Process Engine 10.11 | Configuring and Monitoring the Process Engine | Configuring Process Engine Settings
Configuring Process Engine Settings
Configuring Process Engine Properties Using an MSR Configuration Variables Template
Disabling/Enabling the Process Engine Storage Cleaner
Requirements for Using the Duplicate Event Detection Feature
How Duplicate Detection Works
The Settings page enables you to view the current values of the Process Engine configuration settings or to modify those configuration values.
The configuration settings are not automatically propagated to other Process Engine nodes in a clustered environment. You must manually apply the configuration settings to each individual Process Engine node in your environment.
*To configure Process Engine properties
1. Display the Process Engine home page as described in Accessing the Process Engine Home Page.
2. Click Settings.
3. On the Settings page, click the Edit Process Engine Settings link.
4. On the Process Engine > Settings > Edit page, the settings described in the table below are available for modifications:
Database Operation Retry Limit
Specifies how many times the Process Engine attempts to retry a failed database operation that could succeed in a subsequent attempt.
For example, a database operation to secure a step lock for a join step might fail if another Process Engine thread has already locked this same step. In this situation, the Process Engine uses the Database Operation Retry Limit to determine how many times the current thread should retry the operation to acquire the step lock. Under normal conditions, the thread that has the step lock will hold it only a short time before releasing it, allowing the current thread to acquire the step lock on a subsequent retry.
The default value is 360.
Database Operation Retry Interval
Specifies how many seconds the Process Engine pauses before retrying a failed database operation.
The default interval is 1 second.
Cleanup Service Execution Interval
Specifies how many seconds the Process Engine pauses between executions of the Storage Cleaner utility that removes data for completed and failed processes from the Process Engine database component. For more information, see About the Process Engine Storage Cleaner.
Specify a value that will clean the database often enough to keep data from straining the database size limit, but not so often as to degrade performance.
The default interval is 600 seconds.
When two or more Process Engines are operated in a cluster, be sure that Storage Cleaner is enabled on at least one node. For more information, see Special Considerations in Clustered Operation.
To disable the Storage Cleaner, set the value to 0 (zero) and reload the WmPRT package. For more information, see Disabling/Enabling the Process Engine Storage Cleaner.
Completed Process Expiration
Specifies the period of time that must elapse before Completed process instance data becomes eligible for deletion by the Storage Cleaner. See Cleanup Service Execution Interval, above.
The default value is 60 seconds.
Failed Process Expiration
Specifies the period of time that must elapse before Failed process instance data becomes eligible for deletion by the Storage Cleaner. See Cleanup Service Execution Interval, above.
The default value is 3600 seconds.
JMS Server URL
Specifies the URL of the JMS server used by Process Engine to publish audit messages to Optimize. This field is initially empty following installation. You can type your own URL in this field, or you can click the Default button at the bottom of the Edit page. This action sets the following values:
*If you specified a webMethods Broker (deprecated) server, instance and port number during installation, that value is inserted here.
*Otherwise, the default value broker://localhost:6849/Broker #1/analysis is inserted.
To specify a webMethods Universal Messaging server, type the URL for that server. At installation, the default value is nsp://localhost:9000. If you have specified a different server and port number, type that information here.
Duplicate Event Detection
Indicates whether you want to enable the duplicate detection feature in Process Engine.
Duplication can occur when the Integration Server is stopped abruptly after starting a process, but before acknowledging the input document. This situation applies only when using guaranteed input documents (non-volatile) and when volatile transition documents are not used.
*Select the check box to enable duplicate event detection, which prevents the creation of a redundant process for a duplicate document.
The Process Engine recognizes a duplicate document and determines how best to process the document. For more information about how Process Engine operates when you select this check box, see How Duplicate Detection Works.
To use the duplicate detection feature, you must also configure the generated subscription or transition trigger of the process in Software AG Designer. For more information, see Requirements for Using the Duplicate Event Detection Feature.
*Clear the check box to disable duplicate event detection; duplicate documents are sent to and processed by Process Engine normally, which could lead to duplicate processes.
The default is to disable duplicate event detection.
Cache Cleanup Interval
Specifies the maximum number of seconds to hold instance complete events in cache.
The Process Engine collects instance complete events in an in-memory cache. When the Cache Cleanup Interval elapses, or the maximum number of events is reached, as specified by the Maximum Cache Buffer Size setting, the Process Engine empties the cache and publishes a single bulk control event to notify other Process Engine nodes in the environment that instances have completed.
Specify the number of seconds to wait before emptying the cache and publishing the bulk control event.
The default is 60 seconds.
Maximum Cache Buffer Size
Specifies the maximum number of instance complete events to hold in the cache.
For more information, see the Cache Cleanup Interval setting, above.
Specify the maximum number of instance complete events to hold in cache.
The default is 1000.
External Cluster
Indicates whether you want the Process Engine to operate as if it were clustered.
*Select the check box to enable external clustering.
Enable this setting if your Integration Servers are not part of a cluster, but you still want your Process Engines to act as if they are clustered. When Process Engines are in an external cluster, they share:
*webMethods Broker (deprecated) queues, that is, they use the same webMethods Broker (deprecated) prefix.
*Database for step locking.
When this setting is selected, any documents published to webMethods Broker (deprecated) with no subscriber will be routed to the webMethods Broker (deprecated) Dead Letter Queue (DLQ). If you do not monitor and purge the DLQ, the queue can fill to capacity and create problems.
*Clear the check box if you do not want the Process Engines to act as if they are clustered.
The default is that Process Engine is not part of an external cluster.
If Process Engine is running in an Integration Server that is part of a cluster, it operates in cluster mode regardless of the External Cluster setting.
5. Click Submit, then reload the WmPRT package or restart Integration Server.
If at any time you need to revert to the default configuration settings, edit the Process Engine configuration properties and click Default.