Process Engine 10.11 | Concepts | About the Process Engine Storage Cleaner
About the Process Engine Storage Cleaner
Special Considerations in Clustered Operation
The Process Engine contains an internal utility known as the Storage Cleaner. The Storage Cleaner runs periodically and removes older process instance data from the Process Engine database, thus preventing the database from growing too large.
Storage Cleaner operation is defined by these three Process Engine settings:
*Cleanup Service Execution Interval. Default = 600 seconds. The interval at which Storage Cleaner runs, deleting any Process Engine table data that is eligible for deletion, as defined by the following two settings:
*Completed Process Expiration. Default = 60 seconds. The period of time that must elapse before Completed process instance data becomes eligible for deletion.
*Failed Process Expiration. Default = 600 seconds. The period of time that must elapse before Failed process instance data becomes eligible for deletion.
For information about modifying these settings, see Configuring Process Engine Settings. The operation of the Storage Cleaner can be disabled completely. For more information, see Disabling/Enabling the Process Engine Storage Cleaner.
A separate Process Engine setting, Cache Cleanup Interval, determines how often the Process Engine cleans up certain tables held in memory. This mechanism is totally separate from the Storage Cleaner.