 —  SAP R/3 Gateway Documentation  —


The IDoc XML Gateway runs as a web application called sapr3idocxmlgateway. A prerequisite is the installation of SAP R/3 Gateway (see the section Installing the Gateway Portal). If you already have an older version, you must migrate it as described in the section Migrate to 2.3.1. After migration or a new installation, you can proceed to the following sections.

Web Application Server

Start of instruction setTo install IDoc XML Gateway

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Setup Wizard

For post installation steps, start the setup wizard on http://YourGateway:8080/sapr3gateway/manager/setupWizardIDocXMLGW.

The setup wizard helps you to configure the SAP R/3 Gateway for the IDoc XML Gateway. In addition to the wizard, perform the configuration steps described in the next section, Configuration Parameters.

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