Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : Working with webMethods OneData MDR : Introduction to MDR : Stewards, Submitters, and Registrars
Stewards, Submitters, and Registrars
Registration Statuses
Registration Status Change - Authorization, and Compliancy Rules Set Up
Registration Related Folder
Status Mask and Rules
Rules for Changing Statuses
The ISO/IEC11179 standard specifies a model for registering administered items with a Registration Authority. A Registration Authority is a specific kind of organization that is authorized to standardize administered items. When an administered item is registered, it must conform to ISO/IEC 11179 standards, and it must meet the requirements of the local organization's Registration Authority (RA).
Registering administered items is optional.
There are three important roles and functions to the registration process: stewardship, submission, and registration. Only authorized users can assign administered items to Stewards, Submitters, and Registrars through the Steward Assignment menu.
*Stewards. A steward is the contact for an administered item. The steward is responsible for the subject matter content of each registered administered item. (The steward does not necessarily create or maintain the metadata.) Any administered item may be assigned to a steward. the steward belongs to a steward organization. A steward organization can be identified at any level (for example, agency, program area, staff area, or project). Stewards are assigned a steward role in the system.
*Submitters. A submitter submits the request to register an administered item with a Registration Authority. A submitter belongs to the submitter organization for a given administered item. Submitters are assigned a submitter role in the system.
*Registrars. A registrar is assigned an Admin role, and can reject submissions or determine the Registration Status for administered items. A registrar belongs to only one RA.
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