Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : Working with webMethods OneData MDR : Working with Administered Items : Importing Administered Items
Importing Administered Items
Uniqueness Check
Import Mapping
In OneData MDR, you can batch import administered items, classification scheme item taxonomies, and permissible values. Depending on the import file and mapped columns, one or more administered items is created per record imported. You can create an Import Profile to save the import settings and mappings for future use.
Classification Scheme Item (CSI) imports allow you to import CSI taxonomies in the Registry in bulk mode. The following rules apply to CSI imports:
*Classification Scheme Name is a required column.
*If specified Classification Scheme does not exist, the import procedure first creates a Classification Scheme Administered Item and then imports the hierarchy.
*Hierarchy relationships are imported using the CSI Parent Name.
Importing permissible values allow you to import large code lists into the Registry as a bulk operation rather than by manually entering them. The following rules apply to permissible value imports:
*The permissible value name and existing value domain name are required fields.
*If the Value Meaning name is mapped during import, the corresponding Value Meanings are created under the Conceptual Domain associated to the specified Value Domain.
*If the Value Meaning name is not mapped during import, the corresponding Value Meaning is the same as the created Permissible Value Description. If the Permissible Value Description is not available, then the Permissible Value name is used.
If an Import Profile with the given name already exists, OneData displays an exception before executing the import. If the same column is selected more than once during the import, you must specify a unique set of destination column mappings.
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