Process Engine 10.11 | Configuring and Monitoring the Process Engine | Configuring Process Engine Settings | Requirements for Using the Duplicate Event Detection Feature
Requirements for Using the Duplicate Event Detection Feature
To use the duplicate detection feature, you must:
*Configure the Process Engine Duplicate Event Detection property as described in Configuring Process Engine Settings.
*Modify the process model's generated trigger in Software AG Designer as follows:
*Set the Exactly Once/Detect Duplicates property to true.
*Set the Exactly Once/Document Resolver Service property to wm.prt.duplicate:checkDuplicates, located in the WmPRT package.
After changing the Exactly Once/Detect Duplicates property for a model's trigger (either subscription or transition), the WmPRT package must be reloaded. To reload the package, open the webMethods Integration Server Administrator, open Packages > Management, and click the WmPRT reload icon in the Reload column.
Additionally, to use the duplicate detection feature, the process model versions must meet these requirements:
*A UUID, a unique identifier that identifies the published document, must be present in the document being published (for example: all documents published by webMethods Broker (deprecated) contain a UUID).
*All publishable documents, including process transition documents, must be non-volatile documents.
*The process must have volatile tracking disabled and volatile transition documents disabled.
*If you want to be able to resubmit a failed process, the model must log all steps and enable each step for resubmission.
When a process has the Optimize Locally option enabled, duplicate event detection is limited to the last unacknowledged document.