Post-installation Steps under UNIX

Under UNIX and Windows, EntireX is now installed using the Software AG Installer, which you download from the Software AG Empower website at Empower. You can view the documentation for the Software AG Installer under > Software AG Installer and Update Manager.

This document assumes you have already installed EntireX using the Software AG Installer. It covers installation instructions for components not included in the Software AG Installer; instruction on how to verify the installation and set up EntireX Security. It covers the following topics:

Shell Environment Settings

EntireX requires some shell environment variables to be set for proper operation. The installation provides two shell scripts exxenv and exxenv.csh in the EntireX/INSTALL directory. Source one of these scripts from within the .profile of the EntireX users.

Sourcing this script, which includes additional environment scripts, defines the following variables:

Variable Description
EXXDIR Identifies the base installation directory for EntireX (typically /opt/softwareag/EntireX)
EXXVERS Identifies the product version. This variable is deprecated and is set to "." for reasons of backward compatibility.
ETBLNK Identifies the absolute path to the broker stubs library if EntireX Broker has been installed: $EXXDIR/lib/
JAVA_HOME Identifies the Java directory in the installation.

In addition, the script modifies the environment variables PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH (LIBPATH under AIX, and SHLIB_PATH under HP-UX).

  • directory /<Install_Dir>/EntireX/bin is added to the list of directories in the PATH environment variable

  • the directory /<Install_Dir>/EntireX/lib is added to LD_LIBRARY_PATH (LIBPATH under AIX, and SHLIB_PATH under HP-UX).

Broker Instance Created Automatically during Installation

If check box Turn on Autostart for default EntireX Broker is checked, the installation starts the default broker ETB001. This broker instance listens on the TCP/IP and SSL ports defined in the custom panel during installation. Default port numbers are 1971 (TCP/IP) and 1958 (SSL).

Start of instruction setTo change the default port of the default broker

  1. Stop the broker, using one of the following methods:

    • Use Command Central to stop the broker, either from the Web user interface or with command stopBroker. See Administering EntireX Broker with Command Central or the separate Command Central documentation and online help for details.

    • Source the EntireX environment file <Installation_Dir>/EntireX/INSTALL/exxenv[.csh] and enter command:

      <Installation_Dir>/EntireX/bin/defaultbroker stop
  2. Edit the configuration file config/entirex.configand change the TCP/IP and SSL port numbers to a different value. For other broker instances, see PORT under Broker Attributes.

  3. Start the broker.

    • Enter command:

      <Installation_Dir>/EntireX/bin/defaultbroker start

Startup Daemon 'etbsrv'

This daemon runs in the background for administering broker instances. It is installed as etbsrv in the directory <Installation_Dir>/bin.

Start of instruction setTo start the daemon

  • Enter the following command:

    - <Installation_Dir>/EntireX/bin/sagexx start

    This ensures that etbsrv is always running and ready to receive start/stop commands. Note that the startup script sagexx sources the SAG environment file EntireX/INSTALL/exxenv.

Start of instruction setTo stop the daemon

  • Enter the following command:

    - <Installation_Dir>/EntireX/bin/sagexx stop

It is also registered to startup at boot time, therefore the installation generates additional scripts in a location that depends on the operating system:

Operating System Location Note
Solaris, Linux /etc/init.d Recent Linux versions use systemd instead of init scripts.
AIX /etc  
HP-UX /sbin/init.d  

Verifying the EntireX Installation

This section describes how to verify the installation of the following EntireX components:

EntireX Broker

To verify successful broker installation, you can use the etbinfo or etbcmd utility, the Natural tutorial or sample programs Client (convClt) and Server (convSrv).

Start of instruction setTo verify the broker installation

  1. If you have not already created a default broker, create one using etbsrv or Command Central. See Adding a Broker Instance under Administering EntireX Broker using the Command Central Graphical User Interface in the Command Central documentation.

  2. Start the broker using etbsrv or Command Central. See Controlling the EntireX Broker with Lifecycle Actions under Administering EntireX Broker using the Command Central Command Line.

  3. Use one of the following methods to check if the broker is running:

    • Run etbinfo to query the broker for information. Start a Command Prompt session, change your directory to the EntireX bin directory and use the following command:

      etbinfo -blocalhost -dBROKER

      This assumes that you use the default port 1971. Otherwise use the command:

      etbinfo -blocalhost:port -dBROKER

      where port is the port number of your broker.

      This should display a formatted report with information about the broker. If the broker is not active, you get response 02150148 "EntireX Broker not active".

    • Run the etbcmd utility.

      etbcmd -bETB048 -cPING -dBROKER

      The broker ID is ETB0248. If successful, the message PING broker ETB048 successfully performed is returned. If the broker is not active, you get response 02150148 "EntireX Broker not active".

