webMethods Dynamic Business Orchestrator 10.3 | Monitoring Process Instances | Controlling Process Steps | Setting or Removing Breakpoints for Process Steps
Setting or Removing Breakpoints for Process Steps
You can set breakpoint on one or more process steps to intervene in the process before the step executes. You can set and remove breakpoints for steps of a non-terminal process instance at runtime in the Business Console user interface.
Breakpoints apply only when the step is pending execution. Setting breakpoints on steps that are already completed does not have any effect.
Breakpoints cause execution to pause before the step actually runs, not after.
* To set or remove a breakpoint on a process step
1. In Business Console, on the Processes tab, click a process instance with status Running or Needs-Attention.
2. In the Process Diagram panel, select the step.
3. From the actions menu, select Set breakpoint or Remove breakpoint.
When the process instance execution reaches a breakpoint, the corresponding step is not executed and the step status is set to Paused. The status of the process instance is set to Needs-Attention.

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