Task Engine 10.11 | Task Engine Webhelp | webMethods Task Engine User's Guide | Working with Tasks in My webMethods | Viewing and Opening Tasks in the Task Inboxes
Viewing and Opening Tasks in the Task Inboxes
Selecting Tasks in Task Inboxes
Sorting Tasks in the Task Inboxes
About Duplicate Task Type Names in the My Inbox Results
Viewing Detailed Information About a Task
Customizing the Task Inbox Search Options
Searching and Filtering the Task List
Customizing the My Inbox and Task Type Inbox Results List
You can view the list of tasks assigned to you either in My Inbox or in a task type inbox, as described in About Task Inboxes above. For additional information about viewing tasks, see About Duplicate Task Type Names in the My Inbox Results. For information about working with tasks on the Task List Management page, see Viewing Tasks on the Task List Management Page.
To work within an individual task, you must open it, as follows:
You must open and work with only one task at a time. My webMethods does not support working with two or more tasks open at the same time. Unpredictable results may occur when saving task changes.
*To open a task in an inbox results list
1. In My webMethods: Navigate > Applications > Monitoring > Business > Tasks.
2. Click My Inbox or a task type inbox. By default, all of the tasks assigned to you (or to a role or group you are a member of) are displayed in the My Inbox results, and all of the tasks of a particular name are displayed in the task type inbox results.
You must have the Task ID column displayed in the results list to be able to open a task. If this column is not displayed, add it to the list as described in Customizing the My Inbox and Task Type Inbox Results List. You can also open a task from the Custom ID column, but this value may not be populated for every task.
3. Click the Task ID link for the task you want to open.
The Details page opens with the Data View tab automatically selected the first time you open it. Thereafter it will open to the last tab you viewed.