webMethods Dynamic Business Orchestrator 10.3 | Monitoring Process Instances | Controlling Process Steps
Controlling Process Steps
Cancelling a Process Step
Restarting a Process Step
Skipping a Process Step
Playing a Paused Process Step
Playing a Process Step
Injecting a Process
Setting or Removing Breakpoints for Process Steps
Process Step Statuses
In the webMethods Business Console web user interface you can apply certain actions to a process step that is in a non-terminal state. Non-terminal state step status includes Running, Failed, Paused, Waiting and Redirected. Depending on the current status of the process step, different actions are available for that step.
You can apply actions to a process step from the following sources:
*The Actions menu of a process instance.
*The Process Diagram, by clicking the desired step.
*The Step Summary, by clicking on the down arrow on the Actions column.
You can edit or view the pipeline data of a step. Editing the pipeline data of a step is prompted when executing a step action that permits pipeline data editing. You can view the pipeline data of a step in read-only format from the Step Summary, by clicking View Pipeline for the desired step. Viewing of the pipeline is available for processes that are in a non-terminal state and for steps in that process that are in a terminal state, for example, completed.
Note: Business Console displays only valid actions for the process step. When the current status of the process step does not permit any actions, no valid actions are displayed in the drop-down menu.

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