Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : Working with webMethods OneData MDR : Working with Administered Items : Creating Administered Items : Creating an Administered Item Using Add Administered Item
Creating an Administered Item Using Add Administered Item
Create a new administered item (data element concept) using Add Administered Item.
To create an administered item
1. On the Menu toolbar, click Administered Items > Add Administered Items.
This option is only available to users with the security privileges to create administered items.
2. In Administered Item Type, select Data Element Concept. You can clone an existing data element concept to copy the values. Click Next.
The next screen is dynamically generated depending on the Administered Item Type.
3. Define the mandatory fields (indicated with an *).
Click Select Existing or Create New according to how you want to define the object class, property, and conceptual domain. If you are creating a new item type, OneData prompts you to define each required item type.
4. Click Save after defining each administered item type.
At any point during this procedure, you can return to a previous item. Click Go to and select the item.
At the end of each creation cycle, OneData creates an Execution Log of all the administered items.
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