Class UIResponseContext

  extended bycom.softwareag.mdm.ui.UIContext
      extended bycom.softwareag.mdm.ui.UIResponseContext

public class UIResponseContext
extends UIContext

Encapsulates a HTTP response so that a UIBeanEditor is able to generate its part of the DHTML page.

See Also:

Method Summary
 UIResponseContext add_cr(String aString)
          Writes a String to the HTTP output stream and adds a carriage return to the HTML source at the end.
 UIResponseContext add(int integer)
          This writes an int to the HTTP output stream.
 UIResponseContext add(String aString)
          Writes a string to the HTTP output stream.
 void addUIBean(Path aPath, String htmlAttributes)
          The path specified must not refer to an indexed element in its last position.
 void addUIBestMatchingDisplay(Path aPath, UIRenderingMode renderingMode, String htmlAttributes)
 void addUIBestMatchingEditor(Path aPath, String htmlAttributes)
 void addUICheckBox(int index, Path aPath, String htmlAttributes)
 void addUICheckBox(Path aPath, String htmlAttributes)
 void addUICheckBoxGroup(Path aPath, String htmlAttributes)
 void addUICheckBoxGroup(Path aPath, String htmlAttributes, Nomenclature aSpecificNomenclature)
 void addUICheckBoxGroup(Path aPath, String htmlAttributes, String htmlSeparator)
 void addUICheckBoxGroup(Path aPath, String htmlAttributes, String htmlSeparator, Nomenclature aSpecificNomenclature)
 void addUIComplexEditor(Path aPath, String htmlAttributes)
          The path specified must not refer to an indexed element in its last position.
 void addUIDescription(Path aPath)
 void addUIDisplayValue(Path aPath)
 void addUIDropDownBox(Path aPath, String htmlAttributes)
 void addUIDropDownBox(Path aPath, String htmlAttributes, Nomenclature aSpecificNomenclature)
 void addUIDropDownBoxMultiple(Path aPath, String htmlAttributes)
 void addUILabel(Path aPath)
 void addUIOccurrenceEditor(Path aPath, String htmlAttributes)
          The path specified must refer to an indexed element in its last position.
 void addUIPasswordInputField(Path aPath, String htmlAttributes)
 void addUIRadioButton(Path aPath, String htmlAttributes, boolean setCode, boolean setLabel, int index)
 void addUIRadioButtonGroup(Path aPath, String htmlAttributes)
 void addUIRadioButtonGroup(Path aPath, String htmlAttributes, String htmlSeparator)
 void addUITextAreaField(Path aPath, String htmlAttributes)
 void addUITextHiddenInputField(Path aPath, String htmlAttributes)
 void addUITextInputField(Path aPath, String htmlAttributes)
 void addUIValidationMessage(Path aPath)
          Adds the validation message associated with the node specified.
 void doEnsureValueIsDefined()
          Preinstantiates a value on the current node.
 void enableEscapedHtml(boolean enabled)
          Enables temporarily or disables the Escaped HTML stream writing.
 UIRenderingMode getRenderingMode()
          Returns the current rendering mode.
 String getURLForResource(ResourceType aResourceType, String aResourceName)
          Returns the URL of the Web resource specified, in the current module and for the current session locale.
 String getURLForResource(ResourceType aResourceType, String aResourceName, Locale aLocale)
          Returns the URL of the Web resource specified, in the current module (that is, the module of the current adaptation).
 String getURLForResource(String aModuleAliasOrName, ResourceType aResourceType, String aResourceName, Locale aLocale)
          Returns the URL of the Web resource specified.
 ValueContextForValidation getValueContext()
          Returns the validation context of the current node.
 ValueContextForValidation getValueContext(Path aPath)
          Returns the validation context of the node specified.
 boolean isEscapedHtmlEnable()
          Test if output stream is currently escaping HTML .
 UIResponseContext jsBufferAddJavaScriptExpression(String aJavaScriptExpression)
          Adds a javascript expression to javascript writer.
 UIResponseContext jsBufferAddString(String aString)
          Adds a javascript expression to javascript writer.
 UIResponseContext jsBufferEndOfLine()
          Adds an end of line when adding content to javascript writer.
 UIResponseContext jsBufferInitalize()
          Initializes a javascript writer.
 UIResponseContext jsBufferNewLine()
          Continue adding content to javascript writer as a new line of js code
 UIResponseContext jsBufferReenable(boolean isJsBufferWritingModeTemporaryDisabled)
          Ensures javascript buffer writing mode must be re-enabled.
 boolean jsBufferTemporaryDisable()
          Ensures javascript buffer writing mode is temporary disabled.
Methods inherited from class com.softwareag.mdm.ui.UIContext
getLocale, getNode, getNode, getPathInAdaptation, getSession, getValue, getValue, getWebName, getWebNameFor, getWebNameForPath, getWebNameOfParent
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public String getURLForResource(ResourceType aResourceType,
                                String aResourceName)
Returns the URL of the Web resource specified, in the current module and for the current session locale.

