webMethods Dynamic Business Orchestrator 10.3 | Monitoring Process Instances | Controlling Process Steps | Injecting a Process
Injecting a Process
You can dynamically inject processes in a non-terminal process instance containing a paused or failed process step. When injecting a process from a paused step, you have the following options:
*Continue - after injecting the process, the process instance continues execution.
*Pause on return - the process instance remains with Needs-Attention status, and the step remains with Paused status, for further user interaction.
Note: Multiple process injections are allowed.
* To inject a process:
1. In Business Console, on the Processes tab, select a process instance.
2. In the process instance details window, click the Actions drop-down menu.
3. Click Inject process.
Note: You can also click a paused or failed step on the step diagram and click Inject process.
4. Select the process step to inject process.
5. Click Select process.
6. Select the process to inject.
7. When injecting from a paused step, select the Play paused step after injecting process? checkbox if you want to resume the paused step after the injected process returns control to this process instance.
Note: This option is not available on failed step.
8. Click Edit Input.
9. From the drop-down menu, select the data to use with process injection.
10. Click Inject.

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