    • In a Natural environment, you can also verify the correct installation by installing the EntireX Broker Tutorial. See Installing the EntireX Broker Tutorial under z/OS | UNIX | Windows.

    • Use the verification of Broker Stubs. This also verifies EntireX Broker installation.

Developer's Kit

Start of instruction setTo verify the installation

  1. Check that EntireX Broker is installed on the target node and is up and running.

  2. Create and run a sample application (see below).

Start of instruction setTo create and run a sample application

  • Create and run a sample application provided in the directory /<Install_Dir>/EntireX/examples/RPC/CServer:

    The following steps describe how to run the sample application locally:

    1. Verify that the EntireX environment is adapted to your environment.

    2. Verify that the EntireX Broker stub is installed in your EntireX environment.

    3. Create an example RPC server with the following steps:

      1. Change to directory /<Install_Dir>/EntireX/examples/RPC/CServer.

        cd /<Install_Dir>/EntireX/examples/RPC/CServer
      2. Create the server library with the command make.

      3. Add this directory to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH (LIBPATH under AIX and SHLIB_PATH under HP-UX).

      4. Modify the configuration server.cfg file to set up the Broker address for your environment.

      5. Start the RPC server with

        ../../../bin/rpcserver CFG=server.cfg
    4. Create an example RPC client with the following steps:

      1. Change to directory /<Install_Dir>/EntireX/examples/RPC/CClient.

        cd /<Install_Dir>/EntireX/examples/RPC/CClient
      2. Create the client with the command:


        The client will be built in the current directory.

      3. Start the RPC client with

        client <your_broker>@RPC/SRV1/CALLNAT

        Set <your_broker> to the configured Broker of the server configuration.

Broker Stubs

Start of instruction setTo verify broker stubs installation

  1. Ensure that you have installed the EntireX Broker on the target node and that it is up and running.

  2. Ensure that the variable ETBLNK is set to /<Install_Dir>/EntireX/lib/broker.s[o|l] and that the ETB_TRANSPORT variable is set correctly, by entering the command:

    env | grep ET
  3. Enter the commands to run the test programs. The Broker ID is ETB048 and the REPEATS value is 100. The parameters are described under Client (convClt) and Server (convSrv). The value "-2" indicates that the broker is version 2.1.1 or above.

    cd /<Install_Dir>EntireX/installation_verification/conversational/C
    convSrv -i100 -bETB048 -2&
    convClt -i100 -bETB048 -2

If you receive error 02150148 "EntireX Broker not active", verify that the broker is running on the target machine.

Client (convClt) and Server (convSrv)

The programs convClt and convSrv are client and server programs provided for test purposes. They are delivered as executables in the in the examples/installation_verification/conversational/C directory.

If you have problems, check that environment variable ETBLNK refers to the broker shared library in directory /<Install_Dir>/EntireX/lib. If the broker is not active, you get 02150148 "EntireX Broker not active".

convClt Parameters

Parameter Description ACI Field
-alocale locale_string,environment LOCALE-STRING, ENVIRONMENT
-bbroker_id Broker ID (same as the database ID). This is an EntireX Broker configuration parameter. Example:
convClt -bETB045
-cclass Server class (part of the server definition). Value must be configured in EntireX Broker. SERVER-CLASS
-ginput_file_name Use a file as send buffer.  
-h Display usage information.  
-irepeats The number of requests that are accepted by the example program before it deregisters. Example:
convSrv -i10
-l Silent mode. Suppress output for every incoming request.  
-ntoken Specify the security token, if desired. TOKEN
-ppacket_size convClt only. The size, in bytes, of the packets that will be transmitted. Example:
convClt -p10000
-rcompression_level Compression level. Values: N|Y|0-9. COMPRESSLEVEL
-sserver Name of server. Values must be configured in EntireX Broker. SERVER-NAME
-uuser_id User ID. With a secure broker, this will be used to perform authentication. USER-ID
-vservice Name of service (part of the server definition). The fully qualified server name used by the example program to register. Default is ACLASS,ASERVER,ASERVICE. Values must be configured in EntireX Broker. SERVER-NAME
-wpassword Password. With a secure broker, this will be used to perform authentication. PASSWORD
-xssl_parms SSL parameters. For example:
See also SSL/TLS Parameters for SSL Clients.
-1..9 By default, if omitted, the highest possible ACI version is used. Note that if you specify the ACI version, certain features might depend on a minimum ACI version. API-VERSION

convSrv Parameters

Most convClt parameters apply to convSrv, too. The following table lists additional parameters or parameters that have a different meaning.

