Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : Working with webMethods OneData MDR : Introduction to MDR : Stewards, Submitters, and Registrars : Status Mask and Rules
Status Mask and Rules
The status mask attribute at the registration status level can be used to control when an action, such as deletion, versioning, IRDI generation, or certification checks, can be performed. Each position in the mask controls activation or deactivation of the action. The status mask is denoted by the acronym: 00DCI. The mask positions are as follows:
*1st and 2nd positions: The two zeroes in front of the acronym are placeholders for the first and second positions in the status mask.
*3rd position (Deletion): If set to 1 for a registration status, the administered item can be deleted if its current registration status is the same as the particular value.
An administered item should not have any associated dependents in order to be deleted.
*4th position (Certification): If set to 1 for a registration status, the certification rules should be applied before the administered item is being promoted to this registration status value.
*5th position (Identifier): If set to 1 for a registration status, the IRDI (system generated), should be generated when an administered item is being promoted to this registration status value, if it has not already been generated.
*6th position (Versioning): If the 6th (last) position is set for a registration status, versions can be created for the administered item if the current registration status is the same as the particular value.
Example: The status mask for STANDARD Registration Status by default is set to 000111. This indicates that an administered item in STANDARD Registration Status:
*Cannot be deleted.
*Certification rules must be applied before an administered item can be promoted to STANDARD.
*IRDI (if not generated) should be generated when the administered item is promoted to STANDARD status.
*Can be versioned.
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