Package com.softwareag.mdm.ui

Provides the capability to create specific user interface components that are integrated within webMethods Master Data Manager.


Interface Summary
ResourceType Identifies a type of HTTP resource that may be used for user display.

Class Summary
UIBeanEditor Abstract class for implementing user interface components on master data.
UIContext Common abstract class for UIBeanEditor contexts.
UIHttpManagerComponent This class is a utility for calling webMethods Master Data Manager through a HTTP request.
UIHttpManagerComponentReturnCode Represents the return code of a user interaction initiated by UIHttpManagerComponent.
UIHttpNavigationLink This class generates links that are used for navigating in Manager.
UIRenderingMode Defines the rendering mode of the UI.
UIRequestContext Encapsulates a HTTP request so that a UIBeanEditor is able to feed the user input validation context.
UIResponseContext Encapsulates a HTTP response so that a UIBeanEditor is able to generate its part of the DHTML page.
UITableFilter Abstract class for implementing a user interface filter over a table.
UITableFilterRequestContext Encapsulates the HTTP request so as to setup a filter.
UITableFilterResponseContext Encapsulates the HTTP request so as to display a table filter.

Exception Summary

Package com.softwareag.mdm.ui Description

Provides the capability to create specific user interface components that are integrated within webMethods Master Data Manager.






(report a bug)
webMethods MDM 4.2.8 [0558]
Copyright Software AG 2000-2007. All rights reserved.