Task Engine 10.11 | Task Engine Webhelp | webMethods Task Engine API and Service Reference | Using the Task Engine Built-in Services | pub.task.taskclient:updateTask
WmTaskClient. This service modifies a task on the Task Engine that is connected to the Integration Server. You use this service to change information in the task's TaskInfo and TaskData documents. This service applies only to tasks with status Active, Error, and Suspended. For information about updating tasks with other statuses, see Usage Notes.
To end a task, you use this service to change the status field in the task's TaskInfo document to "closed" or "cancelled" as appropriate.
Input Parameters
String Optional. The user ID of the My webMethods Server user on whose behalf this service will execute.
If user is not specified, the user ID associated with the WmTaskClient package is used. For information about configuring this user ID, see the PDF publication webMethods Task Engine User’s Guide.
String The ID that identifies the task you want to modify.
Document TaskInfo object that specifies the changes you want to make to the standard information maintained for the task. See pub.task:TaskInfo for a description of the fields in this document.
Document TaskData object that contains the business data that you want to associate with the task.TaskData does not have a specified structure. Its content varies according to the task.
retryOnFailure Count
String Optional. Specifies the number of times to attempt to invoke the service. The default is 0 times. When specified, this value will override the configuration value set on the WmTaskClient Home page in IS Administrator.
String Optional. Specifies the number of milliseconds to wait between attempts. The default is 1000 ms (this field is ignored if retryOnFailureCount = 0). When specified, this value will override the configuration value set on the WmTaskClient Home page in IS Administrator
Output Parameters
Usage Notes
When you use this service to update information in the task's TaskInfo document, the Task Engine modifies only the fields that have assigned values in TaskInfo. All other fields in the target task retain their existing values. For example, to change just the name assigned to a task, set only the name field in the TaskInfo document that you pass to this service.
When you use this service to update information in the task's TaskData document, the TaskData document that you pass to the service replaces the task's existing TaskData document in its entirety.
When updating task statuses with this service, the following limitations apply:
*If the current status of the task is Error, you can change it only to Completed.
*If the current status of the task is Suspended, you cannot set it to Completed or Expired.
This service applies only to tasks with status Active, Error, and Suspended. To enable the service to update tasks with other statuses, set the additional JVM property -Dupdate.completed.task to true, as described in webMethods Task Engine User’s Guide.
Tasks with status Error that belong to a process instance cannot be updated, regardless of Task Engine optional settings.
You can edit the taskScheduleDate field only when the task is in scheduled state.
You cannot edit the schedules of task instances created using Task Engine 9.9 or earlier because those task instances will be in active state.