Package com.softwareag.ino.sxs

Interface Summary

Class Summary
BooleanRef Auxiliary class to represent references to boolean values.
ByteArrayRef Auxiliary class to represent references to byte arrays.
DoubleRef Auxiliary class to represent references to double numbers.
FloatRef Auxiliary class to represent references to float numbers.
InputDocument Definition of input document (for put document)
IntRef Auxiliary class to represent references to integers.
Result Result class for operations.
ShortRef Auxiliary class to represent references to short integers.
SXSClassLoader The extension class loader allows particular extensions of the class path for each extension.
SxsPasswordAuthentication Get a Java PasswordAuthentication Was added for SxsGetPasswordAuthentication
SXSSecurityManager The extension security manager restricts Java extensions from performing actions that may affect the availability of the JVM for other users.
SXSVersion SXSVersion class.