Task Engine 10.11 | Task Engine Webhelp | webMethods Task Engine API and Service Reference | Using the Task Engine Built-in Services | pub.task:TaskInfo
WmTaskClient. Document type that contains standard information about a task. You specify certain fields in TaskInfo when you queue a task using pub.task.taskclient:queueTask.
After a task is queued, you can modify fields in TaskInfo using pub.task.taskclient:updateTask.
Some fields that appear in TaskInfo can only be changed by the Task Engine. These fields are marked "read only" in the description below. If you attempt to assign a new value to a read-only field, the new value is ignored.
A task is not required to maintain information for every field in TaskInfo. Most fields are optional as noted in the description below.
String List Optional. The IDs (on My webMethods Server) of the users, groups, or roles that have accepted this task. Setting this list accepts the task for the specified users, groups, or roles.
String List Optional. The IDs of the principals (users, groups, or roles on My webMethods Server) to which this task is assigned. Setting this list assigns the task to the specified users, groups, or roles. The Task Engine uses this list to route the task to the appropriate users.
String Read-only. Value of AuditContext from pub.prt.ProcessData document. This value appears only when a task is queued by business process
String Read-only. The unique ID of the collaboration process flow created when a task is used for collaboration workflow.
String Read-only. The unique ID of the task step in the process flow when task is used for collaboration workflow.
java.util.Date Read-only. Date and time when the task was queued.
String Read-only. The user ID (on My webMethods Server) of the user that initially queued the task.
String Optional. An optional, application-defined identifier for the task. This ID is separate from the internal taskID that the Task Engine uses to identify tasks. The identifier in customTaskID is visible in the user interface and is also searchable using the pub.task.taskclient:searchTasks service.
Although customTaskID is meant to uniquely identify a task, the Task Engine does not enforce uniqueness of the value in this field. The application is responsible for assigning unique identifiers to customTaskID if they are needed.
String Optional. List of user IDs who delegated this task.
String Optional. List of user IDs to whom the task was delegated
String Optional. A descriptive comment or remark associated with the task. This description appears in various places in the My webMethods user interface, such as on the Details View tab in My Inbox and in the Task Management Results list.
Maximum length is 255 characters.
String Optional. A code that identifies the error condition that caused the task to end. This field is usually present when the value in status is "error." However, the Task Engine does not require an application to report an error code, so this field might be null even if the task ends with an error.
String Optional. A message describing the error condition that caused the task to end. This field is usually present when the value in status is "error." However, the Task Engine does not require an application to report an error message, so this field might be null even if the task ends with an error.
java.util.Date Optional. The date and time when the task expires. When expireDate is reached, the Task Engine switches the status value for the task to "expired."
If an expire date is not specified, the task never expires.
Integer Optional. Specifies if the collaboration task is a mandatory task. A parent task can be marked as completed only when the status of all the mandatory child tasks is Completed, Error, Canceled, or Expired.
String Read-only. The user ID (on My webMethods Server) of the last user to accept the task. The field is set to null if no user has accepted the task, or when acceptedByList is reset to null.
java.util.Date Read-only. Date and time when the task was last accepted.
String Read-only. The user ID (on My webMethods Server) of the user that last updated the task. If a process within the Task Engine was the last entity to modify the task (for example, if the Task Engine marked the task "expired"), this field will contain the name of the task rule associated with that process.
java.util.Date Read-only. Date and time when the task was last updated.
String Optional. The name of the task. This name appears in various places in the My webMethods user interface, such as on the Details View tab in My Inbox and in the Task List Management Results list.A task does not require a name. If a name is assigned, it does not need to be unique. Maximum length is 255 characters.
String. Optional. The value of the parent task ID in the case when tasks are used for collaboration workflow. When queuing a new task, if a valid taskID is specified for "parentTaskID", the task to be queued is created as a child task of the parent task. For more information, see webMethods BPM Task Development Help.
String Optional. The priority of the task. Must contain one of the following values:
Values are case-sensitive.
String Read-only. The ProcessInstanceID value from the pub.prt:ProcessData document. This value only appears in TaskInfo if the task was queued by a business process.
String Read-only. The ProcessIteration value from the pub.prt:ProcessData document. This value only appears in TaskInfo if the task was queued by a business process.
String Read-only. The ProcessModelID value from the pub.prt:ProcessData document. This value only appears in TaskInfo if the task was queued by a business process.
String Read-only. The ProcessModelVersion value from the pub.prt:ProcessData document. This value only appears in TaskInfo if the task was queued by a business process.
String Optional. The state of the task. Must contain one of the following values:
*new. Task is new and not yet started. Immediately after the task starts, the status of the task changes from new to active.
*scheduled. Task is scheduled to start at the time specified in taskScheduleDate. When the task starts at the scheduled time, the status of the task changes from scheduled to active.
*active. Task is active and is available in the user's inbox queue. Only active tasks can be modified by the user.
*suspended. Task is suspended and is not available in the user's inbox queue. Suspended tasks continue to appear in the Task Management Results list.
*completed. Task has been successfully completed and is no longer available in the user's inbox queue. Completed tasks continue to appear in the Task Management Results list.
*cancelled. Task has been canceled and is no longer available in the user's inbox queue. Canceled tasks continue to appear in the Task Management Results list.
*expired. Task has expired and is no longer available in the user's inbox queue. Expired tasks continue to appear in the Task Management Results list.
*error. Task has failed or an unrecoverable error occurred during the processing of the task. This is often due to an incorrect task rule. The errorCode and errorMessage fields generally contain additional information about the error.
String Read-only. The StepID value from the pub.prt:ProcessData document. This value only appears in TaskInfo if the task was queued by a business process.
String Read-only. The TryCount value from the pub.prt:ProcessData document. This value only appears in TaskInfo if the task was queued by a business process.
Date Specifies the date and time the task should start. The status of the task is based on the specified value.
*If you specify a date that is later than the current date, the task status will be scheduled.
*If you do not specify a date, the task will be active.
When the task starts or queues at the scheduled time, the global rule for task schedule changes the status of the task from scheduled to active.
String Read-only. The task type identifier (GUID) for this task instance.
String Read only. The relative URL for the task on My webMethods Server. This URL can be used to open the task instance in a browser.
Integer Optional. This is a current version number of the task record; it is automatically incremented for each task update action.
This property can be used with pub.task.taskclient:updateTask. If a value different than 0 is passed when executing pub.task.taskclient:updateTask, then the Task Engine verifies this value against the current value of the task instance and generate the exception "Task is Out of Date" if they mismatch. In other words, if the task record has been updated (and taskVersionNumber incremented) since the client of the API has been holding the task record, theTask Engine generates the exception.