Building Mobile Enterprise Applications : Using webMethods Mobile Designer : Activating Devices : Steps Performed to Activate Handsets
Steps Performed to Activate Handsets
This section describes the steps that Mobile Designer performs when you run the ++Activate-Handset or ++Re-Activate-Handset Ant targets to activate a device.
The table also indicates hook points where Mobile Designer can run custom Ant scripts that you provide. For more information about hook points, see Creating Custom Ant Scripts to Run at Predefined Hook Points.
For instructions for how to activate a device, see Activating a Device.
Display the Activate Handset dialog (optional JPanel)
Mobile Designer displays the Activate Handset dialog, and also a custom JPanel for the build, if you defined one.
Mobile Designer only displays the Activate Handset dialog when you run the ++Activate-Handset Ant target.
Determine settings for target devices
Mobile Designer determines the settings for the device you are activating. It retrieves the settings from the following sources in the order listed.
*Project-level device_name.xml files
*Project-level _defaults_.xml file
*Mobile Designer device database
*Mobile Designer file
Mobile Designer uses the first setting it encounters. For example, if Mobile Designer encounters a setting in the project-level target device_name.xml file and then again in the project-level _defaults_.xml file, Mobile Designer uses the setting from the target device_name.xml file.
For more information about:
*Project-level device files, see Where You Set Properties and Setting Project Properties
*Mobile Designer device database, see Devices that a Mobile Application Supports
*Mobile Designer file, see Mobile Designer Configuration Properties (
hook point
If you have created an Ant script to run at the PreBuildResources hook point, Mobile Designer runs the Ant script.
Execute the resource handler
Mobile Designer runs the resource handler that you created for the project. When running the resource handler, Mobile Designer records all the resources required for your application. Mobile Designer also creates the class. For more information about creating the resource handler, see Defining Resources for a Mobile Application Project. For more information about the Parameters class, see Application and Parameter Classes.
At this point in the build process, Mobile Designer uses the following project properties:
*project.reshandler.src.path for the location of the project’s resource handler script and any associated classes
* for the name of the resource handler class you created for your project.
*project.resource.dir.root for the location of the top-level folder that contains the resources (audio files, image files, etc.) for your project
*project.reshandler.additional.libs.path for the location of additional libraries that your project’s resource handler requires
For more information about these properties, see Resource Handler Properties.
hook point
If you have created an Ant script to run at the PostBuildResources hook point, Mobile Designer runs the Ant script.
Prepare source (include Mobile Designer abstraction lib)
Mobile Designer prepares the source by including the relevant run-time classes. For more information, see Mobile Designer-Provided Run-Time Classes and Run-Time Classes Properties.
Create .classpath for Eclipse
Mobile Designer creates a classpath file in the project's root folder to reference the stubs that the device’s run-time code and that the resource handler requires. The Mobile Designer project is refreshed so that the classpath changes are propagated through to the codebase.
Compile the Java source
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