Parameter Description ACI Field
-goutput-file-name Name of output file for receive buffer (if not running in silent mode).  
-inum_messages[,num_uows] If num_uows is not specified, the number of messages that are accepted before deregistration. If num_uows is specified, the number of UOWs and messages therein that are accepted before deregistration. Example:
bcos -i10

Environment Variables

This section describes the environment variables required for Developer's Kit.

Start of instruction setTo check the definitions of the environment variables

  • Enter the command printenv.

If the definitions are not correct, set them as described.

Environment Variable Description
EXXDIR This is the top level directory. It is set during the installation procedure.
PATH This points to the directories /<Install_Dir>/EntireX/examples/bin and /<Install_Dir>/EntireX/bin.
CLASSPATH This points to the current directory and to /<Install_Dir>/EntireX/classes/entirex.jar, which contains the class libraries and package for EntireX Java ACI, Java Wrapper, XML/SOAP Wrapper and EntireX Broker Agents.
LD_LIBRARY_PATH (Solaris and Linux)
This points to the directory /<Install_Dir>/EntireX/lib and /<Install_Dir>/EntireX/examples/lib to load the shared library at runtime.

Setting up EntireX Security under UNIX

This section covers the following topics:

You must set up EntireX Security for broker kernel and - if your application(s) use API version 7 or below - also for broker stubs.

Setting up EntireX Security for Broker Kernel

Start of instruction setTo set up EntireX Security for broker kernel under UNIX

  1. Determine that all prerequisites for EntireX components have been met before setting up EntireX Security. See UNIX Prerequisites.

  2. Insert the following statements into the DEFAULTS=BROKER section of the Broker attribute file:


  3. Modify the DEFAULTS=SECURITY section of the Broker attribute file according to your requirements. These parameters are used to determine whether you will use UNIX local security or LDAP-based authentication. See Security-specific Attributes. If you are using LDAP-based authentication, authorization rules are not available to you.

UNIX authentication utilizes the /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow files. Functions used are: getspnam() and/or getpwnam(). These functions usually do not return the encrypted password to ordinary processes; therefore, USRSEC employs a daemon process to perform these functions.

The daemon process (sagssxauthd2) must be owned by the "root" user (usually uid = 0) and have the setuid flag enabled. This process will automatically be started at the first authentication request and terminated when the kernel is shut down. In addition if sagssxauthd2 is terminated while the Broker kernel is running, a new sagssxauthd2 will be started automatically, if required.

Setting up EntireX Security for Broker Stubs

If you are running your application(s) at ACI version 7 or below, the following steps are required to install EntireX Security for the broker stubs in all environments where applications execute either as clients or servers. See List of Components per Platform for where EntireX Security for broker stubs is supported.

These steps are not required if you are running your application(s) at ACI version 8 or above.

Start of instruction setTo set up EntireX Security for broker stubs under UNIX

  • Copy the module secuexit.s[o|l] (depending on platform) from the directory /<Install_Dir>/EntireX/examples/lib to the directory /<Install_Dir>/EntireX/lib.


    1. Secuexit.dll is needed for backward compatibility if your applications issue any commands using ACI version 7 or below. Applications using ACI version 8 or above do not require this additional component in the stub.
    2. For encrypted transport we strongly recommend using the Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer Security protocol. See SSL/TLS and Certificates with EntireX.
If stub tracing level is "> 1", unencrypted contents of the send/receive buffers are exposed in the trace.

Setting of EntireX Security for Broker stubs is now complete. Now you can set up the security components for the Broker stubs on the remaining operating systems where your application components are located.

EntireX Mini Runtime Considerations

The EntireX Mini Runtime is a set of components that can be used for the deployment of applications using the Broker ACI, the Broker RPC, and - under Windows only - DCOM Wrapper objects and the Broker ActiveX Control. Unlike the full EntireX Runtime, the Mini Runtime does not include Java capabilities. The EntireX Mini Runtime is provided as a separate package in the Software AG Installer.

If you need the EntireX Mini Runtime with your application, you may have to extend the path variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH (UNIX and Linux) or LIBPATH (AIX) to <inst_root>/EntireX/lib before starting your application.

Natural Considerations

Installing the Natural-based EntireX Broker Tutorial under UNIX

Start of instruction setTo install the Tutorial

  1. Use the Natural utility SYSOBJH to load all objects contained in SYSETB.TRA in directory /<Install_Dir>/EntireX/etc. See Object Handler in the Natural Tools and Utilities documentation for more information.

  2. Invoke Natural, logon to library SYSETB and issue the CATALL command to catalog all the programs in the library.