Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : Working with webMethods OneData MDR : Introduction to MDR : Stewards, Submitters, and Registrars : Registration Statuses
Registration Statuses
The following table lists the possible ISO/IEC 11179 registration statuses.
The administered item has been proposed.
The Registration Authority confirmed that all mandatory metadata attributes are met.
The Registration Authority confirmed that the RECORDED data component complies with quality standards.
Submitter wishes to notify the metadata registry community that there is a new administered item in their local domain.
The Registration Authority confirms that the administered item meets the quality standard and us of broad interest to the metadata registry community.
Preferred Standard
The Registration Authority confirms that the administered item is a preferred item in the metadata registry community.
The Registration Authority approved the administered item as retired and recommends that the metadata registry community no longer use it.
The Registration Authority determined that the administered item should no longer be used and has a preferred successor administered item.
A submitter, belonging to an organization (the submitting organization), submits administered items for standardization. The process is as follows:
1. An authorized user creates an administered item.
2. Use Steward Assignment to assign an item to a steward organization, a submitter organization and a Registration Authority. You can also optionally assign related contacts.
3. Each user in the application can be associated with one organization.
4. Use Registration Status Rule Assignment to maintain authorization rules, which indicate allowable status changes and organization groups (steward, submitter, or RA).
5. Change statuses on the Edit and Results pages. Select the item and invoke change of status commands (for example, registration status, incomplete).
6. The invoked procedure executes a series of checks to ensure that all required criteria is met and the user is authorized to change the status. If criteria are met, the status is changed. For information about changing statuses, see Rules for Changing Statuses.
7. Once submitted to a Registration Authority, the registrar works through the prescribed standardization process by updating the item, setting the item's registration status, and providing comments on last changes and unresolved issues.
Once registered, the data element is automatically assigns a system-generated unique identifier called the IRDI. An IRDI (International Registration Data Identifier) is an internationally unique identifier for a data element as defined in the ISO/IEC 11179 framework.
The following diagram illustrates this process.
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