Notes
CALCCLT.J EXP951 JCL to compile the calc client example. 1, 2
RUNCLT.J EXP951 JCL for running the calc client example. 1, 2
CALCCLT.C EXP951 Calc client example (source). 2
CCALC.C EXP951 Calc client interface objects (generated). 2
CALCCLT.PHASE EXP951 Calc client example (executable). 2
BCOBCALC.J EXP951 CALC server compile and LNKEDT JCL. 1, 3
BCOBCALC.C EXP951 CALC sample server source. 3,6
CALC.PHASE EXP951 CALC sample server executable. 3,6
BCOBHELO.J EXP951 HELLO server compile and LNKEDT JCL. 1, 4
BCOBHELO.C EXP951 HELLO sample server source. 4,6
HELLO.PHASE EXP951 HELLO sample server executable. 4,6
BCOBPOWR.J EXP951 POWER server compile and LNKEDT JCL. 1, 5
BCOBPOWR.C EXP951 POWER sample server source. 5,6
POWER.PHASE EXP951 POWER sample server executable. 5,6


  1. Adapt the JCL to your needs.
  2. The CALCLT client example is built with the source CALCCLT.C, the generated calc client interface object CCALC and its copybook. It is delivered as executable CALCCLT.PHASE ready for use. It is built according to the client-side build instructions.
  3. The RPC server BCOBCALC.C is delivered as executable CALC.PHASE ready for use. You can compile and link the example with job BCOBCALC.J.
  4. The RPC server BCOBHELO.C is delivered as executable HELLO.PHASE ready for use. You can compile and link the example with job BCOBHELO.J.
  5. The RPC server BCOBPOWR.C is delivered as executable POWER.PHASE ready for use. You can compile and link the example with job BCOBPOWR.J.
  6. The server is built according to the server-side build instructions. See Using the COBOL Wrapper for Batch (z/VSE, IBM i, BS2000/OSD and z/OS) for more information.

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Run the Client Examples for z/VSE Batch

Start of instruction setTo install and run the client examples for batch

  1. Confirm that the broker and the RPC server are active.

  2. Use the delivered JCL RUNCLT.J in sublibrary EXP951. Adapt the JCL to your needs.

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Installing and Running the Server Examples for z/VSE Batch

Start of instruction setTo install and run the server examples for batch

  1. If necessary, include the sublibrary in which the server programs reside into your RPC server LIBDEF chain.

  2. Confirm that the broker is active.

  3. Start the Batch RPC server.

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