webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Adding Assets for Repository-Based Deployment | Resolving Dependencies | Resolving Dependencies Automatically
Resolving Dependencies Automatically
Perform the following procedure to set Deployer to resolve dependencies automatically.
* To set Deployer to resolve dependencies automatically
1. In the Unresolved Dependencies column for the deployment set, click Check.
Deployer displays the Unresolved Dependencies page.
2. Click one of the following:
Auto resolve by Composite
Deployer automatically resolves all the unresolved dependencies for the composite in the deployment set. Deployer checks for the dependencies in the repository. If the dependent composites are available in the repository, Deployer adds the composites to the deployment set.
If the referenced composites are not available in the repository, Deployer cannot add the composites to the deployment set. You can then choose to ignore the missing dependencies.
Auto resolve by Asset
Deployer automatically resolves the partial addition of composite at the asset level. For example, if AssetA is dependent on AssetB in CompositeB, then Deployer adds only AssetB, instead of the entire composite (CompositeB).
If the referenced assets are not available in the repository, Deployer cannot add the composites to the deployment set. You can then choose to ignore the missing dependencies.
Deployer lists the missing dependencies on the Missing Dependencies page when you click Check in the Unresolved Dependencies column. You cannot add missing dependencies to the deployment set.
3. To set Deployer to ignore the missing dependencies perform the following:
a. Click Ignore Missing Dependencies (Project Level).
b. Click Apply.
4. Click Save.

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