Building Mobile Enterprise Applications : Using webMethods Mobile Designer : Setting Properties and Parameters for a Mobile Application Project : Setting Project Properties
Setting Project Properties
Mobile Designer defines values for most properties. For a list the properties you must set for your project, see Project Properties You Must Set.
To set a value or change a predefined value for your project, you can set property values within the project’s targets folder.
*Specify properties in the project’s _defaults_.xml file apply to the settings to all devices that the application supports.
*Specify properties in target device XML files to apply settings to a single device that the application supports. The properties you place in target device XML files override settings in the _default_.xml file.
The properties you specify for the project override settings you make for all projects in the file.
To set project properties
1. In Software AG Designer, in the Project Explorer view, expand the Mobile Designer project for which you want to define properties.
2. In the project’s targets folder, double-click the file to which you want to add a property:
*To apply the setting to all the devices the application supports, double-click the _defaults_.xml file.
*To apply the setting to a single device that your application supports, add the property to the XML file for that device:
For example, if your application supports the Apple iPhone 5 and you want to apply the settings only for this device, add the settings to the IOS_Apple_iPhone5.xml file.
3. Locate the area of the file where you want to add the property. Refer to comments in the file to find good location.
4. Add the property to the file using the following format:
<property name="PropertyName" value="PropertyValue"/>
For example:
<property name="cross.compiler.extractinners" value="true"/>
5. After adding properties, save the file.
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