See Also:
getURLForResource(ResourceType, String, Locale), UIContext.getLocale()


public String getURLForResource(ResourceType aResourceType,
                                String aResourceName,
                                Locale aLocale)
Returns the URL of the Web resource specified, in the current module (that is, the module of the current adaptation).

UnsupportedOperationException - if the resource type is internal (not accessible from HTTP).


public String getURLForResource(String aModuleAliasOrName,
                                ResourceType aResourceType,
                                String aResourceName,
                                Locale aLocale)
                         throws ModuleNotFoundException
Returns the URL of the Web resource specified.

UnsupportedOperationException - if the resource type is internal (not accessible from HTTP).
ModuleNotFoundException - if the alias or name specified does not correspond to a module.


public ValueContextForValidation getValueContext()
Returns the validation context of the current node.


public ValueContextForValidation getValueContext(Path aPath)
Returns the validation context of the node specified.


public UIResponseContext add(String aString)
Writes a string to the HTTP output stream.


public UIResponseContext add(int integer)
This writes an int to the HTTP output stream.


public UIResponseContext add_cr(String aString)
Writes a String to the HTTP output stream and adds a carriage return to the HTML source at the end. It *does not* do any flush or any Carriage return to the HTML view.


public void addUIBestMatchingEditor(Path aPath,
                                    String htmlAttributes)
aPath - required, location of the target relatively to the current node (for a better reusability, it is advised to use a relative path)
htmlAttributes - optional, the string is added to the attributes of the main HTML component


public void addUIBestMatchingDisplay(Path aPath,
                                     UIRenderingMode renderingMode,
                                     String htmlAttributes)
aPath - required, location of the target relatively to the current node (for a better reusability, it is advised to use a relative path)
htmlAttributes - optional, the string is added to the attributes of the main HTML component


public void addUIDisplayValue(Path aPath)
aPath - required, location of the target relatively to the current node (for a better reusability, it is advised to use a relative path)


public void addUICheckBox(Path aPath,
                          String htmlAttributes)
aPath - required, location of the target relatively to the current node (for a better reusability, it is advised to use a relative path)
htmlAttributes - optional, the string is added to the attributes of the main HTML component


public void addUICheckBox(int index,
                          Path aPath,
                          String htmlAttributes)
aPath - required, location of the target relatively to the current node (for a better reusability, it is advised to use a relative path)
htmlAttributes - optional, the string is added to the attributes of the main HTML component


public void addUICheckBoxGroup(Path aPath,
                               String htmlAttributes)
aPath - required, location of the target relatively to the current node (for a better reusability, it is advised to use a relative path)
htmlAttributes - optional, the string is added to the attributes of the main HTML component


public void addUICheckBoxGroup(Path aPath,
                               String htmlAttributes,
                               String htmlSeparator)
aPath - required, location of the target relatively to the current node (for a better reusability, it is advised to use a relative path)
htmlAttributes - optional, the string is added to the attributes of the main HTML component
htmlSeparator - optional, a specific HTML string as value separator (display inline: space, or in column: <br>)


public void addUICheckBoxGroup(Path aPath,
                               String htmlAttributes,
                               Nomenclature aSpecificNomenclature)
aPath - required, location of the target relatively to the current node (for a better reusability, it is advised to use a relative path)
htmlAttributes - optional, the string is added to the attributes of the main HTML component


public void addUICheckBoxGroup(Path aPath,
                               String htmlAttributes,
                               String htmlSeparator,
                               Nomenclature aSpecificNomenclature)
aPath - required, location of the target relatively to the current node (for a better reusability, it is advised to use a relative path)
htmlAttributes - optional, the string is added to the attributes of the main HTML component
htmlSeparator - optional, a specific HTML string as value separator (display inline: space, or in column: <br>)


public void addUIDropDownBox(Path aPath,
                             String htmlAttributes)
aPath - required, location of the target relatively to the current node (for a better reusability, it is advised to use a relative path)
htmlAttributes - optional, the string is added to the attributes of the main HTML component


public void addUIDropDownBox(Path aPath,
                             String htmlAttributes,
                             Nomenclature aSpecificNomenclature)
aPath - required, location of the target relatively to the current node (for a better reusability, it is advised to use a relative path)
htmlAttributes - optional, the string is added to the attributes of the main HTML component


public void addUIDropDownBoxMultiple(Path aPath,
                                     String htmlAttributes)
aPath - required, location of the target relatively to the current node (for a better reusability, it is advised to use a relative path)
htmlAttributes - optional, the string is added to the attributes of the main HTML component


public void addUILabel(Path aPath)
aPath - required, location of the target relatively to the current node (for a better reusability, it is advised to use a relative path)


public void addUIDescription(Path aPath)
aPath - required, location of the target relatively to the current node (for a better reusability, it is advised to use a relative path)


public void addUIValidationMessage(Path aPath)
Adds the validation message associated with the node specified.

