Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : Working with webMethods OneData MDR : Working with Administered Items : Creating Administered Items
Creating Administered Items
Creating an Administered Item Using Add Administered Item
You can create administered items in the registry with the Add Administered Items or Import Administered Items functions in the Administered Items menu command. For information about importing administered items, see Importing Administered Items. When you add an administered item, you can either clone an existing item or create a new one.
Each administered item type has its own sub-types that display in the Add Administered Item screens. The lookups for related sub-types are driven by the configuration of the foreign key of that sub-type. For example, if creating a new data element concept, the lookup for the associated object classes display the description of the object class, as configured in the foreign key constraint in the object class entity.
The following example illustrates the flow of a new data element. At least one data element must be created, but the system creates six new administered items: data element, value domain, data element concept, object class, property, and conceptual domain.
An optional hook can be assigned to the administered items entity so that when a new data element is inserted, the hook verifies that the value domain and data element concept belong to the same conceptual domain. For more information, see, Additional Utilities. This hook is automatically invoked if a data element is edited.
1. Create a data element. Select the existing data element concept.
2. Create a data element concept. Select the existing conceptual domain or select the option to create a new conceptual domain. Similarly select an existing object class or select the option to create a new object class.
3. Create a value domain. Select an existing conceptual domain or select the option to create new conceptual domain. In case the data element concept is also created as part of the same flow then the value domain inherits the same conceptual domain as the data element concept.
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