aPath - required, location of the target relatively to the current node (for a better reusability, it is advised to use a relative path)


public void addUIOccurrenceEditor(Path aPath,
                                  String htmlAttributes)
The path specified must refer to an indexed element in its last position. For example: .[0]

aPath - required, location of the target relatively to the current node (for a better reusability, it is advised to use a relative path)
htmlAttributes - optional, the string is added to the attributes of the main HTML component


public void addUIComplexEditor(Path aPath,
                               String htmlAttributes)
The path specified must not refer to an indexed element in its last position.

aPath - required, location of the target relatively to the current node (for a better reusability, it is advised to use a relative path)
htmlAttributes - optional, the string is added to the attributes of the main HTML component


public void addUIBean(Path aPath,
                      String htmlAttributes)
The path specified must not refer to an indexed element in its last position.

aPath - required, location of the target relatively to the current node (for a better reusability, it is advised to use a relative path)
htmlAttributes - optional, the string is added to the attributes of the main HTML component


public void addUIRadioButton(Path aPath,
                             String htmlAttributes,
                             boolean setCode,
                             boolean setLabel,
                             int index)
aPath - required, location of the target relatively to the current node (for a better reusability, it is advised to use a relative path)
htmlAttributes - optional, the string is added to the attributes of the main HTML component


public void addUIRadioButtonGroup(Path aPath,
                                  String htmlAttributes)
aPath - required, location of the target relatively to the current node (for a better reusability, it is advised to use a relative path)
htmlAttributes - optional, the string is added to the attributes of the main HTML component


public void addUIRadioButtonGroup(Path aPath,
                                  String htmlAttributes,
                                  String htmlSeparator)
aPath - required, location of the target relatively to the current node (for a better reusability, it is advised to use a relative path)
htmlAttributes - optional, the string is added to the attributes of the main HTML component
htmlSeparator - optional, a specific HTML string as value separator (display inline: space, or in column: <br>)


public void addUITextAreaField(Path aPath,
                               String htmlAttributes)
aPath - required, location of the target relatively to the current node (for a better reusability, it is advised to use a relative path)
htmlAttributes - optional, the string is added to the attributes of the main HTML component


public void addUITextInputField(Path aPath,
                                String htmlAttributes)
aPath - required, location of the target relatively to the current node (for a better reusability, it is advised to use a relative path)
htmlAttributes - optional, the string is added to the attributes of the main HTML component


public void addUIPasswordInputField(Path aPath,
                                    String htmlAttributes)
aPath - required, location of the target relatively to the current node (for a better reusability, it is advised to use a relative path)
htmlAttributes - optional, the string is added to the attributes of the main HTML component


public void addUITextHiddenInputField(Path aPath,
                                      String htmlAttributes)
aPath - required, location of the target relatively to the current node (for a better reusability, it is advised to use a relative path)
htmlAttributes - optional, the string is added to the attributes of the main HTML component


public UIResponseContext jsBufferAddJavaScriptExpression(String aJavaScriptExpression)
Adds a javascript expression to javascript writer.


public UIResponseContext jsBufferAddString(String aString)
Adds a javascript expression to javascript writer.


public UIResponseContext jsBufferEndOfLine()
Adds an end of line when adding content to javascript writer.


public UIResponseContext jsBufferInitalize()
Initializes a javascript writer.


public UIResponseContext jsBufferNewLine()
Continue adding content to javascript writer as a new line of js code


public UIResponseContext jsBufferReenable(boolean isJsBufferWritingModeTemporaryDisabled)
Ensures javascript buffer writing mode must be re-enabled.

The boolean argument must be the result of a previous call to method jsBufferTemporaryDisable().

See Also:
jsBufferTemporaryDisable(), jsBufferNewLine()


public boolean jsBufferTemporaryDisable()
Ensures javascript buffer writing mode is temporary disabled.

Returns true if current mode was writting javascript buffer.

See Also:
jsBufferNewLine(), jsBufferReenable(boolean)


public void doEnsureValueIsDefined()
Preinstantiates a value on the current node. This is needed for generating the user interface with adequate default values and structure.


public void enableEscapedHtml(boolean enabled)
Enables temporarily or disables the Escaped HTML stream writing.

See Also:


public boolean isEscapedHtmlEnable()
Test if output stream is currently escaping HTML .

See Also:


public UIRenderingMode getRenderingMode()
Returns the current rendering mode.

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webMethods MDM 4.2.8 [0558]
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